Page 2 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 With the Annual Town Meeting less than a month away, selectmen are making a push for an article that would allow the sale of recreational marijuana Saugus seeking pot sales? By Mark E. Vogler It’s time to cash in on recreational marijuana sales in Saugus — or the town is going to keep losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars of easy money, according to Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano. Lynn, Malden, Melrose and other surrounding communities throughout the region have or are getting retail marijuana shops. “All these towns are reaping the benefi t of 3 percent of the sales that they are getting from these stores and Saugus doesn’t have any,” Cogliano said at Tuesday night’s (April 5) Board of Selectmen’s meeting. “I just think that there’s a ton of money out there that we’re not getting that we could certainly use for diff erent projects around town,” he told his colleagues. Cogliano said he plans to author an article before selectmen close the warrant for this year’s Annual Town MeetLawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 Lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net ing (which convenes on May 2) that would allow retail marijuana shops in town. “It just doesn’t make any sense that we don’t get one of these shops in Saugus,” Cogliano said in an interview this week. “I think we’re missing out on upwards of a million dollars or more for the town by not getting involved in marijuana sales. And we need to do something about it,” he said. Selectmen support pot shops A majority of the selectmen contacted by The Saugus Advocate said they would support the introduction of an article that would permit the sale of recreational marijuana in the town. Selectman Jeffrey Cicolini has already embraced the allowance of retail marijuana shops in Saugus as a positive benefi t for the town. “As I posted on social media in response to ways the town can generate additional sustainable funding, I feel the time is now for the town to reconsider its stance on recreational marijuana,” Cicolini told The Saugus Advocate this week. “When the decision was fi rst made to not allow it, the whole concept was new and really hadn’t been tested locally. Since then, we have seen so many new shops open around us in neighboring communities where they are on the border of Saugus. The issue is the other communities are reaping the benefi ts fi nancially and Saugus gets nothing,” Cicolini said. “We have signifi cant budget issues moving forward with the new vocational school impact, higher tipping fees, increases in utilities and the town needs other forms of revenue and can no longer rely on new growth and the tax levy to maintain level services. I fully support recreational marijuana being allowed in Saugus with an expanded overlay area to defi ne where the shop can be placed.” Selectman Corinne Riley said she agrees that “it’s time” for the town to allow marijuana shops in town. “I’m fi ne with it. It’s a good revenue source. As long as it’s not in the neighborhoods, I have no problem with it,” she said. “I think we’re missing out Banking with a hometown touch. Open a free checking account with no monthly fees, and get access to Mobile Banking, Bill Pay and other features. Because no matter where you go, we’re right by you. 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Right by you. “But where the town votMember FDIC Member DIF ed against it six years ago, I would not support this measure right now. I would have to abide by the people of the community. What I would suggest is put it back on the ballot. And if it passes, I would support it then,” Serino said. “But right now, I’m going to abide by the wishes of the people who voted for it,” he said. Rejected by Saugus voters six years ago In 2016, Saugus voters — by a margin of 53 percent — opposed Question 4, the measure that Massachusetts voters adopted statewide, thus legalizing the sale of commercial marijuana throughout the state. But legislation passed a year later and signed into law by Gov. Charlie Baker allows towns like Saugus that opposed commercial pot sales to “opt out.” Voters statewide approved Question 4 by a 54-percent margin, allowing the possession, use, distribution and cultivation of limited amounts of marijuana by persons age 21 and older. At the Annual Town Meeting of 2018, members voted unanimously without discussion an article that would ban the sale of recreational marijuana. The article amended the town’s zoning by-laws to prohibit “the operation of any marijuana establishment … including, without limitation, a marijuana cultivator, marijuana testing facility, marijuana product manufacturer, marijuana retailer or any other licensed marijuana-related business” in all zoning districts of the town. The prohibition did not apply to the sale, distribution or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes licensed by the state. Cogliano said it will require a two-thirds vote of the 50-member Town Meeting to overturn the 2018 Town Meeting vote that banned the sales of recreational pot in town. “The most shops that I think Saugus would get would be two or possibly three. If we go that route, I think two is plenty,” Cogliano said. “But I don’t want to see it on Cliftondale Square or in Saugus Center or in the neighborhoods. I’d want to see it on Route One where it’s not going to bother anyone,” he said. Cogliano said he thinks the town “made the right move” back in 2018. “Back then, people were wondering what it POT SALES | SEE PAGE 11

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