Page 22 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 9, 2023 ASKS | FROM PAGE 20 two diff erent perspectives.” As much as my physical condition changed as a result of breaking my neck, it is the mental challenges that have had the greatest infl uence on my existence since that fateful day. This was a personal accomplishment that I needed to achieve to get me through a very rough time in my life. It is not written for someone to feel pity for my existence, because I certainly do not! If this can motivate somebody else to find their way through the inevitable challenges of life, then it will be a worthwhile experience for me. And if the book is not that successful, then all of my family and friends will be getting copies for Christmas and birthdays for the next several years. Q: Please talk about your book launch set for June 27 at Kowloon Restaurant. What’s the ticket price and what are some of the causes that a portion of the proceeds will go to? A: Tuesday, June 27th at 6 p.m. at the Kowloon Restaurant. There’s no more appropriate place to have this book launch event. This restaurant has been a part of the community of Saugus for more than 70 years. My life cannot exist without the assistance of others. This community and the people living in it have been major infl uences on the shape of my life – both BC and AC (before chair and after chair). My family and the community of Saugus have given me the opportunity to Hammersmith - Saugus Classic Center Entrance Colonial in much desired Hammersmith Village on a quiet cul-de-sac. 8 inviting rooms, 2.5 baths and two-car garage. Asking $929,000 Paul Coogan Cell: 617-851-5381 Email: paul@bradhutchinson.com COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Happy Spring! H Sandy Juliano Broker/President Open House Sunday, 6/11 from 12-1:30 709 Broadway, Everett, 4 unit $1,350,000. SOLD OVER ASKING! LISTED BY SANDY! Follow Us On: Norma Capuano Parziale 617-590-9143 live a life that I never thought would have been possible 36 years ago. This is a way for me to express my gratitude and celebrate my personal accomplishment. It is going to be an event fi lled with entertainment, emotion and a lot of refl ecting on great times from the past and plans for the future. Q: You are still a young man. Please tell us about your future plans and goals. A: My goal is to make my wife happy every day and spend as much time with our beautiful grandchildren. I would like to use my experiences over the last 36 years to make the future an easier transition and open opportunities for people living with a spinal cord injury. Q: You have said on LinkeLISTED BY NORMA! 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath Ranch, 6 Bridge Street, Tewksbury - $499,900. Call Sandy with questions, 617-448-0854. List Your Home or Apartment With Us! Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 www.jrs-properties.com Joe DiNuzzo 617-680-7610 Rosemarie Ciampi 617-957-9222 dIn that you would like to use your years of experience living as a quadriplegic to support individuals living with a spinal cord injury. Feel free to elaborate. A: I have recently got into politics, something I never imagined. There is legislation that is much needed for people living with disabilities. In fact there are two bills in front of Congress this upcoming session. The fi rst involves making air Denise Matarazzo 617-953-3023 617-294-1041 travel much more accessible. More than 15,000 wheelchairs are damaged each year by airlines. This is not like misplacing somebody’s luggage that can be smoothed over with a voucher and an apology. This legislation will make airlines create accessible air travel with specifi c safety regulations for medical equipment. The other bill involves caretakers and making sure that they are available and can earn a competitive salary. For most of history, people in wheelchairs or anybody with a disability were viewed as a fi nancial burden on society that is unable to contribute much to the economy or community. That is fi nally starting to change and I am grateful to be able to participate in that change. Q: Do you have any hobbies? A: I’ve taken up waterskiing. I guess you could say that a big hobby of mine is food trucks. And that’s why I have my big belly! Q: What is your favorite food? A: Whatever is in front of me. A lot of it has to do with my Italian family and my Italian wife. So, I’m not picky when it comes to food. Q: So, why did you move to Florida? A: I lived in Saugus until I was 45. I loved the town, but I couldn’t handle the winters anymore. I wanted to be warm. Q: Anything else that you would like to share? A: Well, I grew up here and, basically, I was supported through my life as a teacher and student. I want to do something to give back to the community. I want to do something to help somebody else. A newspaper photo included in Michael Maruzzi’s book shows the moment that he went head fi rst, crashing into the boards, suff ering a hockey injury that changed his life forever. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) With a little bit of help, Michael R. Maruzzi gets to enjoy some waterskiing. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate)

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