SAUGUS Your Local News & Sports Online. Subscribe & Scan Here! CAT D Vol. 26, No.24 CAT -FREE- www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday WELCOME, NEW CENTENARIAN! S TE 781-233-4446 Friday, June 14, 2024 Leaping over a legal barrier Land Court ruling paves the way for talks between the town and a company seeking to start a retail pot business By Mark E. Vogler anctuary Medicinals – the lone company out of seven applicants that obtained a special permit (S2) last December from selectmen to locate a retail marijuana dispensary in Saugus – hasn’t done anything since because of a lawsuit fi led by one of its competitors which LEAPING | SEE PAGE 15 HONORING A HERO Keith McDonald, Commander of VFW Post 2346, addressed a gathering of about 30 people who attended the 80th anniversary of Staff Sgt. Arthur DeFranzo’s courageous act that saved fellow soldiers at the expense of his own life 80 years ago Monday on June 10, 1944, following the invasion of Normandy. Please see inside for more photos and the story. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Saugus resident Ruth Robertson says she loves receiving cards, especially the one that family members made for her apartment door to help celebrate her turning 100 last Friday, June 7. This photo was taken a day earlier, just before Ruth went to a birthday party organized for her by the Saugus Housing Authority and residents at Heritage Heights. Please see inside for more photos and this week’s “The Advocate Asks.” (Courtesy photo of Joanie Allbee to The Saugus Advocate) Mid-grade Regular $3.87 3.25 73 59 Over 45 Years of Excellence! Full Service $2.95 Order online at angelosoil.com

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