THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022 Page 7 Filling leadership voids School Committee elects Serino to serve as chair and Hatch as vice-chair for fi nal 18 months of two-year term By Mark E. Vogler Whittredge, who was the eplacing former School Committee Chair Thomas R. Whittredge was a smooth and orderly transition when the new committee convened for its fi rst meeting Wednesday (May 25) night. Committee members voted 4-0 to elect Vice-Chair Vincent A. Serino to serve the fi nal 18 months as chair and then elected John Hatch on a 4-0 vote to fi ll the leadership void left by Serino vacating his vice-chair seat. It was no surprise, as the R top two vote-getters in local elections usually assume the chair and vice-chair positions, which still requires confi rmation by a committee vote. Serino fi nished second in last fall’s School Committee race with 2,021 — 69 votes behind Whittredge. Hatch finished with the third highest vote total (1,846). “Yes, it respects the will of the voters and puts two very talented, experienced gentlemen in leadership,” School THE NEW CHAIR: Vincent Serino received the support of his School Committee colleagues on Wednesday night (May 25) to serve the fi nal 18 months of his two-year term as chair. He succeeds Thomas Whittredge, who recently resigned to spend more time with his children. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) Committee Member Ryan Fisher told The Saugus Advocate. “We’ve been very fortunate on the leadership front, with Tom Whittredge for two and a half years, and now Vin and John. Leigh brings a whole new perspective to the board, both as an advocate and a NEW SCHOOL COMMITTEE VICE-CHAIR: School Committee Member John Hatch received the unanimous support of his fellow committee members to fill the vacancy in the vice-chair seat previously occupied by Vincent Serino, who was elected as the new chair. (Saugus Advocate fi le photo by Mark E. Vogler) mom. I’m optimistic,” Fisher said. Leigh Gerow — who received 1,593 votes, the sixth highest total in last November’s town elections — fi lls the vacancy left earlier this month by Whittredge’s departure. She participated in her first meeting Wednesday. “A Virtual Open House” Town plans Zoom Meeting on Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan on June 9 T he Town of Saugus has scheduled a special “Virtual Open House” for June 9 via Zoom videoconferencing for town residents and offi cials who would like to learn about the top four climate hazards facing Saugus today and in the future. In addition, the special forum — which town offi cials are calling “A Virtual Open House” — will also give participants a chance to off er their own views on the town’s climate adaptation and resilience plan. They can identify places and spaces they consider important to the community. Residents can share their vision for a resilient future in Saugus by joining in the Virtual Open House on Thursday, June 9, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., according to the town’s Director of Planning and Economic Development, Christopher Reilly. He has been circulating a fl yer on the upcoming meeting. The Town of Saugus received grant funding to complete the Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Action Grant program. The MVP Action Grant supports municipalities in advancing priority climate adaptation actions to address climate change impacts resulting from extreme weather, sea level rise, inland and coastal fl ooding, severe heat and other climate impacts. Town offi cials say the Saugus Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan will Assess risk and vulnerability due to Saugus’s top hazards (flood, heat, severe storms and drought) Examine and communicate how the impacts of these hazards can be reduced through investment in adaptation Recommend next steps to reduce risk and build resilience in Saugus For more information about the Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan, visit https://www.saugus-ma. gov/planning-and-economic-development/pages/municipal-vulnerability-preparedness-climate-adaption-and To learn more about the MVP program and local climate change data, visit https://resilientma.org/mvp Anyone interested in joining the Town of Saugus for the Virtual Open House needs to register. You can RSVP at https://www. eventbrite.com/e/saugus-climate-adaptation-andresilience-plan-open-housetickets-298152952507 “This free virtual public open house off ers an opportunity to learn about the plan, explore priority risks for Saugus, and help inform steps the community can take to improve quality of life and reduce the impacts of climate change on the community,” Reilly said. The Zoom link and passcode below can be used to join the meeting on June 9 at 6:00 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/ j/89796755411pwd=bkJtVmRqdEl0MnA1Q3UxMFhVWHRPQT09 Meeting ID: 897 9675 5411 Passcode: 409926 top vote-getter in the last two School Committee races, stepped down from the twoyear position to spend more time with his two children after his wife died last Thanksgiving. School Committee Members Fisher (1,807) and Joseph “Dennis” Gould (1,661) fi nished fourth and fi fth in last fall’s voting.  $$ CASH FOR YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR SUV! $$ GET YOUR VEHICLE SUMMER READY!    AC SPECIAL      $99.95            TRADES WELCOMED! $7,995 Easy Financing Available!   2008 BMW 535xi 2006 PONTIAC G6 GTP          TRADES WELCOME! $8,995 (781) 321-8841 • (617) 571-9869 1236 EasternAve • Malden EddiesAutotech.com Vehicle! We Pay Cash For Your

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