SAUGUS Your Local News & Sports Online. Subscribe & Scan Here! CAT D Vol. 26, No.20 CAT -FREE- www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday A SAUGUS SCHOLAR SHINES A TE 781-233-4446 Friday, May 17, 2024 Town Meeting 2024 Article creating an Ash Landfi ll Closure Committee passes with near-unanimous support during Night Two By Mark E. Vogler t the end of this year’s Annual Town Meeting, town offi cials will begin planning for life after the ash landfi ll near WIN Waste Innovation’s trash-to-energy plant on Route 107. On Monday night during Session 2, members voted 44-0 – with one abstention – to create a fi ve-member Ash Landfi ll Closure Committee within two weeks of this year’s Town Meeting adjourning. “Not having a plan is irresponsible for our town,” Board of Selectmen Chair Debra Panetta told Town Meeting Members before they took their roll MEETING | SEE PAGE 2 POSTHUMOUS HONORS Norine Pasquarello (center), joined by Sheriff Kevin Coppinger, receives The Supreme Sacrifi ce Medal of Honor on behalf of her late son, Essex Sheriff ’s Deputy Anthony Pasquarello, who died in the line of duty on Dec. 9, 2021, from COVID-19. Deputy Pasquarello’s name was added to the National Law Enforcement Offi cers Memorial in Washington, D.C. Please see inside for the story and more photos. (Courtesy Photo to The Saugus Advocate) At last weekend’s commencement exercises at UMass Lowell, Andrew James Whitcomb, of Saugus, received a Chancellor’s Medal for Student Service. Please see inside for more photos and this week’s “The Advocate Asks.” (Courtesy Photo to The Saugus Advocate)) Mid-grade Regular $3.95 3.35 73 68 Over 45 Years of Excellence! Full Service $3.15 Order online at angelosoil.com

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