THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2022 Page 5 Michael Procopio ’12 joins Salem State University Foundation Board S alem, Mass.— Michael Procopio ’12, of Saugus, was recently appointed to the Salem State University Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors. As the CEO of the Procopio Companies, a construction, development and management company based in Lynnfi eld, Procopio brings almost 20 years of professional experience in strategic planning and investment management to the board of directors. “As an alumnus of Salem State, it’s an honor to have the opportunity to leverage my specifi c fi nancial and leadership skillset in service to the foundation,” Procopio said. “I’m looking forward to helping Salem State advance their mission of aff ordable education to the diverse community of learners that the university serves.” Procopio joined the Procopio Companies in 2003 and is responsible for straCOLLABORATING | FROM PAGE 3 “We have events planned on August 4th and 25th and are working on bringing a national event on September 25th. Here’s a special thanks as well to the Wong Family and the Kowloon Restaurant, as they are always here for our Town,” he said. Saugus Veterans Council Commander Steve Castinetti has been working closely with Moschella to organize the details for the Aug. 4 concert. Castinetti said he hopes to see people and local businesses buy up to 500 tickets for the concert. The general admission price is $25, but the cost will only be $10 for veterans, he said. “I hope that we get a big turnout and the residents of Saugus come out and support the people who have supported you over the years through service in the military,” Castinetti said. “If you can’t come and attend yourself, you can still buy a ticket and support veterans who can’t aff ord to come. We’ll give the ticket to somebody at the Soldiers’ Home. Last year, we took 30 people, including some staff ,” he said. “We hope that people do the same thing on Aug. 25. If you can’t make the concert, buy the ticket and give it to somebody who can’t aff ord to go.” Moschella said the concerts hosted at the Kowloon last year were quite successful, as Michael Procopio tegic planning, growth, corporate leadership, new business development, and operations of the fi rm. Since joining the company, Procopio led the development of more than $900 million in residential and commercial projects, as well as driving the company’s 17x growth in the last decade. In 2019, he was selected as one of two national fi - nalists for the National Assothe VAV sought to raise funds so 10 needy Vietnam Veterans who had never seen “the Wall” could go on a weekend trip to Washington, D.C., last fall to live that experience. “Last year, a former Saugus resident came to see the show and wound up giving $5,000,” Moschella said. “The guy came over and asked if John Cafferty could sign his t-shirt and he would give $5,000. Caff ery spent about 20 minutes with the guy and signed the back of his t-shirt.” VAV and Rockin’ 4 Vets sponciation of Home Builders Multifamily Pillars of the Industry One-to-Watch Award. “I’ve gained incredible real-world experience through my internship at the Procopio Companies—from conducting market research to community outreach and event planning,” said Salem State student, Jobeth Williams ’22. “Michael has created a welcoming environment where I am a valued member of the team.” Procopio’s professional experience will be put to good use on the foundation’s investment committee, which assists the board of directors in overseeing the foundation’s $42 million investment portfolio. The Salem State University Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) (3)?not-for-profi t organization that engages the community, inspires philanthropy and stewards resources to invest in student success. Its?23-memsored a Classic Rock Experience Benefi t Concert, featuring John Caff erty and the Beaver Brown Band at Kowloon. Anyone interested in purchasing tickets for the Aug. 4 concert can contact Steve Castinetti by email (stevecastinetti@comcast.net) or phone at 781-389-3678. Anyone interested in tickets for the Aug. 25 concert can contact Dennis Moschella at 781-316-4486. You may also order tickets for both concerts by calling the Kowloon Restaurant at 781233-0077. ber board of directors?includes alumni and community leaders. In partnership with Salem State University, the foundation engages its community, inspires philanthropy and stewards resources to invest in student success. “Michael brings a wealth of knowledge, connections and tremendous energy to his leadership work at the Salem State University Foundation,” said Cheryl Crounse, executive director of the Salem State University Foundation. “His knowledge of private equity and real estate development will serve the Foundation and its endowment well as we seek to grow the impact we have on the university’s mission, and we are honored that he has chosen to partner with us.”

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