Page 20 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, MAy 12, 2023 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 19 Bon appétit! TOWN OF SAUGUS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SAUGUS, MASSACHUSETTS 01906 781-231-4030 MAY 25, 2023 AGENDA The SAUGUS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing on THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023 at 7:00 pm, at the TOWN HALL ANNEX, 25 Main Street. The following petitions will be heard. Petitioner, or their representative, must be present at the meeting. 1. On the petition of Igor Fraga and Hanh Truong, owners of the property at 72 Lincoln Ave., (Lot #5, Plan #3013), seeking a special permit to add a dormer to left side of house and a variance for a pre-existing 3’ sideyard setback where 15’ is required and a pre-existing 13.3’ front yard setback where 20’ is required. 2. On the petition of Patrick & Jean Verderico, owners of the property at 486 Main St., (Lot #334, Plan #1034), seeking a special permit to build a 22’ x 28’ garage with breezeway & stairs and a variance for a 2’ sideyard set back where 20’ is required. 3. On the petition of Trunk Space LLC c/o Colonial Traveler Motor Court, Inc., owners of the property at 1737 & 1753 Broadway (Lot #47, Plan #2030 and Lots 29, 601, Plan #2030), seeking a special permit to construct a four story mini-storage facility and variances to: increase the number of allowable building stories, decrease the number of required parking spaces, decrease the number of required loading spaces, non-daylight hours operations, unattended operation and keycode locking operations. Tom Traverse, Chairperson Stephanie Puracchio, Clerk May 05, 12, 2023 What’s happening at the Saugus Public Library For schoolchildren looking for interesting projects and programs to participate in this fall, there’s plenty to do at the Saugus Public Library. There are also some very good programs offered for grownups, too. Join our Teen Advisory Board: First Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Teen Room; fi fth grade and up. Meet with the Teen Librarian once a month to talk about what you’d like for programs and materials at the library. Your opinion matters! No registration required. Snacks provided! (sauguspubliclibrary. org – 781-231-4168) Just Sew! Saugonians are welcome to join a monthly sewing class for adults that is held the third Monday of each month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the Saugus Public Library. The class covers basic topics like sewing buttons, hemming clothing and mending torn fabric and will move on to more advanced topics in the coming weeks. This class is free. (See sauguspubliclibrary.org) Pastel Class at the Library: “Color Your World in Pastels” with Sharon Morley is a fun, handson workshop that novice and experienced artists alike will enjoy! No drawing experience required! Just a wish to explore pastel freely! Participants will have the chance to create a painting using pastels which Sharon will provide. After a short demonstration on the varying ways to use pastels, Sharon will supply each person with pastel paper and soft pastels and they can either work from a still life set up that she will provide or their favorite photograph. Sharon will also touch on how to frame paintings with a focus on archival materials so the work will be well protected. Samples of her works will be on display and questions about any aspect of painting, exhibiting, etc. will be encouraged. Date: Monday May 8, 2023; time: 6–8 p.m.; location: Community Room, Saugus Public Library, 295 Central St.; 781-2314168. There is no charge for this adult program, but registration is required. To register, please see our website Events Calendar at sauguspubliclibrary.org. A neat teen group called Manga & Anime Club: The Manga & Anime Club, from all accounts, is a lot of fun for kids in Grades 6 and up. So, if you are curious, check out the Teen Room. Chat with friends! Make crafts! Try Japanese snacks! Club meetings will continue on Saturdays through May from 10-11 a.m. It will be held on May 13. Please sign up in advance; call 781-231-4168 or stop by the Reference Desk (https://www. sauguspubliclibrary.org/newmanga-anime-club.../); Saugus Public Library, 295 Central St., Saugus Mass. First Baptist Church presents “Can We Talk…” First Baptist Church Pastor Leroy Mahoney invites troubled people to join others in a special program called “Can We Talk … Community conversations on Trauma and Healing” the first Thursday of every month from 6 to 7 p.m. at Rev. Isaac Mitchell Jr. Fellowship Hall (105 Main St. THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 22 American Exterior and Window Corporation Contact us for all of your home improvement projects and necessities Telephone: 617-699-1782 Toll Free: 1-888-744-1756 Email: info@americanexteriorandwindow.com Windows, Siding, Roofing, Carpentry & More! All estimates, consultations or inspections completed by MA licensed supervisors. *Over 50 years experience. *Better Business Bureau Membership. Insured and Registered 1. On May 12, 1820, what English nurse (“Lady with the Lamp”) was born in Florence, Italy? 2. How many bridges does the Amazon River have: 0, 22 or 236? 3. The fi rst credit card was for what company? 4. On May 13, 1941, Chicano rock music pioneer “Ritchie” Valens was born; what is the name of his Mexican folk song cover hit? 5. Until 1951, U.S. coin-operated telephone calls cost how many cents: three, fi ve or 10? 6. May 14 is Mother’s Day; what is the offi cial Mother’s Day fl ower? 7. What game that was originally called Criss-Cross Words only sold 532 in its fi rst year? 8. In what year was the 1st “Oldies But Goodies” collection of rock and roll hits released: 1959, 1964 or 1971? 9. In 1861, what “Fireside Poet,” who died in Cambridge, Mass., wrote in a journal, “The word May is a perfumed word... It means youth, love, song; and all that is beautiful in life”? 10. May 15 is National Chocolate Chip Day; in 1937 in what state did Ruth Graves Wakefi eld cut up a chocolate bar to invent chocolate chip cookies? 11. What is considered the “Greatest Show on Earth” (having 2 million attendees per day): Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Carnival in Venice or Mardi Gras in New Orleans? 12. In the 1932 short “The Music Box” who delivered a piano? 13. In Amsterdam, what method of transport is most commonly stolen? 14. On May 16, 1957, what road in Massachusetts opened? 15. What is cos lettuce also called? 16. What global writing system has 63 characters? 17. On May 17, 1875, what oldest consecutively held thoroughbred horse race in the United States was fi rst run? 18. How many days of rain were there when Noah was on the Ark: 30, 40 or 80? 19. What kind of entertainment involves the cascade, shower and fountain? 20. On May 18, 1980, what mountain in Washington state erupted? Complete Financing Available. No Money Down. ANSWERS 1. Florence Nightingale 2. 0 (The riverbanks are thought too unstable for bridges.) 3. Diner’s Club (in 1950) 4. “La Bamba” 5. 6. Five Carnations 7. Scrabble 8. 1959 9. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 10. Massachusetts (at the Toll House Inn in Whitman) 11. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro 12. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy 13. Bicycle 14. The Massachusetts Turnpike 15. Romaine 16. Braille 17. The Kentucky Derby 18. 40 19. Juggling (basic patterns) 20. Mount St. Helens

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