THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, April 8, 2022 Page 17 SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 16 from 4 to 6 p.m. This is for cats and dogs only. This will take place at the Animal Shelter, at the rear of the DPW Building, 515 Rear Main St. in Saugus. The vaccination costs $10 and can be paid by cash or check only. State Law requires all dog owners to license their dogs. Food pantry seeking driver volunteers The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry seeks volunteers to make food and bread pickups on Thursdays and Fridays, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Anyone who has the time and interest to help out should contact Jeff Hirtle at 781-922-0661. The food pantry operates out of the basement at Cliftondale Congregational Church at 50 Essex st. in Saugus. Friday morning Legion Hall breakfasts are back! Here’s some great news for people who enjoy their Friday morning breakfasts at the Saugus American Legion Cpl. Scott J Procopio Post 210. Legion Hall, located at 44 Taylor Street, recently resumed its Friday breakfasts and will continue through the last Friday in May of 2022.The buffet breakfast is served at 8:00 a.m. for a donation of $7. Bon appetit! And good luck to the Kitchen Crew. Looking for book donations The New Friends of the Saugus Public Library are asking for donations of gently-used adult hardcover and softcover Fiction for the ongoing book sale in the Community Room. They would also appreciate donations of gently-used Children’s Books. Please limit donations at this time to ONLY Fiction and Children’s books; we do not have storage space for other genres or media. Please....clean and newer books only. No tattered pages, bad odors, stains, or dirty covers! Books may be dropped off at the Main Circulation Desk during business hours. Please do not place donations in the outdoor book drops. ture Jumpstart your Financial FuJust starting out? Join the final segment of this virtual four-part program to acquire the skills for long-term financial prosperity and independence. Explore real-world financial situations to build lifelong strategies for budgeting, building credit, saving for retirement, and more. This is a free program for ages 17 – 30. Presented in cooperation with The Babson Financial Literacy Project (BFLP), the Saugus Public Library and several local libraries. See sauguspubliclibrary.org to register for the remaining session. Protecting You and Your Assets Tuesday, April 19, 7-8 p.m. – Jennifer Bethel (presenter) This workshop will help you prepare for the financial challenges ahead. For more information, contact the Saugus Public Library at 295 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906. Or call 781.231.4168 or check out sauguspubliclibrary.org. Want to be a Knight? The Knights of Columbus is looking for new members to join. If interested in becoming a member of this local organization, please call 781-233-9858. Healthy Students-Healthy Sau~LEGAL NOTICE~ SAUGUS BOARD OF SELECTMEN PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Saugus Board of Selectmen will conduct a public hearing on the request of Red Rover # 3 Company LLC, for a Special Permit (S2), to be located at 172 Lynn Fells Parkway, Saugus, MA, 01906. Mark Colleton, General Manager. The Public Hearing will be held on April 19, 2022, at the Saugus Town Hall, second floor auditorium, 298 Central Street at 7:30 PM. Signed: Chairman Anthony Cogliano Janice K. Jarosz, Temp Clerk April 8, 2022 ~LEGAL NOTICE~ SAUGUS BOARD OF SELECTMEN PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Saugus Board of Selectmen will conduct a public hearing on the request of Mr. Rodrigo S. Almeida for a Special Permit (S-2) to open Way of Life BJJ Martial Art School to be located at 999 Broadway, Saugus, MA 01906. The Public Hearing will be held on April 19, 2022, at the Saugus Town Hall, second floor auditorium, 298 Central Street at 7:15 PM. Signed: Chairman Anthony Cogliano Janice K. Jarosz, Temp Clerk April 8, 2022 gus Program Resumes for the 21-22 School Year. (Editor’s Note: The following is an announcement submitted by Julie Cicolini, a member of the Board of Directors for Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus, providing information about the return of the program for the new school year) Who we are: Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus (HS2) is a non-profit group of volunteers that are helping to offset food insecurity in households. HS2 provides students/families that enroll in the program a weekend supply of nutritious food when school lunches and breakfasts are unavailable to them on weekends. How HS2 can help you: HS2 bags are distributed at school on Fridays to take home. Bags include such items as peanut butter, jelly, a loaf of bread, canned meals/ soups/tuna/vegetables, pasta/sauce, fruit cups, cereal, oatmeal, goldfish, pretzels and granola bars. To sign up go here to complete online form:https://forms.gle/gmMGguycSHBdziuE9. Want to partner with us: HS2 relies on donations to create take home bags with a weekend full of meals.All food is provided to children free of charge. It is our hope these resources will support the health, behavior, and achievement of every student who participates. We would love to partner with organizations, youth groups, PTO’s, businesses and individuals to assist in feeding students of Saugus. To learn more about how you can partner with us visit the Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus Facebook page or email us at HS2Saugus@gmail.com Checks can also be sent directly to: Salem Five C/O Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus 855-5 Broadway Saugus MA, 01906 Online donations can also be made at:https://givebutter.com/HealthySaugus Food Pantry still open The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry continues to remain open on Fridays between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Fridays despite concerns over the Coronavirus. They have made adjustments to protect their core of volunteers and the needy people who receive the food. For the protection of volunteers and clients and to limit personal contact and crowding/gathering, the food pantry has been distributing prebagged groceries, Even though clients may receive items they don’t want or need, food pantry organizers feel this is the best course of action to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19. Those in need, even for short term or one-time assistance are encouraged to come. The food pantry is located in the basement of the Cliftondale Congregational Church at 50 Essex St. in Saugus. Clarifying some veterans issues Jay Pinette, the Veterans Services Officer for the Town of Saugus, wanted to pass along a few words to promote a better understanding of how his office works. “Veterans Service Officers (VSOs) are not VA employees and do not have direct access to VA systems or information,” Jay wrote in an email to us. “Local VSOs are employees of their respective cities and towns. VSOs are generally able to assist veterans and eligible dependents with VA-related claims and benefits activities. “One of the primary duties of the VSOsis to administer a program for veterans and eligible dependents that is referred to as “Chapter 115”. Under Chapter 115 of Massachusetts General Laws (M.G.L. CH. 115), the Commonwealth provides a uniform program of financial assistance for low income veterans and their dependents. Qualified veterans and their dependents who meet the income and asset eligibility criteria may receive monthly financial benefits that are intended to assist the veteran with housing and living expenses. “If local Veterans wish to enroll in VA healthcare and/or obtain a VA ID card, representatives from the VA Bedford will be on-site at the Lynn VA Clinic twice a month.The on-site enrollment will be held on the 1 st rd Tuesday of each month from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Appointments are advised and the dates and times are subject to change. The Lynn VA Clinic is located at 225 Boston Street, Suite 107.For more information or to schedule an appointment for enrollment, call 781-687-3348 or e-mail vabedoutreach@va.gov. “The Veterans Services Offices of Saugus and other surrounding communities have partnered with the Greater Boston Food Bank to hold monthly mobile food markets for veterans. With the closure of the Saugus Senior Center during the pandemic, the food market was moved to Melrose. We have now moved the food market back to the Saugus Senior Center. The veterans mobile food market is held on the third Wednesday of each month. Veterans and eligible dependents must sign up with the Saugus Veterans Service Office to determine eligibility. VSO Jay Pinette can be reached at 781-231-4010 or at jpinette@saugus-ma.gov. Or on the first floor of Saugus Town Hall at 298 Central Street, Saugus MA01906.” SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18 and 3

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