Page 6 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUly 26, 2024 An Advocate Book Review Michael Maruzzi’s “Walking is Overrated” is a poignant memoir of an inspiring, persevering, triumphant man January 16, 1987, he recalls By Joanie Allbee M ultitalented Saugonian Michael Maruzzi penned a fi ve star Memoir with his book “Walking is Overrated.” “Walking is Overrated” is an immersion into Michael’s life. Michael gracefully gives you his shoes to step into. At times they are fi lled with soul cutting rocks, sometimes fl uff y feathers with soothing balms of hope to ease the chafi ng. On page one, Michael asks, “How did I get here? A summertime that started with such joy and promise quickly reversed course and turned my life upside down.” Michael tells his heartwarming Memoir of great triumph. Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? For more info, call (857) 249-7882 scoring a goal for his hockey team then halfway through the game as he went for the puck his foot got caught and he hit his head on a board and he fell backward. He was unable to get up and that night he was left with a broken vertebra at C5 and he became a quadriplegic. Michael states, “Before my accident, I don’t think I could even spell the word ‘quadriplegic,’ let alone imagine being one.” With a unique style of humor in this 115 page book published by Covenant Books (2023), Michael shares his journey of overcoming and adapting. (A copy of “Walking is Overrated” can be purchased at Amazon for $10.51.) Michael sums up much of his attitude in “My life is made up of moments, good and bad. Each moment linked together has shaped the course of my life. Living as a quadriplegic, I have learned that, so often , we hold on to the past instead of focusCelebrating Our 52nd Year Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! MAJOR BRANDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES! Singles * Tins Green Label Sale Buy 2 Cigars, Get One FREE! Starting at $18.95 * Bundles * Boxes Many Types Starting at $49.95 Starting at $95.95 * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES HOURS: OPEN DAILY, MON. - SAT., 9 AM - 7 PM / SUN., 9 AM - 6 PM Humidor Specials! Starting as LOW as $99. Complete with Accessories R.Y.O. TOBACCO & TUBES ON SALE! WE MAKE HOUSE KEYS! A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 Chris 2024 HONORING A SAUGUS AUTHOR: The photo is of a sketch Joanie Allbee – known as “The Sketch Artist” – did of Arlene and Michael Maruzzi, a Saugus luminary spotlighted for the “Guess Who Got sketched Contest last year. (Courtesy Photo of Joanie Allbee) ing on the most important moment: the next one.” With chapter titles such as “Waking Up to the Most Beautiful Blue Eyes,” Cupid defi nitely struck! Michael glows with “Arlene’s beautiful blue eyes had drawn me in, but the comfort we found in each other gave us courage to open our hearts.” They were married in June 2015. Mr. Maruzzi comes to terms with his life in the words “The cherry red Mercedes I once dreamed of has been replaced by my shiny blue wheelchair, and that is okay. It seems to me that after enduring something challenging, simple moments become more gratifying.” The Japanese art of Kintsugi comes to mind as I read this book. A broken vessel becomes far more valuable as gold threads are woven throughout the structure, strengthening it and making it profoundASKS | FROM PAGE 3 eighth year of camp: “Improving my stamina in running and my distance in throws. It’s a great way to make new friends and learn new skills.” What did the parents say about track camp benefi ts? David Hobbs, father of Leo ly a statelier piece of art, such as Michael’s life. Michael went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at Boston University – becoming a highly popular Saugus High School Teacher. Michael’s a vessel of great worth showering out all he has to assist and help bring others to greater understanding with his wife Arlene by his side. After a long, fulfi lling career, Michael still pours out his cup as an online Teacher. Having read Michael Maruzzi’s “Walking is Overrated” book a few times, I would encourage others to pick it up if they are looking for an honest, poignant memoir of an inspiring, persevering, triumphant man. Saugus class of 1987 Author Michael spends time in Florida with his wife Arlene. He comes up to his hometown to share Holidays with his proud parents, Diane and Bob Maruzzi. and Tye Hobbs: “I think it’s an amazing program. Coach T. does a great job with understanding what each kid needs and establishing individual goals for them. He seems like a really good man. You can honestly tell that he cares about the kids. This camp provides ASKS | SEE PAGE 11

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