THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2023 Page 11 Hats off – shown from left to right: Disc Jockey Alan LaBella, Shirley Sowsy, Pattie Gregory, Donna Prestone, Rona Ehrlin and Mrs. Claus. Shown from left to right: Paula Weiner, Joanne Monteforte, Roxanne Aiello, Ward 5 City CouncillorElect Angela Guarino-Sawaya, Captain Guy Landry, Firefi ghter Jarel Pemberton, Lieutenant Ariel Muniz, Firefi ghter Tim Cadogan, Rona Hearn, Ward 2 City Councilor Ira Novoselsky and Pati Epsimos. The Jack Satter House Tenants Association donated $2,000 to Engine 5. Carol Giordano (far left) did the Cupid shuffl e during last Thursday’s Christmas Party at the Jack Satter House of Hebrew SeniorLife. The hora, a Jewish dance, was performed. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Shown from left to right: Amy Courtney, Phyllis Snyder and Jean Aronson linked hands in song. Shown from left to right: Ward 5 Councillor-Elect Angela Guarino-Sawaya, Hebrew SeniorLife Executive Director Steven Post, Mary MacDonald, Offi cer Derek Vecchia and Jack Satter House Tenants Association President Roxanne Aiello collected toys for the Revere Police toy drive coordinated by Tish Ciulla. Santa and Mrs. Claus entered. Disc Jockey Alan LaBella sings with Marlene Bloom. Shown from left to right: Mary Correia, Santa, Mrs. Claus and Eleanor McCarthy.
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