Page 8 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 14, 2024 ASKS| FROM PAGE 6 Q: What’s the best book you’ve ever read? A: I don’t know. I’ve read so many books. I probably read three books a week. I do like books – mostly mysteries. Q: What time do you get up? A: I wake up at 7 and go back to bed. I get up when I feel like it. Sometimes I don’t get up till 12:30. When you live to be my age and you can’t sleep as long as you want to, what the heck is that? Q: What time do you usually go to bed? A: Around 9 p.m. Q: Except when you watch night baseball games. Right? Red Sox games can go later than 9 o’clock. A: Yeah, sometimes. Q: Do you have somebody to come and clean your apartment? A: Yep. No more housework. Somebody comes in once a week and changes my bed and runs the vacuum around. Q: You still cook for yourself? A: Yes. I get my own meals. I still do all of my cooking. I don’t make roasts, but I cook a nice nutritional meal. I have a big breakfast – Cheerios, strawberries and bananas or canned fruit. And I have a balanced supper – some protein. I like hamburger, mashed potatoes and a vegetable. No coff ee – I don’t drink coff ee – no caff eine. But a libation once in a while. Q: You look pretty good for somebody who is 100. A: I’ve always stayed active and ate well. I want to be at 120 pounds and I am at 120. SWEET SIXTEEN: That’s how old Ruth Smith was when she graduated from Saugus High School in 1941. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) I’m 5’1”. I’ve never really had a weight problem. Q: What are your hobbies? A: Reading, of course. I read lots of books. I enjoy doing crossword puzzles, talking to my neighbors and being sociable. Q: I guess you watch TV? A: Yes. Q: Do you have a favorite TV program? A: “Jeopardy.” I hate to miss that. I get it recorded just in case I have to miss it. I love “Jeopardy.” I think Ken Jennings is doing a good job [as the host]. Q: What about the old guy that did it all those years? A: Alex Trebek. I almost forgot about him. He did it for many years [37 years] and was very good. Q: Are you a Red Sox fan? A: Of course! I watch the Red Sox – but not as much as I did before, when my sister Jean and I would get together. Jean lived upstairs, ANNOUNCEMENT A SPECIAL BIRTHDAY CAKE: This was the cake for Ruth Robertson’s 100th birthday party, which was held on June 6 in the Community Room at Heritage Heights. (Courtesy photo of Joanie Allbee) NINTH IN HER CLASS: Ruth Smith was listed among the top students of her class on the Honor Roll page of her High School Yearbook. (Courtesy to The Saugus Advocate) and she would come down to my apartment and we would watch the game together. We would have a drink and popcorn. She could just put her bathrobe on, come down and watch the TV with me. I was the big sister. We used to have a lot of fun watching the games. It was only a year or so ago that she got sick and had to go into a nursing home. I miss her and the fun we had. Q: Do you have a favorite player? A: No, I like them all. I think they’re all good. Q: Do you watch the Patriots? A: Yes. But you don’t really know who they are with their helmets on, so you don’t get to know the players like in baseball. Q: Were you a Tom Brady REVERE AMERICAN LEGION POST #61 Is reopening soon! We are happy to announce that we have begun taking reservations for our function hall at 249 Broadway, Revere for events after May 20, 2024 For information, please call 781-284-9511 Leave your name and telephone number. fan? A: More or less. He took advantage of his good looks and great health to become successful. Q: Anything still left on your “Bucket List”? A: Not a blessed thing. I got everything. My kids take me out to eat once in a while. I think I get everything I deserve. My family is all good. They care for me. Q: You are listed in the FROM THE 1941 SAUGUS HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK: “Smitty,” as her classmates liked to call her, spent most of her school activities on scholastic-oriented pursuits. (Courtesy to The Saugus Advocate) town’s Street List as a registered voter, a Democrat. Do you still vote? A: Yes. I don’t go out anymore to vote. But they send me the ballot and I vote. Q: Who was your favorite president? A: FDR was probably the best in my time. I think he was a fair president, and I think he was the fi rst one I voted for. Roosevelt did a very good job in trying times. I liked Jimmy Carter, too. He was a nice man and his wife was a very nice person, too. Carter was a giving man. I always voted because my mother and father thought it was a duty for every citizen to vote. I’ve been a lifelong Democrat and have always voted Democrat. Q: I understand that you are a former Florida resident, and you eventually left Florida and returned to Saugus A: I lived 10 years in Florida and I loved it down there. I lived in Dunedin, on Florida’s west coast, north of Clearwater. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to spend a lot of that time with my husband, who died in 1989. Q: Do you still drive? A: I gave it up about five years ago. I worried about the winters. Q: Do you have any heroes? A: No. I never did Q: Do you have any idols that you have looked up to and admired in your lifetime? A: My husband and my father. I thought they were both great. I always looked up to them as people I really admired. Q: As you look back on your life, what are you most proud of? A: Just living day-to-day is an achievement. But my family is what I’m most proud of. No doubt about it. I’ve been very fortunate to have a great family. They are the most important part of my life. We’re all going out to Kowloon’s tonight for supper. All the kids are going to go. My daughter, who I spoke with earlier today, is coming down from Beverly. She’s great. She gets my groceries for me. Q: Any advice that you want to off er to folks who want to live a long life? A: I think everybody should mind their own business and help people when they can. Be kind and try to help people instead of hurting them. I think if everybody minded their own business, it would be a nicer world.

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