THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUly 7, 2023 Page 15 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 14 Wednesday, July 19, at 3:30 p.m. for a special production of “Peter and the Wolf” by the Storytime Quintet. This program includes live music and storytelling, and it is recommended for ages three and up, with no registration required. Check our online event calendar before heading to the park in case of inclement weather. This program was generously funded by the Saugus Cultural Council. Atlantic White Shark Conservancy: On Monday, July 31, at 9:30 a.m., the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy will visit the Saugus Public Library. The Cape Codbased organization will teach kids about sharks and challenge misconceptions with fun true-or-false questions. Grades K-4; coincides with the Kids’ 2023 Summer Reading Theme, Reading is Jawsome! Teen Summer Reading 2023! Through August 25: Visit our website (sauguspubliclibrary.org) to fill out a book review form for every book you read or listen to over the summer. All books count – fiction, nonfiction, manga, graphic novels, audio books, required reading, etc. One reader will win a $50 gift card to Amazon! The more you read, the better your chance! Tween and Teen Crafts & Snacks! July 14, 28, August 4, 11, 18 and 25; weekly summer crafts Fridays 10-11 a.m. in the Brooks Room; 5th12th grades. No registration necessary; just come by and bring your friends! We will be making bracelets, clay animals, flower prints, earbud holders, wizard wands, mini light sabers and fabric bookmarks and doing some cookie decorating. Adult Coloring Group: Come relax with our continuing Adult Coloring Group. It’s a great opportunity to take time to unwind, be creative and have fun – no experience necessary! We have pencils and coloring pages ready and waiting … see you there! Space is limited; please call 781-231-4168 x 3106 to register. Interested folks should show up on Wednesday, July 12, at 10 a.m. in the Brooks Room on the second floor of the library. Join our Teen Advisory Board: first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Teen Room; fifth grade and up. Meet with the Teen Librarian once a month to talk about what you’d like for programs and materials at the library. Your opinion matters! No registration required. Snacks provided! (sauguspubliclibrary.org – 781-231-4168) Just Sew! Saugonians are welcome to join a monthly sewing class for adults that is held the third Monday of each month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the Saugus Public Library. The class covers basic topics like sewing buttons, hemming clothing and mending torn fabric and will move on to more advanced topics in the coming weeks. This class is free. (See sauguspubliclibrary.org) First Baptist Church presents “Can We Talk…” First Baptist Church Pastor Leroy Mahoney invites troubled people to join others in a special program called “Can We Talk … Community conversations on Trauma and Healing” the first Thursday of every month from 6 to 7 p.m. at Rev. Isaac Mitchell Jr. Fellowship Hall (105 Main St. in Saugus). “Join us as we gather in community to share our stories, thoughts and feelings about whatever you are going through,” Rev. Mahoney states in a written announcement. “As always, it is a safe space to come together in community,” he says. About The Saugus Advocate We welcome press releases, news announcements, freelance articles and courtesy photos from the community. Our deadline is Noon Wednesday. If you have a story idea, an article or photo to submit, please email me at mvoge@comcast.net, or leave a message at 978 6837773. Let us become your hometown newspaper. The Saugus Advocate is available in the Saugus Public Library, the Saugus Senior Center, Saugus Town Hall, local convenience stores and restaurants throughout town. Let’s hear it! Got an idea, passing thought or gripe you would like to share with The Saugus Advocate? I’m always interested in your feedback. It’s been six and a half years since I began work at The Saugus Advocate. I’m always interested in hearing readers’ suggestions for possible stories or good candidates for “The Advocate Asks” interview of the week. Feel free to email me at mvoge@comcast.net. Do you have some interesting views on an issue that you want to express to the community? Submit your idea. If I like it, we can meet for a 15to 20-minute interview over a drink at a local coffee shop. And I’ll buy the coffee or tea. Or, if you prefer to continue practicing social distancing and be interviewed from the safety of your home on the phone or via email, I will provide that option to you as the nation recovers from the Coronavirus crisis. If it’s a nice day, my preferred site for a coffee and interview would be the picnic area of the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site.

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