THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, April 28, 2023 Page 17 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 16 company, the ‘Saugus’ Advertiser has eventually and rightly changed its name, because it no longer performs such a service to the town – to the point at which we did not renew our subscription for 2023 (and they didn’t even bother to question why). However, as they receded more and more from town news service, The Advocate stepped up and began to cover high school sports and other areas of town coverage that had been dropped by them. And when I say The Advocate, I believe I actually mean you – and want to commend you on the thorough job you do, and the inclusive nature of the publication. (And not only that, you don’t charge for it. You should get into Heaven for that alone.) Thanks for all that you do, and best wishes, from all of us at the American Legion Post 210.” Girls Softball Opening Day tomorrow Weather permitting, Opening Day Ceremonies for Saugus Little League Softball is set for tomorrow (Saturday, April 29) from noon to 2 p.m. at the field behind the Belmonte STEAM Academy. Spring Curbside Leaf Collection The Town of Saugus announced that spring curbside leaf collection will take place during the week of May 8. Residents may dispose of leaves curbside on their regularly scheduled collection day, between Monday, May 8 and Friday, May 12. Leaves should be left outside at the curb by 7 a.m. on the appropriate days. Please ensure that leaf containers are physically separated from trash and recycling. Paper leaf bags are the preferred method of leaf disposal. If using barrels, they must be clearly marked with yard waste stickers. Stickers, which are free, may be obtained at Inspectional Services in the lower level of Town Hall at 298 Central St., Saugus. Barrel covers must remain removed so that the leaves are visible. Plastic bags, cardboard boxes, branches, and brush will not be accepted. Please note that separate trucks collect the rubbish, recycling and leaves, so the leaves may be collected at a different time of day. “Missed pick-ups” will not be conducted. Please contact Scott Brazis at 781-2314036 with any questions. Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo. Saugus celebrates Arbor Day today Arbor Day is April 28, and as always the Saugus Tree Committee is working on celebrating this annual holiday. On April 8, three volunteers worked at clearing overgrowth and checking on the tree situation after last year’s drought. The Saugus Tree Committee is hoping Saugus will receive our Tree City USA status again in 2023, and the chairman is working on that application. Although the tree farm site is in an area which may be wetter than ideal for nurturing some tree species, this site does have two necessary features for tree growth: a source of water (there is a faucet and hose) and a high fence to protect sapling trees from deer and vandals. At the tree farm, small trees are nurtured to a size suitable for planting on streets, parks and other public areas in Saugus. Volunteers are needed to help plant trees, weed and water this spring, and a few tree volunteer days will be scheduled. To volunteer or for more information, contact Nancy Prag at nrprag@ gmail.com. Students in several classes are working on posters about the importance of trees for the poster contest, and the Tree Committee hopes to be planting some new trees this year in public areas around town. In 2021, due in part to some grants and donations, a record number of street trees were planted in locations requested by nearby property owners, but the drought in 2022 made extensive tree plantings impractical for that season. Kindergarten registration information Saugus Public Schools announced that Kindergarten registration packets for the 2023-24 school year in the Saugus Public Schools are available. The packets can be picked up at the Veterans Early Learning Center’s main office through Friday, April 28, between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The VELC is located at 39 Hurd Ave. in Saugus. The packet is also available on the Saugus Public Schools’ website. Completed registration packets should be dropped off at the VELC on Wednesday, May 17 or Thursday, May 18 between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Mandatory Kindergarten screenings will be scheduled at this time. The screenings will be held on Wednesday, June 7, and Thursday, June 8, and will last about 20 minutes. There is no deadline for registration; however, they ask that students register by May 19 to allow for staff and program planning. Students must be five years old by Aug. 31, 2023, in order to enter kindergarten in the fall of 2023; there are no exceptions. Saugus moved to a free, allday kindergarten model to better prepare students academically, socially and emotionally. A half-day option is not available. For more information, please contact the Veterans Early Learning Center at 781-231-8166. THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 19

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