Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022 A letter to the people of Saugus We are planning to have the St. John’s Community Garden again this year … and need your help Dear Friends, G reetings. Once again, this year, St. John’s will be sponsoring our community garden. We are inviting all interested persons to join us in producing vegetables for those who are suffering from food insecurity in Saugus. In particular, we are looking for help in the following ways If you are able to grow a few seedlings in your home, we would like to bring the seeds, soil, pots, and instructions in the next few weeks. We would like to invite any who are available to help for an hour to help us prepare the garden on Friday, May 13th and/or Saturday, May 14th between 9 a.m. and noon. Assist in the planting of crops on Friday, May 27th and/or Saturday, May 28th sometime between 9 and LAST SUMMER’S BOUNTY: Left to right, volunteers Bruce and Judy Maxwell, The Rev. John Beach of St. John’s Episcopal Church and his wife, Denise Bénéteauat, packed a carload of vegetables from the St. John’s Community Garden for a Friday morning delivery to the Saugus United Parish Food Pantry. (Saugus Advocate fi le photo by Tara Vocino) noon. We will be having a brief service of the blessing of the ground on the Friday. Assist for an hour a week in the tending of the crops (weeding and watering) over the course of the summer. Assist in the harvesting of the crops in September and delivering them to the Saugus Food Pantry If you are able to assist, or if you are interested in contributing to the garden, please let me know. I am looking forward to working with you. Phone:774-961-9881 Email: revjbeach@gmail.com Peace, John+ The Rev. John Beach St. John’s Episcopal Church Saugus, Mass. Annual Town Meeting 2022 There are agendas for two meetings posted for May 2 — one for a Special Town Meeting; the other for the Annual Town Meeting By Mark E. Vogler O n paper, it looks like a marathon night for the 50-member Saugus Town Meeting body on May 2. A warrant has already been posted listing 38 articles that will be up for discussion when the Annual Town Meeting convenes at 7:30 p.m. that day. Another warrant detailing 13 other articles has been posted for The Special Town Meeting, which has also been scheduled for that night. The Finance Committee, which canceled its Wednesday (April 20) session this week, will essentially set the agenda for the opening night for any fi nancial coming to the Town Meeting fl oor for discussion, as committee members must review and make recommendations on any articles with fi nancial implications before they can be considered by the Town Meeting. Town offi cials expect that the review process may take place at 7 p.m. next Wednesday (April 27) in the second fl oor conference room at Saugus Town Hall. It’s also possible that the committee could meet on the other nights between now and the opening night of the Annual Town Meeting. The total budget for the 2023 Fiscal year that begins on July 1 is of course, the major order of business that will be transacted at Town Meeting. And that fiscal discussion by Town Meeting members is probably weeks away when the town’s fi nancial offi cials have a better understanding of the anticipated revenues. Highlights of the Annual Town Meeting agenda include articles that would: • See if the Town will vote to authorize the School Department to establish a reserve fund to be utilized in upcoming fi scal years to pay, without further appropriation, for unanticipated or unbudgeted costs of special education, including but not limited to out-of-district tuition or transportation. • See if the Town will amend Section VII of the Saugus Zoning By-Laws to distinguish the MEETING | SEE PAGE 5

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