THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 Page 7 ADVOCATE | FROM PAGE 6 Being defeated is not something on my mind, and failure doesn’t bother me. It’s going to be my own personal run — with no crowds, no money, no medals and no mandates. I don’t need an award for running. I just need miles, in this case. I’m not racing for time. I’m racing for miles. Q: What’s been the reaction of people that you are training to run 100 miles on Veterans Day? A: A lot of people think I’m crazy. If you ask people in my community who know me, they’ll say, “He’s got a big heart, but he’s defi nitely nuts.” Q: You plan to run 100 miles in 30 hours or less. That’s an average of 3.3 miles an hour. That’s about my walking speed. UP FOR THE CHALLENGE: U. S. Marine veteran Brandon Montella kept in top physical shape last year at the Bonefrog, the world’s only Navy Seal Obstacle Course Race, which is in Charlemont, Mass. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) A: Yes. That’s not very fast. But speed is not important. It’s being able to go the distance. I’ll have to stop to eat, get off my legs a little and to go to the bathroom. There’s a bunch of people who want to run diff erent pieces of the run with me. Q: What does your wife think of all of this? A: At this point, she’s used to it. She’s not even batting an eyelash. She would probably say if I plan to do it, I’m probably going to do it. She probably thinks I’m crazy, but she supports me 100 percent in my endeavor. Q: Is this the biggest physical challenge of your life? A: Absolutely — 100 percent — and I’ve done some crazy stuff . It’s the toughest physical challenge I’ve taken on at this point in my life. Q: Previously, what was the biggest physical challenge of your life? A: My professional boxing career. Q: Why did you give it up? A: I was looking for something A WEDDING BAND THAT WON’T COME OFF: Brandon Montella doesn’t have to worry about losing his wedding ring. He shows off a tattoo that permanently displays the day he got married — May 23, 2010. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) in boxing — confidence and performing up to my best ability. And I did that. I wanted to go through one of those tough fi ghts that dragged out and tested me to the limits. That happened on Veterans Day 2017. I was on my face twice in the fi rst round, and I came back to stop the kid in the third round. He was a youngster, too — 23 years old. I was 37. I dropped him with a “liver shot.” Technically, the man couldn’t continue the fi ght. And after I won my last fi ght, I collapsed in the ring when it was over. At that moment, I felt I had exercised my demons — and that the monkey was fi nally off of my back. That was Veterans Day [Nov. 11] 2017. There was no way the referee would have been wrong if he stopped that fi ght, because I was knocked down twice in the fi rst round — twice in the fi rst two minutes. Q: So, that’s the reason why FINAL PROFESSIONAL FIGHT: Exhausted, but elated after overcoming two fi rst round knockdowns, Brandon Montella collapsed in the boxing ring after fi nishing his professional boxing career 9-0 on Veterans Day, Nov 11, 2017. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) you plan on doing your next greatest challenge on Veterans Day? A: Yes, because it’s a significant date. I’m a veteran. I boxed my last fi ght on Veterans Day. And Nov. 10 happens to be the birthday of the Marine Corps. Q: Anything else that you would like to share? A: I want people to understand we truly are capable of doing what we envision in life. And I only know this because I’m literally living my own vision. It does take hard work. It does take dedication to the vision and it does take community. That’s why I feel that together we are truly limitless. “Together, we are limitless” — which is my quote from the Mission Ready website. My goal is to run 100 miles and raise $ 100,000 to improve the lives of at-risk youth and under-resourced veterans through fi tness training. We strive to build strength and purpose through the fi tness training that we will off er. J& $46 yd. S Landscape & Masonry Co. MULCH SALE! Discount Spring Special PICK-UP or DELIVERY AVAILABLE 617-389-1490 Premium Hemlock or Pitch Black BELOW WHOLESALE COSTS LANDSCAPERS WELCOME $4 yd. $42 yd. $3 yd.

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