SAUGUS Vol. 24, No. 5 -FREEThe Advocate–A household word in Saugus! AOCODDV C TECAT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday 781-233-4446 Friday, February 5, 2021 “Wait and listen before A Saugus Scramble drawing conclusions” Saugus Board of Selectmen Chair Cogliano calls letter by Revere City Council to Wheelabrator subcommittee “premature” By Mark E. Vogler T en of 11 members of the Revere City Council signed a recent letter to the Wheelabrator Subcommittee calling for Wheelabrator to halt any further expansion of its ash landfi ll on Route 107. But Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano criticized the City Council for taking its stand and then off ered praise for the one member who did not sign the letter – City Council President Anthony Zambuto. “The Revere City Council should wait and listen before drawing conclusions,” said Cogliano, who co-chairs the special Board of Health panel with Board of Health Chair William Heff ernan. “I applaud Council President Anthony Zambuto for not signing the letter as it is premature. Wheelabrator has no plans to close the Saugus facility, and anyone that has false hopes that they will pack up and leave, is naive,” he said. “There is also no guarantee that the state will stop them WHEELABRATOR | SEE PAGE 2 “Why not me?!” ROLLER STINK: Roller World roller skating rink owner Jerry Breen, who is shown standing in his empty rink, asks, “Why not me?” to reopen his business following the third phase of Gov. Charlie Baker’s reopening plans. Breen, who has been closed since last spring, is frustrated that larger venues, such as the Hockeytown hockey rink just up the street on Rte. 1 in Saugus, have been allowed to open months ago. Breen has repeatedly been ignored by local State Rep. Donald Wong and has spoken to Saugus town offi cials who have inspected his facility and, as recently as Tuesday, applauded his eff orts for COVID-19 precautions from touchless sinks and soap dispensers to seating distancing. The governor has moved into Phase Three to allow indoor and outdoor sports facilities, arcades, fi tness centers and health clubs to open to 40% capacity as of Thursday, but for some strange reason, roller rinks have not been allowed to reopen. Despite vaccinations and the widespread declining numbers of COVID-19 diagnoses, Roller World remains closed. What’s this governor and state rep have against roller rinks? (Advocate photo) Saugus High School forward/captain Cat Schena #24 (bottom center) dives for a loose ball during last Friday’s game against the Beverly Panthers. The Panthers beat Saugus, 27-19, before a socially distanced and masked crowd watching the Senior Night game at the Saugus Middle-High School gymnasium. See more photos and story inside. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate by Maureen McLaughlin) “It’s a logistical thing … just a nightmare” Saugus health offi cials wrestle with COVID-19 communications issues By Mark E. Vogler S augus residents seeking information about COVID-19 – many of them concerned about when the vaccine is going to be available to them – have recently fl ooded Health Director John Fralick’s offi ce telephone with too many phone calls to handle. Fralick had received so many unanswered calls on his offi ce telephone line (781-231-4120) that people trying to reach him on Monday and Tuesday couldn’t leave their messages. The line was finally cleared on Wednesday when The Saugus Advocate called, but Fralick wasn’t available and never returned the call. Meanwhile, Fralick, Health Department staff and Board of Health members cited communications as a key issue they need to deal with in efforts to contain the spread of the killer virus that has claimed the lives of 62 people as of yesterday. COVID-19 | SEE PAGE 16 ANGELO’S FULL SERVICE Regular Unleaded $2.299 Mid Unleaded $2.459 Super $2.539 Diesel Fuel $2.639 "42 Years of Excellence!" 1978-2020 KERO $4.65 DEF $3.49 9 Diesel $2.219 9 HEATING OIL 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: www.angelosoil.com (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN AVE • SAUGUS • OPEN 7 DAYS Prices subject to change Happy New Year! FLEET

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