Page 6 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 16, 2023 Celebrating Saugus Heroes of the Pandemic Selectmen take time before meeting to publicly recognize town employees and volunteers who helped the community through the dark days of COViD-19 By Mark E. Vogler S electmen spent the first 18 minutes of Tuesday night’s meeting honoring hometown heroes – town employees and citizen volunteers – who helped Saugus get through two-plus years of COVID-19. They had a table set in the front right corner of the second floor auditorium with dishes and plates of cookies, pastries, brownies and cupcakes, bottles of water, coffee and a dish of pens with a “thank you” tag attached. Many of the major departments who were actively involved in pandemic-related work, essential workers and volunteers who contributed to help the town received citations from selectmen. “To every department, to every employee we thank you,” Selectman Corinne Riley said. “I wish we could have given every one of you a Citation, but Janice [Jarosz] would have resigned,” she quipped, referring to Janice K. Jarosz, the interim clerk of the Board of Selectmen. “If we missed anyone, please know it was an oversight and know this is a personal thank you to you as well. Thank God this pandemic has been declared over, and I hope we never see another one,” she said. Riley conceived the idea of having a special reception before a Board of Selectmen meeting to honor town employees. Those receiving Citations from selectmen, who stood near the lectern in front of the selectmen’s desks, included: The Saugus Health Department: Health Director John Fralick, Lisa DeDomenico, Mary McKenzie, Teresa Riley-Singh, Joseph Tabbi, Laura Vlasuk, Kimberly Politano, Sandy Moynihan and Kim Esakof. The Saugus Board of Health: Chair William Heffernan and members Joia Cicolini, Maria Tamagna, Geraldine Gatchell and Dr. Anthony Bakopolus. Saugus Public School nurses: Erin Ledrew, Pam Acheson, Kerri Hittinger, Jaqi Bogdanski, Robyn Berry, Tara Martin, Cheryl Carucci and Ashley Barry. And a number of different departments and officers: Saugus Public Schools (School Committee Chair Vincent Serino); the Saugus Police Department (Chief Michael Ricciardelli); the Saugus Fire Department (Chief Michael Newbury); Saugus Fire/Emergency Management; all Town Hall employees, including Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree; the Saugus Senior Center (Director Laurie Davis); SCTV; volunteers of the Saugus United Parish Food Pantry; volunteers from Healthy Students/ Healthy Saugus; Department of Public Works (Director Brendan O’Regan). Riley proceeded to read from a prepared statement, highlighting the noble involvement of town employees and citizen volunteers who helped Saugus make the most of a difficult and challenging two-plus years. “In addition to those who were deeply involved, I’d like to mention the Board of Selectmen who supported and worked the driveLeading the praise for town employees and citizen volunteers who gave their all for Saugus during the COVID-19 pandemic were, pictured from left to right, Selectmen Jeffrey Cicolini, Michael Serino, Debra Panetta and Corinne Riley as Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano received a legislative commendation from State Rep. Donald Wong (R-Saugus). (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) by food drop offs at the Senior Center as we needed them, food deliveries to those who couldn’t get out and the saddest part of the pandemic – the vigil we held with the clergy of Saugus to remember those who we lost,” Riley said. “Also, the community and employees that came up with fun and innovative ideas to keep it at the very least, interesting: “• Officers Dominic Montano and Matt Donahue who initiated the ‘Drive by parades’ to children’s homes celebrating birthdays. “• Susan Curry, who started a social media page ‘Teddy Bears in the Window’ so children could drive around and spot ‘Teddy Bears’ in front windows of homes. “• Roxanne Falasca had reached out to Board of SeHEROES | SEE PAGE 22 Taking a bow for their COVID-19 efforts were Saugus Senior Center Director Laurie Davis, Lynette Terrazzano and Joanne Genzale. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) The volunteers from Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus who went up to receive a citation from selectmen were Julie Cicolini, Karen Shiverdecker, Cathy Dever, Loretta Mathiau and Paul Giansiracusa. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler)

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