THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2022 Page 19 American Red Cross donates $10M for Ukraine crisis relief A s fi ghting in Ukraine continues, the American Red Cross has contributed $10 million to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to help alleviate the suffering caused by this devastating crisis. This support allows the Red Cross network to provide lifesaving aid to those in need – both in the country and in neighboring areas. More than 10 million people have been displaced by this confl ict; nearly four million of them have fl ed Ukraine to nearby countries. An estimated 18 million – a third of the country’s population – will need humanitarian assistance. As the fi ghting continues and the dire humanitarian situation unfolds, the needs on the ground remain critical. During the past month, the Red Cross has reached more than 750,000 people with lifesaving aid, both within Ukraine and in neighboring countries. “The devastating reality of Ukraine is that the needs are growing every day. Amidst increased violence and a disrupted supply chain, delivering essential goods in many parts of the country is getting harder – not easier,” said IFRC President Francesco Rocca. “Responding to a crisis of this magnitude takes teamwork, which is why we’re working hand-in-hand with the Ukrainian Red Cross on the ground to let people know that they’re not alone. Not ever,” he stated. In Ukraine: aid amidst the violence: Under mortal danger to themselves, Red Cross teams are still working tirelessly to help people and communities impacted by confl ict. Signifi cant infrastructure damage has left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity or water, while damaged roads have disrupted supply chains, leaving communities cut off from food and basic supplies. Around the clock, teams are providing emergency aid amid fear and uncertainty. Since the Russian invasion on February 24, Red Cross teams have: • Distributed more than 1,000 tons of emergency aid, including food, bedding, tents, water and hygiene items, to more than 300,000 people across Ukraine • Supported the evacuation of more than 58,000 people from the towns of Enerhodar and Sumy and the Kviy, Kharkiv and Kherson regions • Provided fi rst aid training to more than 42,000 people across the country • Assisted with the evacuation of people with disabilities • Supported logistics pipelines into Ukraine to ensure critical items can be delivered In the coming weeks, Red Cross volunteers will increase their work – reuniting separated families, providing food and other household items and increasing awareness about areas contaminated by unexploded ordnance. The current needs are tremendous; critical among them are water delivery, support to health facilities and medical care for families with wounded. In neighboring countries: help for those fl eeing their homes: People impacted by the confl ict are heartbroken – they are forced to fl ee from their homes. Each day Red Cross and Red Crescent teams in the region are rolling up their sleeves to assist with this dire humanitarian crisis as it unfolds. In Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Belarus, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Red Cross volunteers are supporting displaced people. Trucks and planes loaded with goods are arriving regularly to provide critical items for those in need. The teams are: • Distributing food, water, clothing, bedding, hygiene sets and blankets and even handing out SIM cards so that families can stay connected amid the turmoil • Providing medical care at border crossings • Supplying baby products and services for children • Pitching tents and preparing shelters for refugees who need a comforting place to sleep and feel safe • Providing health-related services and medical support to those in need • Providing psychosocial support for those who are physically, mentally and emotionally stressed • Helping connect people to other essential services Role of the American Red Cross: The American Red Cross has deployed international crisis responders to Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Romania to provide humanitarian relief in support of the international Red Cross operation helping families who fl ed their homes. These highly trained crisis responders – who are lending skills, such as information management, cash assistance programming, GIS systems, communications and leadership – are supporting on-the-ground relief efforts alongside local teams, including the Polish Red Cross, Moldovan Red Cross and Romanian Red Cross. Additionally, in line with its work supporting military families, the American Red Cross has sent trained staff to Europe to support emergency communication needs of U.S. military members, so they can stay in touch with family members back home. The Red Cross Hero Care Network is a Congressionally chartered program that connects service members and their families in times of need. Red Crossers are also distributing comfort kits containing hygiene items and other necessities to service members and U.S. State Department staff . Blood services: Currently, the American Red Cross is not shipping blood products to Ukraine. The American Red Cross does not ship blood products outside the United States without a specifi c request from the U.S. Department of State or from