THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 23, 2023 ~ The Advocate Asks ~ Page 3 Superintendent McMahon’s lawyer discusses his client’s indefinite status, the Open Meeting Law Complaint against the School Committee and what he believes is their unfair treatment of her based on gender (Editor’s Note: School is out for the summer and Saugus Public Schools Superintendent Erin McMahon has been on paid administrative leave for more than five months. The School Committee has said very little about the situation or the investigation into alleged misconduct involving McMahon, who is scheduled to complete her second year of a five-year contract on June 30. For this week’s column, we submitted several questions in email format to Hingham Attorney Michael J. Long, who represents McMahon. In June of 2021, the School Committee approved a five-year contract for McMahon, with a starting salary of $196,000. The superintendent stands to earn close to a million dollars over the life of the contract. It marked the first time in the history of Saugus Public Schools that the School Committee had approved a five-year contract for the leader of the town’s public education system. It was also the first time that the School Committee had hired a woman superintendent. Long answered the following questions submitted last week by Saugus Advocate Editor Mark E. Vogler.) Dear Mr. Vogler, I am responding to your questions about my client, Erin McMahon, Superintendent of the Saugus Public Schools. My answers are in the order of your questions, which have been restated. discuss their concerns. The Committee never initiated its own investigation and deferred the matter to the Town Manager, who has no authority over the Superintendent’s employment or school department. On May 24, 2023, Superintendent McMahon announced to the Committee her intention to return to work on June 5th after more than five months of hearing nothing from the school committee. The Committee’s subsequent vote in an executive session, without notifying McMahon, or allowing her to attend with counsel, violated the Massachusetts Open Meeting law, General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21. 2) Did the superintendent meet in executive session with the School Committee on Jan. 19 prior to the School Committee announcing her paid leave? Superintendent McMahon received a short letter on January 17, 2023, informing her she was the topic in the School Committee’s executive session on January 19, 2023. She was provided no ASKS | SEE PAGE 8 Saugus School Superintendent Erin McMahon has an uncertain future with the town’s School Department. She remains on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation into her alleged misconduct. (Saugus Advocate file photo) 1) What is the latest status of the superintendent? Does she remain on paid leave since Jan. 19, 2023? Did she make any effort to return to work on June 5, or did she comply with the order to stay away from school grounds? The School Committee continues to violate Superintendent McMahon’s contract. When faced with no real choice, the superintendent submitted to a voluntary, good faith administrative leave in January when she was told there may have been a complaint. She believed her contractual rights would be honored, that she would be told the specifics of the issues, and that any issue would be reviewed with her and resolved swiftly. The School Committee has failed to provide any specific complaints in writing, which is a violation of her contract, and have not even met with her to 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com

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