THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, April 28, 2023 Page 5 OPENING DAY | FROM PAGE 4 during the 2003 Little League World Series run,” said Rick Kasabuski, whose son Joe was a member of the 2003 team. The ceremony ended with nine of the members from the 2003 team taking the field and each one throwing out a ceremonial first ball to a Little League player standing behind home plate. This year’s Little League parade included 15 muscle cars arranged by Guy Moley, a longtime organizer of car shows at community fund-raising events and in parades. All five members of the Saugus Board of Selectmen reminisced about their own personal memories of being a part of the Saugus Little League. Board of Selectmen Vice Chair Debra Panetta wore the red jacket that belonged to her son, Mark, when he played Little League baseball. “This jacket is over 20 years old, but I saved it to wear once a year for the Little League Opening Day Parade,” Panetta said. “Over the last 20 years, I haven’t missed a parade. I have pictures of my daughter and me holding her hand in the parade. They were truly great memories,” she said. Panetta also has special memories of the 2003 season. One of her keepsakes is a $7.50 gift certificate from Kane’s Donuts, which she never used but saved. “These young men really brought the town together. It was so exciting,” she recalled. Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano was a selectman back in 2003 and was a huge booster of the town’s famous Little League team. “I traveled everywhere with them and didn’t miss a game,” Cogliano recalled. “I left a trip on the Cayman Islands to get to Pennsylvania,” he said. Cogliano has plenty of good memories of his own career in the Saugus Little League. He played for the Athletics, a team that was sponsored by A Cogliano Food Mart. “In 1979, we were undefeated and won the championship,” Cogliano said. “I was a catcher and Scott Crabtree’s older brother Alan was a pitcher. And we didn’t lose a game,” he said. Selectman Jeff Cicolini said he played third base and centerfield while playing for the Angels in the Minor League back in 1984. His career as a manager was more remarkable, as his team – the Blue Jays – was undefeated in 2014 and won a championship. Selectman Corinne Riley recalled that her father coached her brother’s team back in the 1960s. Selectman Michael Serino recalled playing left field for the Angels in 1963 when he played Little League baseball in Saugus. Little League President John Benoit said Little League baseball is an activity that should be enjoyed by the entire community. “The big thing to keep in mind is that a lot of people think baseball stops in the Little League,” Benoit said. “But, it really goes on for years as parents coach their kids or their grandkids. Everybody has been involved in the Little League at some point,” he said. The 2003 Little League World Series Team: Mike Scuzzarella, pitcher/shortstop; Mark Sacco, pitcher/first base; Dario Pizzano, outfield; Yano Petruzzelli, third base; Matt Muldoon, pitcher/first base; Joe Kasabuski, pitcher/second base; Tyler Grillo, outfield; Dave Ferreira, outfield; Anthony DiSciscio, outfield; Craig Cole, pitcher/ shortstop; Tyler Calla, catcher; Ryan Bateman, outfield; Manager Rob Rochenski; Coach Rob Calla; Coach Mike Ferreira; and Coach Charlie Bilton.

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