the United Nations or unless it has a request from aff ected Red Cross or Red Crescent societies abroad. Can I volunteer or donate goods? In countries around the world, Red Cross and Red Crescent organizations have their own staff and volunteers who are trained to respond to large-scale disaster operations. The American Red Cross sends highly specialized and experienced professionals with technical skills and expertise abroad only after the Red Cross or Red Crescent team requests assistance. Those not already on the Red Cross’s international disaster roster will not have the opportunity to deploy at this time. The Red Cross encourages you to connect with your local Red Cross chapter for future opportunities or to visit redcross.org/volunteer for more information. While we are grateful for the outpouring of support, it’s important to know that neither the American Red Cross nor its global Red Cross partners are currently accepting the donation of in-kind goods, such as food, clothing, blankets or toys. These items can be diffi cult to manage on the ground and divert resources from the Red Cross’s mission. Other charitable organizations are better suited to manage such donations. International humanitarian law: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) called on authorities to adhere to international humanitarian law and to protect civilians and infrastructure delivering essential services, including power and water facilities, schools and hospitals. ICRC President Peter Maurer requested protection for humanitarian action so that aid agencies can maintain access to civilians. ICRC has also called for parties to agree to terms so safe passage of civilians is possible. Protecting Red Cross workers: The Red Cross emblem is strictly regulated under humanitarian law. In armed confl ict, it may be used by medical staff and facilities, including army medics and vehicles. It may also be used by Red Cross and Red Crescent workers, vehicles, facilities and the humanitarian relief they bring. Resources for people affected by the confl ict: ICRC has published a list of resources for people needing urgent help in Ukraine, including medical care, evacuation support, mental health support, shelter and safety tips. The IFRC Psychosocial Center also has resources for talking to children about war. For people fl eeing the war in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) lists a comprehensive guide, including rights when crossing the border into an EU country, eligibility for temporary protection and applying for international protection, as well as the rights of travel inside the European Union. How to find a missing loved one: If you are trying to locate or get in touch with a U.S. citizen, please contact the U.S. Department of State Overseas Citizens Services Offi ce online or call 1-888-407-4747. However, if you are looking for a family member who is not a U.S. citizen but is located in either Ukraine or Russia, the Red Cross might be able to reconnect you through its Restoring Family Links program. In neighboring countries where Ukrainians have fl ed, the Red Cross is distributing SIM cards for cell phones, so people can get in touch with their loved ones. Some family members have maintained contact with each other, but the situation is rapidly changing. As of now, most have maintained their own family connections via cell phones, but it is important to note that the telecommunication systems in the region have been affected. The ICRC and Ukraine Red Cross will continue to work together to help reconnect families, despite considerable challenges on the ground. How can I learn more about the Red Cross response? ICRC and IFRC have a comprehensive list of resources, including maps, press releases, videos, photos and stories further expanding upon Red Cross eff orts in the region. Annual Town Meeting 2022 Citizens have until April 19 to submit warrant articles for inclusion on May 2 Annual Town Meeting warrant By Mark E. Vogler T he deadline is quickly approaching for citizens interested in submitting warrant articles for the Annual Town Meet set to convene on May 2 – the fi rst Monday in May. Two citizen articles have been submitted so far, according to Town Clerk Ellen Schena. “That’s about average at this point. There may be more coming in,” Schena said in a telephone interview yesterday. “Citizens who want to submit articles for the Annual Town Meeting must submit them by April 19 – when the Board of Selectmen close the Town Meeting warrant,” she said Any resident interested in placing an article for consideration at Town Meeting may do so by preparing a petition which requires ten (10) signatures of registered voters in the Town of Saugus for financial and zoning articles for an Annual Town Meeting Warrant, or one hundred (100) signatures for a Special Town Meeting Warrant, according to the town clerk’s website. When the petition is completed it must be submitted to the Board of Selectmen for their approval and acceptance to be inserted in a Warrant. Upon approval of the Board of Selectmen, all zoning articles will be forwarded to the Planning Board for their recommendation. Any articles with a fi nancial implication must also be reviewed by the Finance Committee for a positive or negative recommendation.

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