Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, MAy 17, 2024 Saugus History A look at the legacy of Edward Pranker By Laura Eisener T he May program of the Saugus Historical Society was about Edward Pranker and his legacy in Saugus. Pranker was an emigrant from England who spent his life manufacturing fabrics. Arriving in 1820, he honed his skills in Danvers and North Andover, Mass., as well as Salem, N.H., before purchasing an abandoned mill on the Saugus River. Together with two partners, his son George Pranker and John 50 The old Pranker’s Mills at the intersection of Elm and Central Streets – part of a long history of manufacturing based on power from the Saugus River. (Photo courtesy of Laura Eisener) Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Armitage, he formed Edward Pranker & Company in 1857. In 1860 they enlarged the original mill and built another across the street because the business was so successful. Like most notable 19th century businessmen, Pranker also became involved in the railroad business, and he was one of the men who helped shape the Saugus Branch Railroad. After his death, the mills continued to be used by a succession of businesses, and still stand as a reminder of when Saugus was the home of many different industries. Ron Wallace has been Ron Wallace, one of the speakers at the recent Saugus Historical Society program, restored the gravestone of Edward Pranker, who died in 1865. (Photo courtesy of Laura Eisener) working on restoring Pranker’s grave in Riverside Cemetery, as he has for some other Saugus historical figures, and his work was the inspiration for this mini symposium. Ron spoke about the work he has been doing as a volunteer, and many of the attendees at the meeting were very interested in his work. Bill Stewart, known as “The Old Sachem” from his history and sports column in The Saugus Advocate, worked in the mill for the summer after he graduated, since he was not yet 18 and not permitted to start the apprenticeship program at General Electric as he wanted. He spoke a bit about his experience in the historic buildings. EDWARD PRANKER | SEE PAGE 16

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