THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 9, 2023 Page 17 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 16 to a story and/or a photo. Want to serve on the FinCom? Saugus Town Moderator Stephen N. Doherty is seeking volunteers to serve on the Town’s Finance Committee. The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing all financial articles that come before Town Meeting and advising the members on their feasibility. Applicants can send a letter of interest outlining their qualifications to precinct4steve@gmail. com or can mail it to the Saugus Town Clerk’s Office at 298 Central St., Suite 7, Saugus, MA 01906 marked “Attention Town Moderator”. Letters should be submitted by June 30, 2023, for consideration. Our deceased comrades Retired Chaplain LTC Robert Leroe of the Saugus Veterans Council rang the bell during Memorial Day ceremonies in Riverside Cemetery for each of the local veterans who died over the past year while Saugus Veterans Council Commander Steve Castinetti read their names. Those honored included, from the Veterans of Foreign Wars: Stan King, Carmine Moschella, Ken Nadeau and Lawrence Barry, Jr.; from the American Legion: Paul Ciccarelli, Carmine Moschella, Anthony Wangrocki, William St. Clair, Stan King, Arthur Segaloff and Donald J. MacLeod; from the Disabled American Veterans: Paul Ciccarelli, Thaddeus Schirl and Carl Tedder. Cultural Council meets June 13 The Saugus Cultural Council will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, June 13, from 6-7 p.m. in the Brooks Room at the Saugus Public Library (295 Central St.). We will have a brainstorming session on how to increase our community engagement and plan the remainder of the year and start building goals for 2024. All residents are encouraged to come in person and sit in (or join virtually via Google Meets –meet.google.com/rbn-uedsdhn) and ask questions and share ideas. This would also be a great time to ask questions about our grant process or how to become a Council member. Can’t wait until the meeting? Then feel free to reach out to us online at saugusculturalcouncil@gmail.com or on Facebook: facebook.com/SaugusCulturalCouncil. We look forward to continuing to advance and promote the arts and culture for our community. MEG Foundation offers Dedicated Chairs to Families The MEG Foundation Board of Directors is hoping to return former Saugus High School Library chairs, at no charge, which were originally donated to the Saugus High School Library by many families and friends, in their memory. We hope the chairs will find their way back to their loved ones. We have approximately 50 dedicated chairs available to relatives. Please contact Janice Jarosz at 339-222-2178 or Linda Ross at 781-233-4607 for further information. The list includes the following Dedicated Chairs: Aubrey, Flo & Al; Favuzza, Josephine; Barry, Diane; Favuzza, Frank; Biffin, Theodore; Fioravanti, Ann; Blair, James, A.; Franlins, Beatrice T.; Bly, Belden G. Jr.; Gloria & Jackie (59); Borghetti, Joseph; Harrington, Mike; Bourgeois, Eleanor Statuto; Kelley, Maureen; Braid, Robert M.; MacNeil, Bill; Bucchiere, John; McKinney, William; Butler, Laurence; Mekalian Family; Celandes, Wilbur; Jean Henderson; Class of 1938 -Melewski, Roberta; Class of 1941 - Melewski, Sophie; Class of 1947 - Morrison, Mary A.; Class of 1960 - Moschella, Carmen Jr.; Class of 1966 - Moylan, Albert J.; Cogliano, Anthony; O’Connor, Mae & Larry; Colby, Virginia; O’Neil, Nellie; Courant, Barbara Henderson; Parrish, Charles L.; Dahlberg, Frank; Pincess, Abraham; Dahlberg, Frank and Sarah; Polese, Lisa A.; DeSteuben, Albert, Jr.; Saugus High School 2001 – Dewling, Debi Sanders; Secor, John; Diamond, Beverly; Sketchley, John; Fabrizio, Bonnie McHale; Sorenson, Andy; Fabrizio, Kenneth; Steward, Doris; Favuzza, Geraldine; Whyte, Chris. SAVE will hold 50th Annual Meeting on June 28 The Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment (SAVE) will hold its 50th Annual Meeting & Dinner on Wednesday, June 28, at the Continental Restaurant (Route 1 North, Saugus) A social hour begins at 6:30 p.m.; dinner buffet to begin at approximately 7:15 p.m. SAVE was founded in 1973 “to promote a better quality of life in Saugus through environmental concern and action.” Family, friends, community partners, and the public are invited to join us for dinner and a program featuring a look back at our projects, campaigns and successes over the past 50 years of community involvement and passion for our environment. The dinner buffet will consist of garden salad, pasta, chicken and fish entrees, potato, vegetable, rolls and butter, dessert, coffee and tea. A cash bar will be available. Tickets are $30 per person. Please RSVP as soon as possible, but no later than June 19, at https://tinyurl.com/SAVE628 to join us for a fun evening of celebration. For further information, please visit http://www. saugussave.org or contact Ann at adevlin@aisle10.net or Mary at Mkinsell@verizon.net Free parking is available onsite and the facility is ADA-accessible. Attention 2016-18 Saugus High grads The Saugus High School gradTHE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18

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