Page 20 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, MArCH 7, 2025 BEACON | FROM PAGE 19 have voted. Committee polls are used to record which members favor or oppose a bill that was heard by the committee. “When voting to advance legislation, it is important that the members understand the bill they’re voting on so they can make an informed decision,” said amendment sponsor Rep. Brad Jones (R-North Reading). “That is not always possible with the short turnaround time required of some polls, especially when the bills under consideration have been redrafted, are lengthy, or are technical in nature. Providing a two-hour window to respond to a poll is a reasonable compromise that will help to ensure that each member feels comfortable with their vote without hampering the committee’s ability to move legislation in a timely fashion.” “In Massachusetts, we have - LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Docket No. ES25P0580EA Estate of: RAYMOND M. HAYES Date of Death: January 08, 2025 INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Brian Hayes of Fredicksberg, VA a Will has been admitted to informal probate. Brian Hayes of Fredicksberg, VA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under formal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. March 07, 2025 a full-time, professional Legislature, which requires preparation and preparedness,” said Rep. Kathy LaNatra (D-Kingston) who opposed the amendment. “When a poll is released by a committee chair, that should not be the first time we are reading a piece of legislation. Committee polls should remain at the chair’s discretion, ensuring decisions reflect urgency rather than arbitrary deadlines. Committees I have been on have provided days to review language. We must, however, always maintain our ability to act for our constituents when the time arises.” (A “Yes” vote is for the twohour minimum. A “No” vote is against it.) Rep. Jessica Giannino No Rep. Donald Wong Yes NOTIFY REPRESENTATIVES OF COMMITTEE POLLS AT LEAST 12 HOURS IN ADVANCE (H 2024) House 23-128, rejected an amendment that would require all joint committee members to be notified at least 12 hours in advance if the committee is going to poll members electronically. “When a poll is released with a tight deadline to respond, there is always a danger that a committee member may not see it until after the poll has closed because they may be tied up in a constituent meeting, attending a municipal event in their district, or driving to the Statehouse and unable to review their e-mails,” said amendment sponsor Rep. 1. March 7 is National Cereal Day; what Roman goddess’ name is the source of the word “cereal”? 2. What is the difference between a UAP and a UFO? 3. What countries were in the Four Nations tournament in 2025? 4. On March 8, 1917, the U.S. Senate voted to institute a limit on what by using cloture? 5. What word comes from fog and smoke? 6. In speaking about newspapers, what author (who patented a “self-pasting scrapbook) said, “Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defense”? 7. On March 9, 2020, what country announced the first nationwide COVID-19 lockdown? 8. What besides Bulgarian, Georgia, Romania, Russia and Turkey borders the Black Sea? 9. Where is most of the world’s maple syrup produced: Michigan, Quebec or Vermont? 10. On March 10, 1951, what FBI official declined being appointed baseball commissioner? 11. How are the Great Bear, the Little Bear and Orion the Hunter similar? 12. What fast food company is moving its headquarters from Kentucky to Texas? 13. What 1800s author whose last name is the name of a plant stated, “Life, within doors, has few pleasanter prospects than a neatly-arranged and well-provisioned breakfast-table”? 14. On March 11, 2003, the first session of the InternaALSO UP ON BEACON HILL HOUSE AND SENATE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP TEAMS APPOINTED - House Speaker Ron Mariano (D-Quincy) and Senate President Karen Spilka announced their leadership teams for the 2025-2026 legislative session. The vast majority of the House leadership team remains the same including Rep. Michael Moran of Brighton as majority leader; Rep. Kate Hogan of Stow as speaker pro tempore; Rep. Alice Peisch of Wellesley as assistant majority leader; Rep. Frank Moran of Lawrence as second assistant majority leader; Rep. Danielle Gregoire of Marlborough as First Division chair and Rep. James O’Day of West Boylston tional Criminal Court was held in what city with a two-word name starting with “The”? 15. What embroidery stitch with a two-word name includes the name of a flower? 16. March 12 is National Plant a Flower Day; in what ballet would you find the “Waltz of the Flowers”? 17. Who composed “Maple Leaf Rag,” “The Chrysanthemum” and “Heliotrope Bouquet”? 18. What is the state flower of Massachusetts? 19. What flower is famous for being able to follow the sun? 20. On March 13, 1906, what suffragist died who was born in Adams, Mass.? Brad Jones (R-North Reading). “This amendment simply provides members with advance notice of an upcoming poll so they can plan their schedule accordingly and provide a timely response.” “As full-time legislators, committee work and committee votes are a major part of our role,” said Rep. Christine Barber (D-Somerville) who opposed the amendment. “Requiring a 12-hour notice for an electronic poll would not increase the efficiency of our legislative process and [would] only slow down our work to address critical issues.” (A “Yes” vote is for the 12hour minimum. A “No” vote is against it.) Rep. Jessica Giannino No Rep. Donald Wong Yes as Fourth Division chair. Mariano added two members to leadership positions: Rep. Paul Donato of Medford moves up into the second assistant majority leader post vacated when Rep. Sarah Peake left to work for the Healey administration; Rep. Jeff Roy of Franklin took Donato’s former position as Second Division chair and Rep. Carlos Gonzalez of Springfield got the Third Division chair job previously filled by retired Rep. Ruth Balser. Over in the Senate, Spilka kept her entire current leadership team intact including Sen. Cindy Creem of Newton as majority leader; Belmont’s Sen. William Brownsberger as president pro tempore; Sens. Joan Lovely of Salem, Michael Barrett of Lexington and Sal DiDomenico of Everett will return as assistant majority leaders; West Roxbury’s Sen. Michael Rush $1 MILLION IN INNOVATION CAREER PATHWAYS GRANTS - The Healey Administration announced $1 million in Innovation Career Pathway grants to 29 school districts. This funding enables districts to plan and implement pathway programs that provide students with coursework and experience in high-demand STEM industries before they graduate high school, including in health care, technology, manufacturing, life sciences and BEACON | SEE PAGE 21 ANSWERS 1. Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, including the cereal grasses 2. Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena and Unidentified Flying Object; a UAP could be in the sea or something not flying. 3. Canada, Finland, Sweden and USA 4. Debates 5. Smog 6. Mark Twain 7. Italy 8. Ukraine 9. Quebec 10. J. Edgar Hoover 11. They are constellations. 12. Kentucky Fried Chicken 13. Nathaniel Hawthorne in “The House of the Seven Gables” 14. The Hague, Netherlands 15. Lazy daisy 16. “The Nutcracker” 17. Scott Joplin 18. Mayflower 19. Sunflower 20. Susan B. Anthony
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