Page 8 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUly 26, 2024 20th Annual Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival Draws Millions Canadian Bouchard wins First Place, People’s Choice for sculpture “Blend in” By Neil Zolot U nlike last year, the weather was ideal for the 20th Annual Revere Beach Sand Sculpting Festival from Friday, July 19–Sunday, July 21, which, no doubt, drew a million visitors. Revere Beach Partnership Vice President Adrienne Sacco-Maguire called Saturday, July 20, the day of the awards ceremony in a sculptors’ competition “a perfect day. What could be better than being on Revere Beach on a day like today?” Revere Police Lieutenant Rob- LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PROBATE COURT ESSEX, ss. Docket No. ES24E0052PP PROBATE COURT To Gerly Adrien of SAUGUS in the County of ESSEX, David Lindsey, Jr. of MEDFORD County of MIDDLESEX and Churchill Mortgage Corporation, having a place of business in Brentwood in the State of Tennessee and to all other persons interested. A petition has been presented to said Court by Marie Adrien of SAUGUS in the County of ESSEX, representing that she hold as tenants an undivided part or share of certain land lying in SAUGUS in said County of ESSEX and briefly described as follows: Property Address: 10 Sim Road, Saugus, MA 01906 THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN SAUGUS, IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX AND SAID COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SOUTHWESTERLY BY THE NORTHEASTERLY CURVING LINE OF SIM ROAD ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET; NORTHERLY BY LOT 26, AS SHOWN ON PLAN HEREINAFTER MENTIONED, ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE AND 39/100 (139.39) FEET; NORTHEASTERLY BY LOT 8, AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAN, EIGHTY-NINE AND 76/100 (89.76) FEET; SOUTHEASTERLY BY LOT 13, AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAN, EIGHTY-THREE AND 92/100 (83.92) FEET; AND SOUTHWESTERLY BY LOT 19, AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAN, SIXTY-NINE AND 04/100 (69.04) FEET. ALL OF SAID BOUNDARIES HAVE BEEN DETERMINED BY THE COURT TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN UPON PLAN NUMBERED 19261-G, DRAWN BY CARTER & TOWERS ENGINEERING CORP., SURVEYORS, DATED DECEMBER 15, 1976, AS MODIFIED AND APPROVED BY THE COURT, FILED WITH CERTIFICATE OF TITLE #47097 IN SAID REGISTRY, AND THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED LAND IS SHOWN AS LOT 27, SHEET 2, ONTHE LAST MENTIONED PLAN. THERE IS APPURTENANT TO THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED LAND THE RIGHT TO USE CURTIS STREET IN COMMON WITH OTHERS ENTITLED THERETO. Also another certain parcel of land, together with the building thereon, situated in Saugus, Essex, County, Massachusetts, shown as Lot 29B on Land Court “plan of Land 19261H, Morton Avenue and Sim Road, Saugus, Mass.”, prepared for Stephen and Gail Carraggi by Otte & Dwyer, Inc., Land Surveyors dated September 19, 1996 with Certificate of Title No. 51796. Said lot 29B is shown as Lot 34 on Land Court Plan 19261-K with Certificate of Title No. 70623. setting forth that he/she desires that all of said land may be sold at private sale for not less than NINE HUNDRED TEN-THOUSAND ($910,000.00) dollars and praying that partition may be made of all the land aforesaid according to law, and to that end that a commissioner be appointed to make such partition and be ordered to make sale and conveyance of all, or any part of said land which the Court finds cannot be advantageously divided either at private sale or public auction, and be ordered to distribute the net proceeds thereof. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Salem before ten o’clock in the forenoon on the FIFTH day of AUGUST, 2024 the return day of this citation. Witness, FRANCES M GIORDANO, Esquire, First Judge of said Court this Twenty-fifth day of June 2024. PAMELA CASEY O’BRIEN REGISTER OF PROBATE July 19, 26, August 2, 2024 HE’S NUMBER ONE: Canadian sand sculptor Jobi Bouchard, shown at left with his winning medals, created “Blend In,” (shown at right) which won first place at the 20th Annual Revere Beach Sand Sculpting Competition on Saturday. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) before and was back with “Say More.” “I love this event; it’s one of my favorites,” she said. “There’s a strong community vibe and great sand.” Veteran entrant Deborah Barpetition between what co-organizer Melineige Beauregard of Broken Glass Sand Sculptures of Hawaii described as “some of the best of the best” sand sculptors in the world. Jonathan “Jobi” Bouchard of Quebec won the top prize from judges for “Blend In,” as well as the People’s Choice and the opinion of the sculptors themselves. “I thought I had a good chance, but you never know,” he said. “It’s hard to judge art.” “It’s an impossible task to judge art because it’s an expression of feeling,” Beauregard agreed. Among other sculptors was Ndricim “Jimmy” Bejko – originally from Albania and now living in East Boston – one of the new sculptors this year. His piece was “Let’s Take a Selfie.” A longtime clay sculptor, he had applied for entry before, but was told he needed more experience with sand. Works shown at the Topsfield Fair, among other places, led to him being accepted. “It’s going great,” he said. “The most talented sand sculptors in the world are here.” Morgan Rudluff of San Francisco has competed in Revere rett-Cutulle of Saugus was also one of the sculptors with “A Butterfly’s Playground.” “The festival is a wonderful thing,” she feels. Her daughter, Talia, sang the National Anthem at the awards ceremony. Sand sculpting is a unique art form and the sculptors have become a close-knit group. “With people competing at this level, we’ve known each other for years,” Rudluff said. “We are a family and it’s fun and a challenge to compete with such a talented group.” Among the people enjoying the day were Kevin Beaudry of Leominster and his children Charles, Jayne and Patty. “I used to work in the area, so I knew about it,” he said. “There’s a lot of good work here.” His cousin Jordyn Fontaine drove up from Connecticut to visit the family and see the sand sculptures. “This is the second year I’ve come and it’s awesome,” she said. Richard Marasco of Wilmington heard about the event on the radio and came over with his daughter Katie and grandson Milo, also from WilmingSAND SCULPTING | SEE PAGE 15 ert Impemba said the festival attracted “a good crowd with a lot of families. It’s similar to past years.” The theme for the festival was its two-decade anniversary, hence the birthday cake sculpture that served as its centerpiece. The festival is also a com

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