Page 10 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2022 Belmonte STEAM Academy students win Cub Scout Pack 62 Pinewood Derby By Tara Vocino B elmonte STEAM Academy students won the Cub Scout Pack 62 Pinewood Derby at Cliftondale Congregational Church on Saturday. Bear Scout Chase O’Sullivan, 8, placed fi rst. He and his dad, Ryan, made a black pinewood car weighing 5.3 pounds. His father helped him to make the race cars’ wheels. “It was my fi rst Pinewood Derby,” Chase said. “I’m super happy.” Ryan O’Sullivan said he will retire the winning car. Chase joined the Scouts two months ago. “He wanted to come all week,” Ryan O’Sullivan said. Belmonte STEAM Academy fourth-grader Matthew Bell, 10, placed second, making a wooden car with wheels and weights called McDonald’s. “I was proud and happy,” Matthew said. Pictured from left to right: second-place Pinewood Derby winner Matthew Bell, 10, fi rst-place fi nisher Chase O’Sullivan, 8, and third-place runner-up William Arianello, 8. They all attend Belmonte STEAM Academy. Boy Scout William Ferringo (at top) set the race cars at the top of the track. Emcee/Cubmaster William Ferringo (at bottom) announced the winners as they came in. Pictured from left to right: Belmonte STEAM Academy fourth-grader Able Doherty, 10, third-grader Jayden Swanson, 10, and second-grader Benson Doherty, 8, who each named their race cars Beast, Scooter Man and Bugman. Bear Scout Chase O’Sullivan (in center), 8, watched as a race car approached the fi nish line during Saturday’s Cub Scout Pack 62 Pinewood Derby. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) MALDEN TRANS NOW HIRING!!! CDL SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS, 7D DRIVERS & TAXI DRIVERS COMPETITIVE PAY OFFERED $17/HR - 7D DRIVERS $26/HR - CDL DRIVERS CALL TO INQUIRE - 781-322-9400 OR 781-322-9401 - ASK FOR DAVID OR ED

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