THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2022 Page 17 hover at record highs, and the price of all other goods are increasing due to record infl ation,” said Sen. Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton). “People won’t be able to aff ord this legislation, especially the drastic changes that will be needed in older homes. Everyone laments how expensive housing is, yet the Legislature just made housing more expensive by passing this bill.” (A “Yes” vote is for the bill. A “No” vote is against it.) Rep. Jessica Giannino Yes Rep. Jeff Turco Sen. Lydia Edwards CREATING WOMEN’S RIGHTS HISTORY TRAIL PROGRAM (S 2802) House 154-0, Senate 39-0, approved and the governor signed into law a bill that would require the state to develop and implement a Women’s Rights History Trail Program. The measure includes requiring the state to designate properties and sites that are historically and thematically associated with the struggle for women’s rights and women’s suff rage. Another provision provides that the state promote education and awareness of the struggle for women’s rights in the state. A 13-member Women’s Rights History Trail Task Force would be formed to research, solicit public input and make recommendations for sites, properties and attractions to be included in the trail. “Massachusetts has a rich history of involvement in the women’s rights movement,” said the bill’s Senate sponsor Sen. Joan Lovely (D-Salem). “Women have had a pivotal role in shaping the policies of our commonwealth, and this bill will ensure that those contributions are known and celebrated … The history of these women is our history, and we must continue to advance that history forward.” “I am humbled and proud to sponsor this legislation,” said House sponsor Rep. Hannah Kane (RShrewsbury). “This legislation ensures that the many women from our commonwealth who contributed to the fabric of our nation and democracy are recognized, and their accomplishments preserved in our state’s history, so that their legacies may serve as inspiration for future generations of young women.” (A “Yes” vote is for the bill.) Rep. Jessica Giannino Yes Rep. Jeff Turco Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes Yes ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL GOV. BAKER APPOINTED TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE NCAA – The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) announced that eff ective March 1, 2023, Gov. Charlie Baker will serve as the next NCAA President, assuming the role eff ective March 2023. “We are excited to welcome Gov. Charlie Baker to the NCAA and eager for him to begin his work with our organization,” said Linda Livingstone, President of Baylor University and Chair of the NCAA Board of Yes Yes Governors. “Gov. Baker has shown a remarkable ability to bridge divides and build bipartisan consensus, taking on complex challenges in innovative and eff ective ways. As a former student-athlete himself, husband to a former college gymnast, and father to two former college football players, Gov. Baker is deeply committed to our student-athletes and enhancing their collegiate experience. These skills and perspective will be invaluable as we work with policymakers to build a sustainable model for the future of college athletics.” “I am honored to become the next president of the NCAA, an organization that impacts millions of families and countless communities across this country every day,” said Baker. “The NCAA is confronting complex and signifi cant challenges, but I am excited to get to work as the awesome opportunity college athletics provides to so many students is more than worth the challenge. And for the fans that faithfully fi ll stadiums, stands and gyms from coast to coast, I am eager to ensure the competitions we all love to follow are there for generations to come. Over the coming months, I will begin working with student-athletes and NCAA members as we modernize college sports to suit today’s world, while preserving its essential value.” CITIZENS FOR LIMITED TAXATION (CLT) CLOSES DOWN AND HANDS OFF TO THE MASS FISCAL ALLIANCE – Chip Ford, the executive director of CLT announced that the group will end its 48-year operation at the end of the year. “It’s a new era, time for new energy to move the tax limitation movement forward in Massachusetts,” said Ford. “For going on half a century CLT has carried the burden of leadership in that indispensable mission. The time has come to pass the tax limitation torch on to another generation. Fortunately for Bay State taxpayers, and especially for CLT members, Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance is positioned well to run with that torch.” “We thank Chip Ford for having faith in us to carry on the tremendous legacy of Citizens for Limited Taxation,” said Paul Craney, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance. “From the 5 percent income tax roll back, to Prop 21/2 and Chapter 62F, CLT’s legacy continues to have a measurable, positive impact on the businesses and working families of Massachusetts every day. We look forward to preserving that legacy and continuing on their mission of taxpayer protection for decades to come.” The late Barbara Anderson, the group’s fi rst executive director died in 2016 and associate director Chip Faulkner died in 2019. Both passed away at the age of 73. Chip Ford, CLT’s co-director alongside Barbara since 1996 then executive director since 2016, turned 73 last month and decided it’s time to step aside. “I’m not particularly superstitious,” Ford said, “but why tempt the fates? With Paul Craney and his team at MassFiscal so ably advancing the mission this is a good time and place for CLT and me to take our leave.” CLT led the charge for many tax savings measures over the years including passage of Proposition 2 1/2 which limited property taxes, repeal of the 1975 7.5 percent surtax and the roll back of the 1989 income tax hike. Most recently, CLT was responsible for the return of $2.9 billion to taxpayers based on Chapter 62F, a 1986 law proposed by CLT and approved by the voters. That law requires that tax revenue above a certain amount collected by the state go back to the taxpayers. The state has determined that the net state tax revenues of $41.8 billion for the fi scal year ended June 30, 2022 is some $2.9 above the allowable state tax revenues of $38.8 million. ALLOW USE OF CAMPAIGN FUNDS FOR CHILD CARE FOR