THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022 Page 17 THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 16 Next weekend, the girls will get to celebrate the opening of their new season on the diamond. The Saugus Softball Little League plans to have their opening ceremony on Saturday, April 30 at 11 a.m. at the Belmonte Field. Here’s to a great season of competitive and COVID-19free baseball for boys and girls this summer. A variety of concerts The Community Room in the Saugus Public Library recently hosted a classical music concert — the fi rst of monthly concerts that Library Director Alan Thibeault hopes the library can schedule throughout the summer. But the upcoming concerts won’t all feature classical music, according to Thibeault. “We have one more classical concert next month, but none planned for a while after that,” he said. “We are partnering with the National Parks Service to sponsor a summer concert series at the Iron Works. But those events will not be classical music-themed.” A yard sale to help the Ukraine people Dmitry and Lana Sevkovich, the Saugus couple who were featured in our April 8 edition for organizing a collection and shipment of clothing and crucial provisions to Ukraine, are planning more projects to help people who have been forced out of their homes by the Russian invasion. “We plan to schedule a yard sale event dedicated to Ukraine,” said Lana, the Russian-born woman whose husband comes from the Republic of Belarus — a country which has supported the invasion. “We’ll be selling t-shirts, bracelets, candles, etc. with Ukraine symbols. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go towards covering the shipping costs for our next humanitarian aid that we plan to collect in mid-May,” she said. “Our yard sale will take place on April 30, 1-4 p.m. at our address on our driveway, 19 Baker St, Saugus.” So, next weekend, one Cliftondale family will be launching another humanitarian project from their home. Stay tuned. Composite site now open The community’s compost site will be open to residents on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The site is located behind the Department of Public Works at 515 Main St. Stickers are required to gain seasonal access to the site. Stickers may be purchased for $25.00 at the Department of Public Works (DPW) located at the Compost Site when making your visit to the Compost Site. The Town of Saugus accepts checks only for payment of the $25.00. No cash will be accepted. Kindly bring a check when visiting. Thank you! Compost site stickers must be permanently placed on the lower left corner of residents’ automobile windshields. Vehicles registered out of state are not permitted. Yard waste must be disposed of in brown compost bags or open containers. The Town will accept grass clippings, leaves and brush. As in years past, no branches or limbs larger than three inches in diameter are permitted. The Town asks all residents to please wear a mask and maintain and respect social distancing from others while visiting the site. Residents may call Lorna Cerbone at the Solid Waste and Recycling Department at 781-231-4036 with questions or for more information. We have a winner! Congratulations to Meghan Bierenbroodspot for making the right identifi cation in last week’s “Guess Who Got Sketched!” Contest. She was one of several readers answering correctly, but she was the only one to have her name picked in a drawing from the green Boston Red Sox cap. Here’s the correct answer, offered by the person who goes by the name of The Sketch Artist: “The answer for last week’s sketch is the beautiful and talented Madison (“Maddie”) Goyetche — an outstanding student-athlete who is in her fi - nal year at Saugus High School! “Maddie is quite the accomplished young woman. This fall, she will be heading off to Nichols College in Dudley, Mass. to play Soccer for her team, the Bisons! Maddie was Co-Captain of the Saugus High School girls’ Soccer Team. She is a National Honor Society member, a Student Council member and Saugus High School Senior Class President! “Her easy-going personality will be greatly missed in Saugus. At Nichols College, Maddie will be such an asset in every aspect of college life. “Throughout the years, Maddie has been quite prominent in our Town’s sports pages. She excels in all of her athletic achievements, from track to soccer as well as a high achiever in academics. “Maddie has strong leadership abilities. She frequently makes herself available to assist others with needs. Through the years, she often volunteered at Saugus United Food Pantry, and various other charities, and rallies to preserve sports. “She has been hailed as ‘a star counselor’ at the Saugus Youth and Recreation Dept. Maddie is known for coaching with a team spirit and lending a hand by assisting the younger students. “Wishing you Much Success in your College Ambitions & achievements. As that old saying goes, “Reach for the moon and you’ll land among the stars’ and you are defi nitely one of the brightest young stars twinkling! “Keep shining brightly! “Yours Truly, “The Sketch Artist” A course in “Critical Thinking for Saugus Seniors” The Saugus Senior Center is pleased to announce a new program offering: “Critical Thinking for Saugus Seniors,” which is scheduled to begin next month. It is well established that engagement in thought and discussion helps promote and maintain good cognitive health. Modern brain research helps prove that engaging in critical thinking skills that include synthesis, analysis, evaluation and judgment can stimulate the brain in a positive way. These cognitive skills will be applied to historical events, literary works and civic dialogue. The fi rst program event will take place on May 18 at 9:30 a.m. It will consist of a showing of the two-hour historical fi lm “Triumph of the Will,” which was produced by Leni Riefenstahl, who was commissioned by Adolf Hitler. After viewing the fi lm, participants will break into teams of four to defend a position, assigned at random, that the fi lm is either propaganda or documentary. Each team will then report their reasoning with supporting evidence to the larger group. Further discussion will take place about contemporary media and the impact of how individuals or events are portrayed. This program will be presented by retired educator Peter Manoogian, who has previously led teams of educators in similar activities at the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s “Writing, Reading and Civic Education” summer program. “Critical Thinking for Saugus Seniors” will be limited to 12 participants per event. —Contest— SKETCH OF THE WEEK But, if there is enough interest among senior citizens, one or more additional classes could be scheduled. To register for the class (admission will be granted to the fi rst 12 seniors to apply), please call 781-231-4178 or drop by the Senior Center at 466 Central St., Saugus. We have two “Shout-Outs”! We received these “ShoutOuts” from our readers this week: From Laura Eisener: I’d like to shout out Charles Zapolski for his willingness to share his wonderful bird pictures. He posts pictures on social media several times a week, especially of the eagles and the ospreys, for everyone in Saugus to enjoy, and has always been very generous with sending pictures when I have asked him for the column (“Saugus Gardens In The Spring”) — he sent me several osprey pictures this week when I asked him, of which I have forwarded my favorite two for this week’s article. From Sue Fleming: I would like to Shout Out to the Belmonte Academy students who stepped up and helped a classmate from choking during lunchtime at school. Heloysa Delima and Yuzref Yusuf stayed calm and showed that they had the courage to step forward in a time of need for Sylaas Vieira. Shout Out also to Fahad Salya, Yuzreef’s Dad for teaching his son the lifesaving technique he used to help his classmate. Another example of people helping people and THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18 GUESS WHO GOT SKETCHED! If you know the right answer, you might win the contest. In this week’s edition, we continue our weekly feature where a local artist sketches people, places and things in Saugus. Got an idea who was sketched this week? If you do, please email me at mvoge@comcast.net or leave a phone message at 978-683-7773. Anyone who between now and Tuesday at noon identifi es the Saugonian sketched in this week’s paper qualifi es to have their name put in a green Boston Red Sox hat with a chance to be selected as the winner of a $10 gift certifi cate, compliments of Dunkin’ in the Food Court at the Saugus Square One Mall. But you have to enter to win! Look for the winner and identifi cation in next week’s “The Sounds of Saugus.” Please leave your mailing address in case you are a winner. (Courtesy illustration to The Saugus Advocate by a Saugonian who goes by the name of “The Sketch Artist”)

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