THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUly 26, 2024 Page 11 ASKS | FROM PAGE 6 a good space for these kids to have some healthy fun and get the energy out.” What did the coaches say? Chris Tarantino, also known as “Coach T.,” is the heart and soul of the track camp. “It was truly a collective effort by all – the coaches, counselors, parents and alumni – to make it a first-rate experience for all of the campers: the 57 who participated in the program, the 44 who went down to Cranston, Rhode Island, to compete in the Summer Showdown. They represented 38 families. We had the most entries in the Summer Showdown and we finished second out of the 15 teams that competed. Kenny Okoye, 22, a 2020 Saugus High School graduate who attended Southern Connecticut State University and who has helped out coaching the young athletes in high jumping: “I have competed with Coach T. since age seven. And during the last couple of years, I’ve helped him out as a coach, helping kids with their high jumps. The best thing about this pro40B | FROM PAGE 4 perform a recalculation of our affordable housing percentage, for which I am led to believe we will finally achieve the 10 percent minimum percentage that is required. This will help us avoid future 40B applications. As I said, in a perfect world we wouldn’t have more apartments being built, especially those that aren’t part of a mixed-use project,” he said. “However, if this is what finally gets us to the 10 percent level and allows us to avoid/prevent future 40B projects from coming to town and allows us to target mixed use projects that also include medical and research space in addition to commercial space, it may end up SERINO | FROM PAGE 10 a proud son. “The main difference now from 20 years ago is that there are opportunities to play elsewhere, but more opportunities don’t always mean better opportunities.” Matt also referenced that Saugus sports has a lot of great teams that have had continued success, and it continues today. “Our athletes and coaches have been putting in a lot of hard work over the summer, and are looking to build upon their accomplishgram is the teamwork, the energy that you bring and the way it helps your competitive nature. Coach T. is the reason why I’ve taken an interest in track and am now experiencing the coaching aspect.” Victoria Sparages, 27, a 2016 Saugus High School graduate and a graduate of Westfield State. She now coaches young athletes in the high jump at track camp. “Getting kids involved with track at an early age really helps to develop an interest in the sport. I’ve competed in track in middle school, high school and college. I didn’t know anything about track when I started. I joined the Cross Country team, thinking it was track. Once I got involved with the track camp, I learned a lot under Coach T.” Summer Program Roster 2024 Here is the list of the 57 participants in this year’s Saugus Sachems Track Camp. Their ages are included along with their event and how they finished in last Saturday’s Fourth Annual CLF Summer Showdown in Cranston, R.I. There were 44 athletes who compethaving a true silver lining attached to it.” Selectman Serino said he doesn’t know whether there are any more 40B projects in the pipeline. Selectmen have not received any notification from the state, except for the current application regarding 961-999 Broadway. “However, it is my understanding that since Saugus Ridge was approved behind McDonald’s, that project did add [300 affordable units] towards the town’s affordable housing inventory,” Serino said. He noted that a 40B project is a state housing project governed by MassHousing. Every proposed project before this agency must include 25 percent affordable housing units. All projects must be rements from last year,” he added. “Our community believes in the continued growth and success of our schools and athletics, which is why they voted for the new facilities. I believe we will continue to see the benefits of that decision in years to come.” Getting to know his coaches Upon getting the job. Matt emailed his entire coaching staff, but have only had a chance to talk or meet directly with the fall coaches since their season is right around the corner. He said that there’s ed in the Summer Showdown. Aaron Al-Marayati – 18 – javelin (2nd), discus (4th) Alanah Sullivan – 11 – hurdles (1st), 100m, 200m, long jump (8th) Alena Bruzzese – 13 Alexander Diciero – 8 – hurdles (7th), 400m (5th), javelin (2nd), long jump (8th) Amber Mouhidin – 11 – 400m (6th), long jump (7th), triple jump (2nd) Amelia