THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, MArCH 7, 2025 Page 17 Saugus Police & Fire Host Polar Plunge March 9 S augus Police Detective Stacey Forni wants to spread the word about a special fund-raising event that the Saugus Police and Fire Departments will be collaborating on a week from Sunday (March 9). =They will be hosting their first Special Olympics Polar Plunge at the Knights of Columbus located at 57 Appleton St. in Saugus. Check in for the plunge is at Noon. The actual plunge starts at 1 PM. “I hope everyone’s new year SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 15 or writing a textbook or the great American novel? Whatever your level of experience, goals or preferred literary genre, this free workshop can help you enjoy writing more and encourage you to keep at it. We will use a combination of discussions, prompts and writing exercises to give you new incentives and confidence. There is some optional “homework,” but no preregistration is required, and you can attend as often as your schedule allows. · Needlecrafting: Hello to fans of Needlecrafting: knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, embroidery, etc. The SPL Needlecrafting Group will be on Thursday, March 20, from 10–11 a.m. in the Brooks Room. No registration needed, drop ins welcome. Bring your Work in Progress and enjoy the conversation. Cocoa and tea will be provided. Any questions, call Reference at 781-231-4168 · Game Night: We will be having a Game Night program on Monday, March 24, from 4:00-5:30 in the Teen Room. There will be board games, card games and a lot of fun to be had by all! Laugh GARDENS | FROM PAGE 16 Church, the daffodils have emerged from the ground, showing the swelling of buds among the green leaves. Anyone walking the grounds of Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site recently would has started out well and everyone is attempting to make healthy choices/ resolutions for the new year… with that in mind I wanted to reach out to everyone and see if we could ALL get together and start the new year off with a healthy polar plunge together!!!,” Detective Stacey wrote in an email message to police and firefighters who are planning to plunge. “Research has shown that polar plunges help boost your immune system, improve your and play with friends. Call 781-231-4168 or access · Watercolor heart mosaic: Please join us for creating a watercolor heart mosaic taught by a professional! This event will be in the Brooks Room from 1:00-2:30 on Saturday, March 29. Registration required – 5th grade and up. · Slime Night: Would you like to make slime? Join us on March 17 (5th grade and up) in the Brooks Room at 4:00. Prepare to get Yucky! · Classical Music at the Library: If you love to listen to free music, show up at the Community Room tomorrow (Saturday, March 8) at 2 p.m. when the Island Trio will perform, thanks to a generous grant from the Saugus Cultural Council – a local arm of the Mass Cultural Council. Saugus Sachems Spring Track Program 2025 Coach Christopher Tarantino – also known affectionately as “Coach T” – announced plans for his Spring Track Program. “This program is geared toward new track and field athletes. It will prepare them for the larger-scale summer camp,” Coach T said in an email. have noticed an unusual lawn ornament set out near the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and a nearby sugar maple (Acer saccharum). This week it is being installed as part of the new chafery forge wheel, an undershot wheel, which will, hopefully, be in working mood and focus, help with stress management, boost metabolism and improve circulation. Not only would you be doing something to benefit your health, but by registering you’d also be donating to the Special Olympics,” she said. “If you do not want to plunge you can register as a towel holder. This event is open to friends and family, so encourage as many people as you can. For those wondering about attire and other information about the plunge: Here’s a summary of what interested kids and their parents need to know: Who: Grades K-5th. Where: Belmonte Track. When: 4:00-5:15 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays; May 6-June 12. Cost: $100 first year, $50 if returning. For any questions, further information or to register, please contact Coach Christopher Tarantino (Coach T) at 781-854-6778 or About The Saugus Advocate We welcome press releases, news announcements, freelance articles and courtesy photos from the community. Our deadline is 6 p.m. on Tuesday. If you have a story idea, an article or a photo to submit, please email me at or leave a message at 978-683-7773. Or send your press release to me in the mail at PO Box 485, North Andover, MA 01845. Let us become your hometown newspaper. The Saugus Advocate is available in the Saugus Public Library, the Saugus Senior Center, Saugus Town Hall, local convenience stores and restaurants throughout town. order by this summer. This wheel is being installed by inhouse staff of the Saugus Iron Works, and a new triphammer wheel has recently been installed by a contractor. The hope is to have a total of six working waterwheels when the National Park opens for FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS: The Saugus Senior Center recognized 17 residents who celebrated their birthdays collectively last Friday during a special celebration at the Saugus Senior Center. Pictured from left to right: Front row: Midge Curran, Josie Raneri, Rita Shapiro, Ruth Berg, Pam Gallant, Patti Ciampa, Darlene Rogers and Deborah Jones; back row: Dolores Urciuoli, Rollin Alcott, Tom Schnabel, Ken Strum, Pauline Stewart, Bob Sutherby, Teena Deputat, Ann Swanson and Pat Doherty. (Courtesy Photo to The Saugus Advocate) O n Friday, Feb. 28, once again the Saugus Senior Center held its monthly birthday celebration. Each month the Senior Center likes to recognize the Senior birthdays with a colthe season this summer – the most working waterwheels in recent memory. Editor’s Note: Laura Eisener is a landscape design consultant who helps homeowners with landscape design, plant selection and placement of trees lective birthday celebration, usually on the final Friday of the month. Each birthday recipient receives a free pizza lunch, cake, ice cream and a souvenir group photo to take home. and shrubs, as well as perennials. She is a member of the Saugus Garden Club and offered to write a series of articles about “what’s blooming in town” shortly after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. She was inspired after seeing so many people taking up walking. Attire - You can wear whatever you want from a speedo/bikini to a snowsuit and/ or uniform. What are we plunging into? - It’s a portable pool that the Special Olympics brings in. Can I change and get warm before and after the plunge? – Yes, the K of C will be open and we plan on having refreshments and goodies inside for you while you stay warm. Medical – There will be an ambulance stationed on scene and Saugus Fire’s Divers will to POLARPLNGEMA.ORG Birthdays are special at the Senior Center be posted in the pool to assist anyone with exiting the pool after they plunge. Any other questions please feel free to ask. “It is open to the public and we welcome anyone interested in signing up or even donating coffee or snacks for the day of the plunge. If anyone has any questions in regards to the plunge they can contact me at 781-941-1190,” Detective Forni wrote. For more information, go
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