THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2020 Page 13 LEARNING | FROM Page 5 gloves, thermal thermometers, safety glasses and nurses’ supplies, have been secured and stored. • Six feet of physical distancing will be required in the building, including in classrooms. • Portable walls have been placed in the cafeteria to create extra classroom space to support social distancing. • Shops have been expanded by removing the walls to adjacent classrooms to facilitate social distancing. • Students and teachers have been provided with their own Chromebook laptops. • At each teacher and secretary desk, a Plexiglas shield has been installed. • Handwashing and sanitizing stations are available throughout the school’s facility. • Nano septic touchpads have been installed throughout the building to kill viruses on commonly used surfaces, such as handrails. • An outdoor mobile nurse’s station has been set up. • Professional disinfectant sprayers and equipment, and a UV-C high-power disinfection system have been purchased to be used for thorough, daily classroom cleaning. Air purifi ers with UV lights have been placed in every classroom as well. • An airfl ow consultant has evaluated all the district’s shops and classrooms. • Upgrades to the HVAC system in the basement of the school have been made to improve airfl ow. • A staggered start and end time to the school day will be implemented to facilitate the transportation requirements outlined by DESE. 1. On Nov. 20, 1805, what famous composer’s only opera, “Fidelio,” premiered in Vienna? 2. In “Bleak House” who wrote, “Implacable November weather. As much mud in the streets as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the earth”? 3. Did the fi rst Thanksgiving feast include potatoes? 4. On Nov. 21, 1846, what word did Oliver Wendell Holmes invent from Greek to describe ether’s eff ects? 5. How are Drumstick, Harry the Turkey, Charlie, Katie and Cobbler similar? 6. Why does a church group in Leiden in the Netherlands celebrate Thanksgiving Day? 7. The fi rst karaoke machine was in what country? 8. On Nov. 22, 1896, George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. died, who invented the Ferris Wheel for what? 9. Can turkeys fl y? 10. What function did President James Buchanan’s orphaned niece – the fi rst White House female who was called “First Lady” – perform? 11. In the 1960’s who recorded the song “Leaves That Are Green”? 12. On Nov. 23, 1936, what revamped magazine was launched with an emphasis on photography? 13. What are haricots verts? 14. On Nov. 24, 1877, what novel by Anna Sewell that championed animal welfare was published? 15. What is the wellknown Aleut word for a pullover or jacket? 16. On Nov. 25, 1952, in London, what Agatha Christie play opened that became history’s longest continuously running play? 17. What state produces the most Vidalia onions? 18. Mayfl ower pilgrim Edward Winslow in a 1621 letter described a November feast and stated that they entertained about 90 men, including what “King”? 19. What is Massachusetts’s offi cial dessert? 20. In the 1800s to the 1900s, anadama bread was known to be popular in what Massachusetts county? ANSWERS 1. Beethoven 2. Charles Dickens 3. No 4. Anesthesia 5. They are names of turkeys that have received a presidential pardon. 6. Because the Pilgrims sheltered in Leiden before they went to the New World. 7. Japan 8. The 1893 World’s Columbian Exhibition in Chicago 9. Wild turkeys can fl y short distances; domesticated turkeys cannot fl y. 10. Buchanan was a bachelor and she acted as his hostess. 11. Simon & Garfunkel 12. Life Magazine 13. Green beans (in French) 14. “Black Beauty” 15. Parka 16. “The Mousetrap” (its run ended in March 2020 due to COVID) 17. Georgia 18. Massasoit 19. Boston cream pie 20. Essex

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