Page 16 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 14, 2024 SOUNDS| FROM PAGE 13 JUNE 21: Concert Series: UP ALL NIGHT! – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 26: Bingo Night with DJ TOMMY – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission. JUNE 28: Concert Series: DAVE MACKLIN BAND – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 29: Concert Series: XS BAND – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. For all tickets, call the Kowloon Restaurant at 781-2330077 or visit online at www. kowloonrestaurant.com SAVE Annual Meeting/ Dinner Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment (SAVE) will hold its 51st Annual Meeting & Dinner on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at Polcari’s Restaurant (92 Broadway-Route 1 North, Saugus). Social time starts at 6:30 p.m.; dinner buffet begins at approximately 7:00 p.m. The public is cordially invited and we hope you can join us for the mixed buffet consisting of garden salad, chicken & broccoli penne, cheese ravioli, assorted pizzas, rolls and butter, dessert, coffee and tea. A cash bar will be available. Tickets are $35 per person. Payment can be made by check or Venmo. For a printable copy of the regisYour Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $175 per paper in-town per year or $225 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 tration form, please visit the https://saugussave.wordpress. com website on the “News & Events” page. Please make payment as soon as possible (but no later than Wednesday, June 12) either via mail to SAVE Treasurer, Mary Kinsell, 11 Sunnyside Ave., Saugus, MA 01906, with a check payable to SAVE, Saugus, or make your payment by Venmo to @SAVE-org and complete your forms here: https:// tinyurl.comSAVE6-28. You may also contact Ann at adevlin@ aisle10.net or Mary at Mkinsell@verizon.net or, for further information, please visit our website at http://www. saugussave.org. Please let us know if you are able to join us for a fun and informative evening, as well as a wonderful buffet dinner, as soon as possible. Our guest speaker for the evening, Scott A. Brazis, Saugus’ Solid Waste/Recycling Coordinator, will give a brief update on new initiatives and future plans for the Saugus Recycling/CHaRM Center. Free parking is available on-site, and the facility is accessible for persons with disabilities. Summer track is coming Coach Christopher Tarantino’s popular Summer Track for youths ages five through 18 begins on July 1. The program is scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. at the track outside Belmonte STEAM Academy. Registration will run from June 24-28. Here is the schedule: July 1-5: first formal week. July 8-11: second formal week. July 12, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.: makeup practice (if necessary). July 12, 6 p.m.: pasta dinner at Prince. 10. 10. In June 1844, the YMCA was founded in London; in 1978 what band released a song about the YMCA? 1. 1. June 14 is Flag Day; what is another word for half-staff? 2. 2. What comedian who hosted “You Bet Your Life” said, “I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury”? 3. 3. On June 15, 1864, Arlington National Cemetery was founded; whose Virginia estate was turned into the cemetery? 4. 4. What does COBRA stand for? 5. 5. On June 16, 1911, IBM was founded; what does IBM stand for? 6. 6. What state prison had a casino for inmates? 7. 7. The European village of Ingria in what country has an election with 30 candidates and 46 residents (plus 26 people abroad)? 8. 8. On June 17, 1775, was The Battle of Bunker Hill; which side had way more casualties? 9. 9. The Reinheitsgebot regulates what beverage production in what country? 11. 11. What wall can you see from space? 12. 12. On June 18, 1873, Susan B. Anthony was fined after her conviction for voting; what U.S. president pardoned her posthumously? 13. 13. How many dots does a six-sided die have? 14. 14. UK supermarket chain Tesco is trialing using laser-etched barcodes on what fruit? 15. 15. What planet has been called the “Blue Planet”? July 13, 9 a.m.: in-house meet at Serino Stadium. July 15-18: retrain week. July 20: Summer Showdown, Cranston, R.I. July 24: wrap up. Cost: $250 first year, $200 returning with uniform, $150 if three years or more in summer program; includes pasta dinner, t-shirt, uniform and entry into Summer Showdown. Please note that these programs are not being offered through the town’s Youth & Recreation Department. Please contact Coach Christopher Tarantino directly with questions at 781-854-6778 or christophertarantino24@ gmail.com. CHaRM Center is open The Town of Saugus recently announced that the CHaRM Center is open Wednesday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Residents will be required to buy a $25 Sticker to use the Compost Facilities as well as to recycle hard plastics. The rest of the Facility’s features are free to use for any Saugus resident. Residents are also allowed three TVs or computers/CRT monitors for free per household each year. The Town of Saugus reserves the right to refuse any material if quantity or quality is questionable. The final date the CHaRM Center will be open for the season is December 14. However, the Facility will be open the following winter dates, weather permitting: January 18, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; February 15, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; March 15, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please contact Solid Waste/ Recycling Coordinator Scott 16. 16. On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in a community in what state to announce the Emancipation Proclamation? 17. 17. In what 1800s opera would you find the character Peep-Bo? 18. 18. Claudia Sheinbaum recently became the first female president-elect of what country? 19. 19. How are dulse, kombu and nori similar? 20. 20. On June 20, 1910, what singer/guitarist (known for “Smokestack Lightnin’” and “Spoonful”) with a nickname including the name of an animal was born? A. Brazis at 781-231-4036 with any questions. Brick program for Saugus War Monument The Saugus War Monument Committee, once again, is sponsoring the Buy-A-Brick Program to honor all those who have served their country. If you would like to purchase one in the name of someone who is presently serving or has served, in the memory of a loved one, or just someone from your family, school, etc., the general pricing is $100 for a 4” X 8” brick (three lines) or $200 for an 8” X 8” brick (five lines). Each line is a maximum of 15 characters. The improvement and upkeep of the monument on the corner of Winter and Central Streets rely on the generosity of donors through fundraising. The brick application must be in by Sept. 10 to ensure the bricks will be ready for Veterans Day. Please contact Corinne Riley at 781231-7995 for more information and applications. About The Saugus Advocate We welcome press releases, news announcements, freelance articles and courtesy photos from the community. Our deadline is noon Wednesday. If you have a story idea, an article or photo to submit, please email me at mvoge@comcast.net or leave a message at 978-6837773. Let us become your hometown newspaper. The Saugus Advocate is available in the Saugus Public Library, the Saugus Senior Center, Saugus Town Hall, local convenience stores and restaurants throughout town. ANSWERS 1. 1. Half-mast 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lee’s 4. Groucho Marx Confederate General Robert E. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 5. Corporation 6. 6. Nevada 7. 7. Italy 8. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The British, even though they won the battle 9. Beer in Germany 10. Village People (“Y.M.C.A.”) 11. The Great Wall of China 12. Donald Trump 13. 13. 21 14. 14. Avocadoes 15. 15. Earth 16. 17. 18. 18. Mexico 19. International Business Machines 16. Texas (Galveston) 17. Gilbert & Sullivan’s “The Mikado” 19. They are types of seaweed. 20. 20. Chester Arthur Burnet (Howlin’ Wolf)

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