THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2024 Page 27 During fl oor debate, Cyr sarcastically commented, “I think it’s pretty obvious that if most men could menstruate, these products would be as ubiquitous and free as toilet paper.” (A “Yes” vote is for the bill.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes HIV PREVENTION DRUGS (S 2480) On October 26, 2023, the Senate 38-0, approved and sent to the House a bill that would allow pharmacists to prescribe, dispense and administer a short-term supply (60-days once in a twoyear period) of HIV prevention drugs, known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), to a patient without a prescription. The bill requires pharmacists to provide counseling to the patient regarding the use of PrEP, to inform the patient’s primary care doctor that the pharmacist has prescribed the drug and to connect patients without a primary care provider with a health care provider for ongoing care and to obtain a prescription for PrEP. Under the bill, pharmacists could only prescribe PrEP to patients who have tested negative for HIV within the past seven days, do not have HIV symptoms and are not taking medications that are not safe to use with PrEP. Supporters say that PrEP is a life-saving medication that is nearly 100 percent effective in stopping the transmission of HIV. They note that under current law, individuals who take PrEP must make an appointment and go through their doctor, a barrier that can stand in the way for people who need the medication on short notice, cannot make an appointment or cannot access medical care. “PrEP is a game changer in HIV prevention. Yet, while this life-saving medication reduces the risk of transmission by 99 percent, it remains inaccessible for too many,” said sponsor Public Health Care chair Sen. Julian Cyr. “Allowing pharmacists to prescribe and dispense PrEP on a short-term basis, similar to what’s already allowed for contraceptives, would signifi cantly increase the accessibility of this essential HIV prevention tool. With greater access to PrEP we can narrow the gap in PrEP utilization among LGBTQ+ people of color. I am someone who uses PrEP and most of my gay, bisexual and queer friends rely on it too. With this legislation, we are - LEGAL NOTICE -                Estate of:    Date of Death:        To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner    of      of   has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve   on the bond.                                                                                                                    once again putting people at the center of our public health policy. I’m thrilled it has passed the Senate.” “When someone is ready to begin PrEP, it is crucial that they are able to [do so] as soon as possible,” said Carrie Richgels, Manager of Policy and Advocacy at Fenway Health. “At Fenway Health, we regularly work to overcome barriers that patients face due to trauma, stigma and discrimination. We know from experience that to overcome these obstacles we must meet people where they are and build trust. Trust is essential to getting people on PrEP, and a local pharmacy can provide a lower threshold of access and can be a trusted access point for those who may face discrimination in traditional healthcare settings.” (A “Yes” vote is for the bill.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL FRESHMAN ORIENTATION — BACK TO SCHOOL — Twentytwo newly elected state legislators, including 19 representatives-elect and three senators-elect, attended the biennial New Legislator Academy at UMass Amherst, which Senate President Karen Spilka’s offi ce has described as “an opportunity for newly elected legislators to become familiar with experiences that they will encounter in the Legislature.” According to the State House News Service, the agenda included nearly a dozen panels, speeches and sessions, covering topics such as the budgeting process, ethics and the cadence of legislative sessions. BEACON | SEE Page 28 Be Wary of Winter Heart Attacks Dear Savvy Senior, I’ve heard that people with heart problems need to be extra careful during the winter months because heart attacks are much more common. What can you tell me about this? AFib Alan Dear Alan, Everyone knows winter is cold and fl u season, but many don’t know that it’s also the prime season for heart attacks too, especially if you already have a heart condition or have suff ered a previous heart attack. Here’s what you should know, along with some tips to help you protect yourself. In the U.S., the risk of having a heart attack during the winter months is twice as high as it is during the summertime. Why? There are a number of factors, and they’re not all linked to cold weather. Even people who live in warm climates have an increased risk. Here are the areas you need to pay extra attention to this winter. Cold temperatures: When a person gets cold, the body responds by constricting the blood vessels to help the body maintain heat. This causes blood pressure to go up and makes the heart work harder. Cold temperatures can also increase levels of certain proteins that can thicken the blood and increase the risk for blood clots. So, stay warm this winter and when you do have to go outside, make sure you bundle up in layers with gloves and a hat, and place a scarf over your mouth and nose to warm up the air before you breathe it in. Snow shoveling: Studies have shown that heart attack rates jump dramatically in the first few days after a major snowstorm, usually a result of snow shoveling. Shoveling snow is a very strenuous activity that raises blood pressure and stresses the heart. Combine those factors with cold temperatures and the risks for heart attack surges. If your sidewalk or driveway needs shoveling this winter, hire a kid from the neighborhood to do it for you, or use a snow blower. Or, if you must shovel, push rather than lift the snow as much as possible, stay warm, and take frequent breaks. New Year’s resolutions: Every Jan. 1, millions of people join gyms or start exercise programs as part of their New Year’s resolution to get in shape, and many overexert themselves too soon. If you’re starting a new exercise program this winter, take the time to talk to your doctor about what types and how much exercise may be appropriate for you. Winter weight gain: People tend to eat and drink more and gain more weight during the holiday season and winter months, all of which are hard on the heart and risky for someone with heart disease. So, keep a watchful eye on your diet this winter and avoid binging on fatty foods and alcohol. Shorter days: Less daylight in the winter months can cause many people to develop “seasonal aff ective disorder” or SAD, a wintertime depression that can stress the heart. Studies have also looked at heart attack patients and found they usually have lower levels of vitamin D (which comes from sunlight) than people with healthy hearts. To boost your vitamin D this winter, consider taking a supplement that contains between 1,000 and 2,000 international units (IU) per day. Flu season: Studies show that people who get fl u shots have a lower heart attack risk. It’s known that the infl ammatory reaction set off by a fl u infection can increase blood clotting which can lead to heart attacks in vulnerable people. So, if you haven’t already done so this year, get a fl u shot and Covid-19 booster for protection. And, if you’ve never been vaccinated for RSV or pneumococcal pneumonia, you should consider getting these vaccines too. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

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