Page 14 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 16, 2023 Girls’ and boys’ Saugus High basketball teams clinch Northeastern Conference championship Girls’ Basketball team, pictured from left to right: Bottom row: Taylor Deleidi, Madison Botta, Juliana Powers, Ella Castle and Ashlee Escobar; top row: Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano, Head Coach Mark Schruender, Madilyn Femino, Jessica Bremberg, Devany Millerick, Amelia Pappagallo, Ashleigh Moore, Peyton DiBiasio, Ana Silva, Joe Lowe, and Krissy Italiano. By Tara Vocino M embers of the boys’ and girls’ varsity basketball teams earned Northeastern Conference jackets in the Saugus High School gymnasium on Tuesday. Both teams earned a successful season record of 13 wins, 7 losses. Girls’ Junior Co-Captain Ashleigh Moore said coming into the season they thought they’d make it far because of the talent they had despite of not having any senior players. “We stayed dedicated and had a successful year,” Moore said. Girls’ Junior Co-Captain Jessica Bremberg said she is really proud of all that the team accomplished. “I can’t wait to see how far we can go next year,” Bremberg said. Boys’ team, pictured from left to right: Bottom row: Braden Faiella, Ben Tapia-Gately, Jordan Rodriguez, Ryan Shea and Isaiah Rodriguez; top row: Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano, Coach Joe Bertrand, Chris Flynn, Travis Goyetche, Huey Josama, Cam Victor, Danny Zeitz, and Coaches Dan Bertrand and Jack Furey, Boys’ Senior Co-Captain Ben Tapia-Gately said he is proud of everyone, including coaches and players, that through it all they stuck together, although they had their ups and downs. “It’s a huge deal,” Tapia-Gately said. “It took everyone by surprise.” SHS Athletic Director Terri Pillsbury said it’s a momentous occasion, as they typically don’t have two teams that clinch the title. She thanked School Committee member Dennis Gould, who is always at every game, rain or shine, and the coaches for their unwavering support. Girls’ Varsity Basketball Coach Mark Schruender said it’s moments like this that make it worthwhile. “It’s well deserved,” Schruender said. Boys’ Varsity Basketball Coach Joseph Bertrand said moments like this don’t come around very often. “It wasn’t one person,” Bertrand said. “It was all of us.” Jack Walsh, of WIN Waste Innovations, whose organization was one of the sponsors of the jackets, and Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano were there to congratulate the players. Both teams, pictured from left to right: Bottom row: Ella Castle, Ashleen Escobar, Madison Botta, Taylor Deleidi, Juliana Powers, Ashleigh Moore, Ana Silva, Madilyn Femino, Amelia Pappagallo, Peyton DiBiasio, Jessica Bremberg and Devany Millerick; top row: Athletic Director Terri Pillsbury, Coaches Mark Schruender, Joe Bertrand, and Krissy Italiano, Chris Flynn, Coach Joe Lowe, Braden Faiella, Travis Goyetche, Ben Tapia-Gately, Huey Josama, Jordan Rodriguez, Danny Zeitz, Ryan Shea, Cam Victor, Isaiah Rodriguez, Coaches Dan Bertrand and Jack Fury, WIN Waste Innovations staff Jack Walsh and Board of Selectman Chair Anthony Cogliano. GAMING DISTRICT MALDEN GAMING DISTRICT check us out at P www.MaldenGamingDistrict.com Questing, Billiards, Bouldering, e-Sports, VR, Room Escapes, Karaoke and Magic, plus many great restaurants, shops, and breweries all in Malden Center! All-Stars Peyton DiBiasio and Ben Tapia-Gately are shown at Saugus High School on Tuesday. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

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