Clark – 10 – 200m, shot put (7th), long jump, triple jump (1st) Annalisa Ferrrara – 10 – hurdles (1st), 100m (3rd), 200m (2nd), long jump (5th) Ashlyn Michaud – 13 – hammer (1st), shot put (3rd), javelin (2nd), triple jump (1st) Ashton Coviello – 16 Aubrey Viciere – 12 – 100m, hammer (5th), discus (3rd), high jump (1st) Benjamin Belliveau – 9 – 100m, 800m (7th), javelin (5th), high jump Brandon Szloch – 8 – hurdles (3rd), 100m, javelin (1st), long jump (8th) Brayden Giacobbe – 9 – hurdles, hammer (1st), javelin, long jump Carlo Bonito – 6 Chalais Saintil – 17 – disviewed by the Saugus Board of Appeals. Under MGL Chapter 40B, the Technical Assistance Program does administer grants to municipalities for up to $15,000 for the purpose of engaging a third-party consultant to work with the town’s zoning board of appeals in reviewing a proposed project. “Massachusetts state law requires that every community must have at least 10 percent of their total housing units be affordable housing units,” Serino said. “Consequently, if a community has not reached the 10 percent goal, they are susceptible to 40B projects which do not have to abide by a communities local zoning bylaws,” he said. “MassHousing recently cononly one change among the fall coaches, and it’s a significant one, when legendary girls soccer coach Chris Coviello stepped down as head coach of that team last spring. His replacement will be April Martinez, SHS Class of 1990, whose father was soccer coaching great Ted Moriello. Kelly Barressi will be an assistant coach. “My goal is to start meeting with the players over the next few weeks, before the preseason begins. I’ll then sit down with the winter and spring MENTORING YOUNG ATHLETES: Left to right: Coaches Kenny Okoye, Chris Tarantino and Victoria Sparages on Wednesday night at the William L. MacNeill Memorial Track & Field, where participants in the Saugus Sachems Track Camp enjoyed their wrap-up session. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) cus (1st) Charlie Winter – 7 – hurdles (4th), shot put (1st), javelin (2nd), long jump (4th) Chris Santaniello – 11 Connor Waters – 12 – hammer (1st), javelin (5th), discus ducted a site visit at the property, in order to gather information regarding the project. The town was represented at that meeting. Any comments or concerns regarding the project from the town must be submitted to MassHousing by August 2, 2024.” Although 40B projects have to set aside 25 percent of the housing units for affordable housing units, 100 percent of the units do count towards a community’s 10 percent requirement. “As always, my greatest concern is the protection of our residential neighborhoods from aggressive over-development,” Serino said. “I would like to thank the Town Meeting Members who overwhelmingly supported coaches,” said Matt. “I’m a firm believer that if you create a culture where kids want to show up every day and be respectful, while giving 120%, they will work for one another and for the name on the front of the jersey, rather than the back. And that’s the message and goals that I’ll bring up to my coaches. “Although I’m overly familiar with a lot here in Saugus, I’ve been in another district for the last 13 years, so my {personal} goal this year is to learn the needs of our programs, and (2nd) Cora Cottam – 11 – 100m, 200m, long jump, triple jump (3rd) Destiny Okoye – 14 ASKS | SEE PAGE 17 my sponsored zoning changes that would help protect our residential neighborhoods. I will continue to advocate for our abutting residential neighborhoods throughout our community, including this project.” A long process ahead Sweet of LDS Consulting Group, LLC, said that even under the best of circumstances, it would take three and a half to four years before the 40B project becomes a reality. She estimated that it’s a six to eight month process just to obtain a comprehensive permit and proceed with the financing for the project. “The beauty of this project is that we’re going to use a portion of the existing parking garage,” she said. see how I can best help support those needs. I want to get this community excited about athletics. As I previously mentioned, we are all in this together. It has to be a community effort.” Matt Serino practices what he preaches, as he has all three of his daughters in the town’s youth sports programs. Saugus in many respects remains a town made up of close-knit families, and the new athletic director at the high school is determined to maintain that everlasting virtue.

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