Page 20 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, April 28, 2023 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 19 grams to participate in this fall, there’s plenty to do at the Saugus Public Library. There are some very good programs offered for grownups, too. Join our Teen Advisory Board: first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Teen Room; fifth grade and up. Meet with the Teen Librarian once a month to talk about what you’d like for programs and materials at the library. Your opinion matters! No registration required; snacks provided! (sauguspubliclibrary.org – 781-231-4168) Just Sew! Saugonians are welcome to join a monthly sewing class for adults that is held the third Monday of each month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the Saugus Public Library. The class covers basic topics like sewing buttons, hemming clothing and mending torn fabric and will move on to more advanced topics in the coming weeks. This class is free. (See sauguspubliclibrary.org) Pastel Class at the Library: “Color Your World in Pastels” with Sharon Morley is a fun, hands on workshop that novice and experienced artists alike will enjoy! No drawing experience required! Just a wish to explore pastel freely! Participants will have the chance to create a painting using pastels, which Sharon will provide. After a short demonstration on the varying American Exterior and Window Corporation ways to use pastels, Sharon will supply each person with pastel paper and soft pastels and they can either work from a still life set up, which she will provide, or their favorite photograph. Sharon will also touch on how to frame paintings with a focus on archival materials so the work will be well protected. Date: Monday May 8, 2023; time: 6–8 p.m.; location: Community Room, Saugus Public Library, 295 Central St. (781-2314168). There is no charge for this adult program, but registration is required. To register, please see our website Events Calendar at sauguspubliclibrary.org. A neat teen group called Manga & Anime Club: The Manga & Anime Club, from all accounts, is a lot of fun for kids in Grades 6 and up. So, if you are curious, check out the Teen Room. Chat with friends! Make crafts! Try Japanese snacks! Club meetings will continue on Saturdays through May from 10-11 a.m. It will be held on May 13. Please sign up in advance; call 781-2314168 or stop by the Reference Desk (https://www.sauguspubliclibrary.org/new-manga-animeclub.../) – Saugus Public Library, 295 Central St., Saugus, Mass. First Baptist Church presents “Can We Talk…” First Baptist Church Pastor Leroy Mahoney invites troubled people to join others in a special program called “Can We Talk … Community conversations on Trauma and Healing” on the first Thursday of every month from 6 to 7 p.m. at Rev. Isaac Mitchell Jr. Fellowship Hall (105 Main St. in Saugus). “Join us as we gather in community to share our stories, thoughts and feelings about whatever you are going through,” Rev. Mahoney states in a written announcement. ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ SAUGUS BOARD OF SELECTMEN PUBLIC HEARING Contact us for all of your home improvement projects and necessities Telephone: 617-699-1782 Toll Free: 1-888-744-1756 Email: info@americanexteriorandwindow.com Windows, Siding, Roofing, Carpentry & More! All estimates, consultations or inspections completed by MA licensed supervisors. *Over 50 years experience. *Better Business Bureau Membership. Insured and Registered Complete Financing Available. No Money Down. Notice is hereby given that the Saugus Board of Selectmen will conduct a public hearing on the request of National Grid to locate poles, wires, and fixtures, including the necessary, sustaining, and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way: Broadway (US-1) - Massachusetts Electric Company, d/b/a National Grid to install 1 SO Pole on Broadway (US-1), beginning at a point approximately 1,130 ft. northeast of the centerline of the intersection of Walden Avenue and Broadway. Install new Pole # 2-50 on Broadway (US 1). The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at the Saugus Town Hall auditorium, second floor, 298 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906. Anthony Cogliano, Chairman Janice K. Jarosz, Temp. Clerk April 28, 2023 “As always, it is a safe space to come together in community,” he says. Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus (Editor’s Note: The following info is from an announcement submitted by Julie Cicolini, a member of the Board of Directors for Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus.) Who we are: Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus (HS2) is a nonprofit group of volunteers who are helping to offset food insecurity in households. HS2 provides students/families who enroll in the program a supply of nutritious food for when school lunches and breakfasts are unavailable to them on weekends. How HS2 can help you: HS2 bags are distributed at Saugus Public Schools on Fridays to take home. Bags include such items as peanut butter, canned meals/soups/tuna/vegetables, pasta, fruit cups, cereal, oatmeal, goldfish, pretzels and granola bars. All food is provided to children free of charge. It is our hope these resources will support the health, behavior and achievement of every student who participates. To sign up go here to complete online form: https://forms.gle/gmMGguycSHBdziuE9 Want to partner with us: We would love to partner with organizations, sports teams, youth groups, PTOs, businesses and individuals to assist in feeding students of Saugus. To learn more about how you can partner with us, visit the Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus Facebook THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 20 YARD SALE May 6 & 7 * 9 AM - 3 PM 15 Lewis Lane, Saugus 9. What U.S. state has hosted the summer and winter Olympics? 1. On April 28, 1952, the Allied occupation of what country ended? 2. What is the only inanimate sign in the zodiac? 3. A classic mojito includes what kind of alcohol? 4. April 29 is Duke Ellington Day; “Duke” performed with his jazz orchestra at what club in Harlem? 5. Which is older, Stonehenge or the Colosseum? 6. How are “Citizen Kane,” “His Girl Friday” and “The Front Page” similar? 7. On April 30, 1789, George Washington gave his first inaugural address at Federal Hall in what city? 8. What two U.S. presidents are buried together? 10. In 1897 what catalogue contained the first mention of brownies in print? 11. On May 1, 1931, what skyscraper officially opened? 12. How are stop, drop and roll similar? 13. What food is sometimes called gram or chana? 14. On May 2, 1885, what women’s magazine based in Holyoke, Mass., was first published? 15. The modern sport of field hockey was developed in what country? 16. What are the three “Rs” of education? 17. On May 3, 1978, ARPANET users got an ad thought to be the first of what type of email? 18. What were s’mores originally called? 19. What is the only animal born with horns? 20. On May 4, 1959, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra and the Kingston Trio received some of the first of what award type? ANSWERS 1. Japan 2. Libra (the Scales) 3. Rum 4. The Cotton Club 5. Stonehenge 6. They are movies set in the newspaper industry. 7. NYC 8. John Adams and John Quincy Adams (in a crypt in Quincy, Mass.) 9. California 10. Sears, Roebuck and Co. 11. The Empire State Building 12. They are parts of a fire safety technique to put out a clothing fire. 13. Chickpeas 14. “Good Housekeeping” 15. England (in private schools) 16. “reading, ’riting, and ’rithmetic” 17. Spam 18. Some Mores 19. Giraffe 20. Grammy

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