Page 6 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022 Easter sunrise service celebrates light over darkness By Tara Vocino A pproximately 10 people attended St. John’s Episcopal Church’s Easter sunrise service in the prayer garden at approximately 6 a.m. on Easter Sunday. “The sunrise service symbolizes the gathering of the disciples at the empty tomb,” St. John’s Episcopal Church Rev. John Beach said. “It was at dawn when they discovered that Jesus had risen.” Rev. Beach added that there is a holiness in considering that moment when the disciples realized that the world had changed. During the serSt. John’s Episcopal Church Rev. John Beach lit the sacred fi re. Parishioners sang a hymn, to birds chirping, during Sunday’s sunrise service at St. John’s Episcopal Church inside the prayer garden. vice, Saugus resident Mary Lou Graham read the resurrection story in Matthew’s Gospel account, and Rev. Beach lit a paschal candle, which represents the risen Christ as a symbol of light dispelling darkness. Graham also prayed for the end of the Ukraine confl ict. Her father, Alex Razumny, was born in Ukraine. From foundation to finish, let’s make it happen.                              419 BROADWAY, EVERETT MA 02149   Member FDIC Member DIF

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