THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 9, 2023 Page 11 Joseph and Pam Silipigni, parents of the late Alan Silipigni – a member of this year’s graduating class who died in 2019 – received an honorary diploma. A Scholarship was also awarded in his memory. Sachem graduates wait for their diplomas. Acting Superintendent of Schools Michael Hashem and Saugus High School Principal Brendon Sullivan congratulate the graduates. A MORTAR BOARD WITH AN ATTITUDE: A few Saugus High graduates got creative in decorating the tops of their caps at last Friday’s commencement exercises – like this one. Acting Superintendent of Schools Michael Hashem addresses the graduates. Graduates gather in the gym. Two featured speakers – Class President Joshua Farmer and Salutatorian Afnan Tuffaha. Proud family members enjoy the moment. More proud family members Saugus School Committee members, pictured from left to right: John Hatch, Leigh Gerow, Ryan Fisher and Joseph Dennis Gould.

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