Page 10 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, MArCH 7, 2025 Saugus High School Drama Club advances to semifinals in “Woyzeck (Re-Imagined)” By Tara Vocino S augus High School Drama Club members, who presented “Woyzeck (Re-Imagined),” moved on to the Massachusetts Educational Theatre Guild’s High School Drama Festival semifinals in the competition during last weekend’s performance. They made it to the top three against Swampscott and North Reading High Schools. They move on to the semifinals round on March 15 at 10:30 a.m. at Brockton High School. Next, the top two move on to the state finals on March 27-29 at the John Hancock Building. Students commented on Monday how they feel to have made it thus far. Madelynne Leonard, who plays Woyzeck, said she is really excited to have so many members of the drama club be recognized for their hard work. “Our secret is dedication, commitment to our characters and focus,” Leonard said. “Our director likes to choose the more challenging shows.” A junior, Leonard plans to be on Broadway and be nominated for a Tony award, filmmaker or a forensic scientist after graduation. Stage Manager/tech crew member Larissa Ambrosio said it’s nice to have a director who appreciates the behindthe-scenes work and creating art even though not onstage. “We learned a sense of leadership and community,” Ambrosio said. Head Lighting Designer, Head Set Designer and Student Technical Director James McNary said their secret is hard work since December, including working late nights and over February break. “It’s nice to see the technical aspects get recognition,” McNary said. McNary oversees two interns, Alex Marquez and Elizabeth Cowell, who will be assistant lighting designers when he graduates next year. Kate Petipas, who plays Marie, said she is immensely Tech crew members, shown from left to right: Back row: Justin Frongillo, Jennifer Nichols, Josephine Pepper, Tarah Dascoli, Alex Marquez, Nari Lam, Elizabeth Colwell, Larissa Ambrosio, James McNary, Shelbi Edwards, Seamus Burke, Red Cassarino and Sean Lynch; front row: Cornyn Meas, Charles Bruno, Azra Ozgur, Cadence Coburn, Alexandra Brackett, Sara Loeser, Kayla Thery Villefrance, Keneyshia Ramirez DeJesus and Joshua Mikalixen. proud of making it to the semifinals, especially since she is a senior and it’s her “last year going out.” Hannah Evers-Jenkins, who plays Carnival Barker, said it’s a great privilege to move on to semis with her classmates, for the first time. Keisha Sauld, who plays Margret, said she is utterly grateful since it was her first year doing drama club last year. Coryn Meas, in his first time doing drama, said he was shocked when he won an award. “I didn’t know it was me,” Meas said. Director/Technical Director Nicholas Raponi said students’ commitment and urgency contributed to their success. He gave a pep speech on Saturday prior to the performance that encouraged his students. “Students were in the correct mindset to perform the best that they’ve ever done,” Raponi said. “It was very dark and edgy.” Assistant Director/Adaption Kyle Gregory said Raponi’s pregame speech helped students to focus. Audience members loved the performance last Thursday night. Dawn Ghaouta, who cheered on her daughter, Zahra, who plays the Doctor, said it was tastefully done, thinking outside of the box. “I can’t wait to see them move on,” Ghaouta said. “It was fabulous.” Kathleen Frongillo cheered on her son, Justin, a tech crew member. “I’m still in shock,” Frongillo said. “I can’t put it into words.” Gloria Bruno, who was in tears, cheered on her daughter, Kane, a soldier. She added that mental health hits close to home. “Madelynne played the part of a soldier better than someone who actually has mental health issues,” Bruno said. Lead characters at Saugus High School last Thursday night, shown from left to right: Carnival Barker, played by Hannah Evers-Jenkins, Woyzeck, played by Madelynne Leonard, and Marie, played by Kate Petipas. Cast members, shown from left to right: Front row: Hannah Evers-Jenkins, Madelynne Leonard, Pedro Spalenza, Mason Ranno, Diego Silva Garcia and Kate Petipas; back row: Keisha Sauld, Brayden Verone, Zahra Ghaouta, Maddie Sachs, Kane Bruno, Ari Conte and Audrina Giglio.

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