Page 12 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 16, 2023 SHS Sachems Girls’ Tennis program Honors Players and Coaches at banquet By Tara Vocino S augus High School Girls’ Varsity Tennis gave gifts and trophies to players during Tuesday’s banquet at Polcari’s. Lexi Rais received a senior poster and is shown with Head Coach Guillermo Sepulveda. At left are seniors Mia Klempa-Brown and Wiktoria Biegun; at right are seniors Lexi Rais and Rachel Rivas during Tuesday’s Saugus High School Girls’ Varsity Tennis banquet at Polcari’s. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Coach Guillermo Sepulveda’s Most Valuable Player is CoCaptain Rachel Rivas. Sammi Sarnacchiaro received the Team Spirit Award and is pictured with Coach Guillermo Sepulveda. Wiktoria Biegun received a senior poster and is pictured with Head Coach Guillermo Sepulveda. Coach Guillermo Sepulveda’s Unsung Heroine is Mia KlempaBrown. Most Improved is Evelyne Meas, who is pictured with Coach Guillermo Sepulveda. Incoming captains Madison Casaletto (at left) and Madi Riera with Head Coach Guillermo Sepulveda

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