Page 6 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2022 ASKS | FROM PAGE 3 Q: And you have a campaign manager ready to run your reelection? A: Julie Mitchell will be running my campaign. Q: So, please tell me about the term you are fi nishing. A: It’s been a lot harder over these past two years, because of COVID-19. Q: So, was it difficult with the State House being closed for almost two years before it recently reopened? A: No. I was there every day during COVID. I never stopped going to the State House. It was open for the legislators, but not to the public. It was a blessing in disguise because I could sit down with other reps and not be interrupted. A lot of reps faced the same problems that I did. Q: So, how did things work out? A: Even during COVID, we did get money for different things for our communities. We worked with the towns and cities. It’s very important to work with your local government, so you can help the people in the community that were hurt the most. One of the good things that came out of the COVID was outdoor dining. With outside seating, it helped a lot of restaurants survive. Having the additional seats was very beneficial for many restaurants. Q: So, if you are reelected to a seventh term, what will be the major business on your plate? A: Working with local governments in my district to see that their needs are met. A major thing: The state would like to provide more money for local government for the roads – Chapter 90 money; and education – Chapter 70 money. Q: So, what about in Saugus? A: I’ve talked with some of the local officials to find out what their needs are. I’ve had discussions with some of the people in the Police and Fire Departments about their needs, and in the American Legion about what the veterans’ needs are. Q: Two years ago you didn’t have an opponent, and this year an opponent hasn’t surfaced yet. So, this being an election year, is it going to be difficult to get anything done? A: Anybody who has an opponent in the Legislature this year is facing the same situation. They have to campaign to get reelected. And that’s going to take away from the legislative work they are doing. Q: So, would you prefer to run for reelection without an opponent? A: If you don’t have an opponent, as a state rep, you are going to have more time to work within your district and get things done. I hope I don’t have an opponent so I can work harder and have more time for the people in my district. Q: Have you received any indication whether you will get an opponent this year? A: You never know. If I get an opponent, I will try to let my record show how I can get things done. Q: Will the departure of Gov. Charlie Baker, a fellow Republican who has decided not to seek another term, affect your situation? A: No. Whoever gets elected governor, I will work with. On Beacon Hill, it’s all about give and take. Since the day I started here, I never played party lines. I work with everyone. And, it really doesn’t matter what committees they put me on because of the friends I’ve made – not just in my party but across the aisle. That’s how I’ve been able to get things done. And there’s a big difference between the federal [Congress] and the state government [the Massachusetts Legislature]. The one thing we have in common is TEN THOUSAND MASKS: Two years ago, State Rep. Donald H. Wong (R-Saugus), who is shown in the center, stood in front of 10,000 surgical masks donated by AAPAC. Representing AAPAC were Dr. Harry Gao (left) and Jackey Xie (right). Wong looks back with pride on his eff orts to work with a handful of legislators to acquire and distribute face masks across the state during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. we all live in Massachusetts and we get to work on the same problems. In Washington, they don’t get the luxury of sitting down and working with each other as much. Q: So, your workload this year will be determined by whether or not you have an opponent. A: Anyone’s workload. If they have an opponent, they have to spend more time on their campaign. Q: So, do you think much will happen in the state legislature this year? A: We’ll still be working hard because of the budget, so I will be talking with local government people in my district about their particular needs and try to get additional funding for them in the state budget. Q: Do you see anything in the works as far as improvements on Route 1 go? A: I’ve also worked on issues related to Route 1. The year I got elected, we did water and sewer improvements on Route 1, and we’re not getting any more water pipe breaks. And during the last couple of years, we’ve paved all of Route 1. Q: What about improving traffic flow on Route 1? A: We’re working with the North Shore legislative delegation in trying to improve public transportation all the way to Salem. If there is more use of public transportation, you’re going to get less traffic on Route 1. Q: And what about “the Jug Handle” on Route 1 North in Peabody that allows cars to turn around and head south or get on Route 128? A: I’m working with other reps to try to see what we can do with it. Maybe there’s some technology we can use to improve it. We’re trying to get more input from other reps on Route 1. Q: As far as public transportation, would that include a commuter rail stop closer to or in Saugus? Or a commuter bus that hooks up directly to a train station? A: We’ve been talking with the Department of Transportation and the MBTA. We’re looking at diff erent possibilities. Q: One of the issues that’s come out of the Board of Health’s Wheelabrator Subcommittee is whether to close the ash landfill near the trash incinerator or expand the ash landfill. Do you have any thoughts about that? A: I haven’t been involved because that’s a local issue. I will leave it up to the committee and the town. And whatever they decide, I will try to help them out. Q: Recently, the town manager and selectmen have talked about the need to fi nd new ways of generating revenue for the town. Do you have any thoughts on that? A: Again, it’s a local issue. Whatever they decide, I will try to do what I can to make it possible. It’s hard for the state to tell the local government how to raise money. Q: What do you see as the biggest issue facing Saugus that you could help out on? A: On the state level, that would be to see if we can get more Chapter 90 money for the roads. ASKS | SEE PAGE 7

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