Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022 Captain Charles Thomas passes away at age 89 Retired Fire Department By Mark E. Vogler A t the beginning of Tuesday night’s meeting (May 24), selectmen observed a moment of silence in honor of retired Saugus Fire Department Captain Charles “Charlie” C. Thomas, who died earlier in the day. Then each Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 We Sell Sell Cigars Cigars & AccessoriesAccessories R.YR.Y.O..O. TOBACCOBACCO -------------------TUBESTUBES CIGARCIGAR SMOKERSSMOKERS DELIGHT!DELIGHT! 15 Handmade15 Handmade Churchill Size Churchill Size FIFTY YEARS 2022 Happy Father’s Day 1972 Cigars including Cigars including a Cohiba - Long a Cohiba - Long       wrappedwrapped $43.95 $43.95 HUMIDOR SPECIAL!HUMIDOR SPECIAL! $99.95 Complete!$99.95 Complete! Reg. 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Selectman Michael Serino told Cogliano that he knew Charlie “when he was back on the Planning Board with your grandfather.” “He used to have to wake your grandfather up. A great guy. Always friendly. Never said anything bad about anybody,” Serino said. Board of Selectmen ViceChair Debra Panetta called Thomas “Mr. Saugus.” “He was everywhere. He did so much for the town,” Panetta said. Thomas went to work for the Saugus Fire Department on April 20, 1964, and retired on Sept. 8, 1996, completing 32 years and four months of service to the Town of Saugus, according to town records. had kind words to say,” Riley said. “He will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.” Thomas was the husband Charles “Charlie” C. Thomas (Courtesy Photo to The Saugus Advocate) Thomas was a longtime member of the Saugus Knights of Columbus and the Saugus Lions Club. He also enjoyed spending time in his garden and being surrounded by family, according to a local obituary published this week. Selectman Jeffrey Cicolini called Thomas’ death “a huge loss.” He recalled Thomas being a frequent visitor to the Harbormaster’s Office when Cicolini’s dad ran it. Selectman Corinne Riley called Thomas “a wonderFATHER’STHER’S DA DAY IS COMING! IS COMING! Check ourCheck our in-house in-house SPECIALS! SPECIALS! BuyBuy Cigars by theCigars by the Box & SA Box & SAVE!VE! CompetitiveCompetitive prices on all prices on all Brands, Great Brands, Great Selection Selection ful man and a fellow Lion.” “When we spoke, he always of Lois (Hobbs) Thomas. They were married for 66 years. Born in Revere, he was the son of the late Caesar and Josephine (DeVellis) Thomas of Italy. Charles was the father of Charles C. Jr. and his wife Lori of Saugus; Darren Thomas of Peabody; Lisa Lawrence and her husband Bob of Fla.; Pamela Ferreira and her husband Mike of Saugus; and the late Brian Thomas. Charles is also survived by his 10 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. In lieu of fl owers Charlie requested donations to be made to the Saugus Firefi ghters Relief Association @saugusfi rereliefassociation.com or the Saugus Lions Club for eye research. The Bisbee-Porcella Funeral Home (549 Lincoln Ave. in Saugus) is in charge of arrangements. Calling hours are scheduled for Tuesday 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., followed by a funeral mass at Blessed Sacrament Church (14 Summer St. in Saugus) at 10 a.m. Burial will follow at Riverside Cemetery in Saugus. A ZBA dilemma A former board chair with 25 years’ experience lacks the votes to get reappointed to a position he resigned from By Mark E. Vogler F ormer Zoning Board of Appeals Chair Ben Sturniolo, a 25-year veteran of the board, seeks reappointment to the ZBA after resigning earlier this year. But at Tuesday’s (May 24) meeting, selectmen were deadlocked at 2-2 with one abstention on a substitute motion to appoint Sturniolo to fi ll a current vacancy on the board. “Mr. Sturniolo is probably the most experienced Board of Appeals person we’ve had in the last eight decades,” Selectman Jeff rey Cicolini said. But Cicolini cast one of the two votes against reappointing Sturniolo. “I think it sends a bad message,” Cicolini said, referring to recent eff orts to encourage new and less experienced candidates participating in local government. Cicolini instead backed the appointment of ZBA alternate member Robert Northrop, who is interested in becoming a full-time member of the board. That motion failed on a 2-2 vote with one abstention. “I’d hate to see Mr. Northrop get discouraged.” Selectman Michael Serino and Board of Selectmen ViceChair Debra Panetta each supported the substitute motion to reappoint Sturniolo and also voted against the appointment of Northrop. Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano sided with Cicolini on both votes. Selectman Corinne Riley abstained from both votes because her husband, Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member Christopher P. Riley, is a candidate for the ZBA vacancy. Selectmen advertised for applicants to fi ll the ZBA vacancy following Sturniolo’s resignation earlier in the year. “Hello … as you know a few months back I needed to resign my position as Chair of the ZBA, needing to care for two ZBA DILEMMA | SEE PAGE 8

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