CANDIDATES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE (S 3152) – The Senate approved and sent to the House a bill that would allow a candidate for public offi ce to use campaign funds for childcare while the candidate is campaigning on his or her own behalf or attending events directly related to his or her campaign. The bill prohibits payments to family members, unless the relative owns, operates or is employed by a professional daycare or babysitting service and the cost of the service is not greater than the family member would otherwise charge. Under current law, candidates are prohibited from using campaign funds for their personal use. The state’s Offi ce of amping and Political Finance has classifi ed childcare, while performing campaign duties, as a personal expense rather than a campaign expense. “This bill would break down a major barrier to open elective offi ce to people who have traditionally not had that opportunity,” said Senate sponsor Sen. Pat Jehlen (D-Somerville). “Many of us currently in offi ce would not be here today if we didn’t have trusted people taking care of our kids while we knocked doors for our fi rst campaigns. Allowing campaign fi nances to be used for childcare means that more people in our communities can participate than ever before and amplify the voices of those who have previously not been heard.” “It’s exciting to see [the bill] move through the Senate,” said House sponsor Rep. Mike Connolly (DCambridge). “We fi led this bill so that all candidates, no matter their economic or family background, can have a better opportunity to run for state or local offi ce. Allowing candidates to use their own campaign funds for childcare will help to strengthen the diversity of the candidate pool and the representation in our elected bodies.” REQUIRE CERTIFICATION FOR TECHNICIANS WHO STERILIZE AND MAINTAIN HOSPITAL SURGICAL EQUIPMENT (S 2933) — House approved a Senate-approved measure that requires standardized certifi cation of an estimated 1,800 Bay State hospital technicians by a nationally accredited organization. These 1,800 technicians are responsible for ensuring that surgical instruments are safe and sanitary to protect patients from possible infection. The proposal also requires the technicians to complete an annual continuing education curriculum. It was fi led as a response to several high-profi le incidents across the state in which surgical tools used in operations on patients may have been improperly disinfected. Supporters said that technicians are currently allowed to work with a high school diploma or equivalent degree and without additional relevant training, despite being required to keep up to date with the latest practices for over 37,000 different surgical instruments. Sen. Anne Gobi (D-Spencer) said she co-sponsored the bill in order to make sure that central service technicians have proper credentials. “The reason is that they are responsible for the sterilization and packaging of surgical equipment,” said Gobi. “That is a critical duty and improper sterilization can lead to infection and could lead to death.” Only fi nal approval is needed in each branch prior to the proposal going to Gov. Baker. DEATH OF A CHILD UNDER 2 (H 5422) – The House approved and sent to the Senate a bill that would require that the autopsy report for a child under the age of two be reviewed and approved by the Chief Medical Examiner to determine the cause of death. Changes to the autopsy report would also have to be reviewed and approved by the Chief Medical Examiner. Supporters said the measure addresses recent cases in which the Chief Medical Examiner’s office changed the cause of death for deaths of children under two, creating serious implications for ongoing court cases and for the families of those children. They noted that the most experienced person in the offi ce should provide oversight to what are typically junior medical examiners without pediatric autopsy experience. They argued this will provide more confi - dence and peace of mind for families who have tragically lost infants. “Cases involving very young children are complex and sensitive— and fortunately, rare—representing a small portion of the cases handled by the Medical Examiner’s offi ce,” said Sen. Cindy Friedman (DArlington). “That means that pediatric cases deserve to be reviewed and approved by the most experienced Medical Examiner—and that is the Chief Medical Examiner. I hope the Senate takes up the matter soon, it’s the least that we can do when these tragedies occur.” “I am deeply appreciative that the House has affi rmed the importance of this bill for the second time this session. I hope that the Senate will take it up soon so that we can send it to Gov. Baker’s desk,” said House sponsor Rep. Marjorie Decker (DCambridge). QUOTABLE QUOTES — GOV. BAKER MOVES ON TO THE NCAA — Gov. Baker was appointed to be president of the NCAA beginning in 2023. Here are some of the things he said following his appointment: “My wife was probably the best athlete in the family.” “I’ve always believed that sports just have this tremendous power to bring people together.” “It’s big and complicated. So have been a lot of things I’ve done in my life, but most of the time, they were absolutely worth doing.” “It’s about being a convener and the collaborator of a very large organization that has a lot of points of view and seeking to fi nd those places where people can come together, can agree and can make a case generally to the public, to their student athletes, to their alumni and their fans about what the best way to ensure that we don’t lose this jewel going forward.” “It is through sports that so many people fi nd themselves and develop a lot of the skills and capabilities that translate through the rest of their lives.” HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been fi led. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of December 12-16, the House met for a total of four hours and 49 minutes and the Senate met for a total of three hours and 59 minutes. Mon. Dec. 12 House 11:05 a.m. to 2:38 p.m. Senate 12:37 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Tues. Dec. 13 No House session No Senate session Wed. Dec. 14 No House session No Senate session Thurs. Dec. 15 House 11:03 a.m. to 11:19 a.m. Senate 11:18 a.m. to 11:39 a.m. Fri. Dec. 16 No House session No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019.

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