THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, April 21, 2023 Page 7 Working Toward Zero Waste The SAVE recycling Column W elcome to our fi rst column on moving towards zero waste and green living. Thanks to The Saugus Advocate, SAVE (Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment) will have a column every other week discussing how we can all reduce waste in a wide variety of ways. In addition to tips on recycling, we will see how Saugus residents and organizations are working to protect the planet and to reduce waste in fun and innovative ways. We are all becoming increasingly aware of the unsustainability of our “throw away” and OPENING DAY | FROM PAGE 6 of the field. The bullpen has been cleared and refurbished. The batting cage has been improved and is ready to use. To complete the major overhaul of Grabowski Field, the league planned to cut the infield and outfield grass to its proper “single use” economy and of the vital importance of moving toward zero waste. Whether it is images of wildlife being killed by plastics or of the huge piles of ash looming over our own Rumney Marsh, we can see that a great change is needed—and, indeed, is coming. In December of 2021, the state released its Solid Waste Master Plan with a goal of reducing waste by 30% by 2030 and 90% by the year 2050. As part of this plan, in November 2022, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts added two new items—mattresses and textiles--to the growlength and line the field so it’s ready for the first pitch of the season. Opening Day ceremonies will be held at Grabowski Field, where the 2003 team will be the guests of honor. There will be a food truck, and a DJ will play music to celebrate the start of the season. Beloved Saugus singer Bucky Cole will ing list of items that cannot be placed in our trash and that must be recycled in some way. (For more details, please go to: https://www.mass.gov/ doc/2030-solid-waste-masterplan-working- together-toward-zero-waste/download Many towns and cities in Massachusetts are working toward zero waste as well. Our hope is that this column will help you to navigate the challenges of moving toward zero waste, that it will provide useful and timely information, and that it will also off er inspirational stories about the many creative ways that people in Saugus and surrounding sing the National Anthem and other patriotic numbers. Old School Apparel of Saugus will be selling the sports clothing line for the Saugus Little League during the event. The 2003 World Series team: Ryan Bateman, Tyler Calla, Craig Cole, Anthony DiSciscio, Dave Ferreira, Tyler Grillo, Joe Kasabuski,, communities are meeting the challenges of reducing waste and protecting our shared and precious planet. Here are two easy tips to help you reduce your “trash footprint.” When you have a choice, please choose glass containers over plastic. Glass can be recycled indefinitely. Plastic can only be recycled up to 7 times and often isn’t recycled at all. Finally, try to choose products with the least amount of packaging of any type. SAVE, the “Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment,” is a non-profi t organization with the goal of promotMatt Muldoon, Yano Petruzzelli, Dario Pizzano, Mark Sacco and Mike Scuzzarella. Most of the players are expected to be there, according to league officials. Opening Day fun The Schedule: April 22 (Rain Date is April 23): Players line up at Anna Parker Field – 9:15 a.m. Any ing a better quality of life in Saugus through environmental action. Since 1973, SAVE has supported the preservation of wildlife, water bodies, open spaces, and other natural resources throughout Saugus. Together, SAVE members sponsor educational programs and conservation-oriented events in town, contributing to an informed, caring and engaged community. In support of our local ecosystems, SAVE also seeks to reduce/eliminate pollution and spread awareness about environmental topics. Learn more about SAVE athttps://.saugussave.wordpress.com Saugus resident is welcome to join in the procession to Grabowski Field Parade begins – 10: a.m. Opening Day Ceremony follows after the parade concludes at Grabowski Field at Hurd Avenue. Food Truck & DJ ahead of the first Majors Game at 11:30 a.m.

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