Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 9, 2023 2023 Saugus High School graduation The principal’s graduation speech By Brendon Sullivan G ood Evening Saugus High School Community, In the event of thunder/ lightning, we will evacuate the field to the complex. Just a note before we begin, we will be taking the issuing Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 of diplomas out of order. We will do that before the student speeches. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 152nd Saugus High School Commencement Ceremony. I want to welcome Town Manager Scott Crabtree, Representative Donald Wong, Representative Jessica Giannino, members of the School Committee, and members of the Board of Selectmen. I would also like to recognize all of the administrators, teachers, and staff members from around the district who have joined us here this evening. I want to thank all the parents, family, and friends who have come to celebrate this important milestone. Finally, I would like to welcome and congratulate the members of the Class of 2023, who we honor here tonight. Graduation ceremonies are a lot of work to put together. Throw in the uncertainty of the weather, and they get even more complicated. This year we set up both the stadium and the gym to be ready for both. I want to take a moment to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this event happen. I want to take a moment to thank everyone from the Town of Saugus, Our 50th Anniversary Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! Chris 2023 * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES R.Y.O. 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I loved playing sports but I was never a dedicated athlete. My social and extracurricular experience in high school was full and some of the best moments of my life. I really didn’t have exceptional dreams other than to get a good job, get married, have children and lead a normal life. Q: Did you have plans of becoming a high school math teacher? ASKS | SEE PAGE 5 --------HUMIDORS ON SALE! STARTING AT $99. COMPLETE! --------Saugus High School Principal Brendon Sullivan (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) SCTV, Jimmy Waldaka, Complete Cleaning, and members of the junior class, for all their hard work. A special thank you to Acting Superintendent Michael Hashem, Steve Napolitana, Leanne Mottola, Jacqui Alongi, Terri Pillsbury, and the Clerical Staff for making this possible. Now, to the Class of 2023. It would be easy to focus on the challenges you have faced as a class. Changing schools and the pandemic provided you with many of those. But, I do not want to dwell on those matters. Rather, I want to focus on something that I believe that is more respective of your class: opportunity. As a class, you did not fixate on the challenges you faced, you found the opportunity in them. When the pandemic closed the schools, you seized the opportunity. You adapted to doing school online, and this will serve you well moving forward in a world where education is increasingly conducted online. You saw things in the world around you that needed to change, and you embraced the opportunity. You formed the Young Feminist Alliance and the Students in Action, and worked for positive change. You joined Student Council, National Honor Society, and Class Government and led important projects around the school and the community to improve life for all of us. For a time many of the things you loved were taken from you, such as athletics and the arts, but when they returned, you embraced them with gusto. You led our athletic teams on the courts, fields, and ice. You wowed audiences on the stage through the performing arts. You brought our brand-new art rooms to life. As you move forward into this next exciting chapter of your life, continue to embrace challenges as opportunities. You have left a wonderful mark on Saugus High School. It is a better school because of you. Continue to go forth and make the world a better place. Congratulations Class of 2023.

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