THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 18, 2022 Page 9 Wreaths Across America Announces 2022 Escort to Arlington Chevrolet to lead the country’s longest veterans’ parade with wrapped vehicles transporting Gold and blue Star Families, Veterans, and American patriots! COLUMBIA FALLS, ME – Nov. 14, 2022 – What has become known as the country’s longest veterans’ parade – Wreaths Across America’s annual “Escort to Arlington” – kicks off on Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022. The official route, which can be viewed here, will travel down the East Coast stopping at schools, memorials, and other locations along the way to spread the year-long mission to REMEMBER the fallen, HONOR those that serve and their families, and TEACH the next generation the value of freedom. Stops with public events will be held in Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington D.C., before arriving at Arlington National Cemetery on the morning of Saturday, Dec. 17 – National Wreaths Across America Day. “For me the Escort to Arlington is the culmination of another year of sharing the mission to Remember, Honor and Teach across this country. I say it every year, but it is truly an experience of a lifetime,” said Karen Worcester, Executive Director, WAA. “The way the mission and these families and veterans are welcomed into communities, with flags waving and streets lined with children and grateful Americans, is something we always wished every person could witness. This year we’re hoping that supporters will once again join us in safely lining the roadways and welcoming the escort into their communities.” For the 8th year in a row Chevrolet, has generously provided the Wreaths Across America wrapped escort vehicles, transporting participating Gold Star families and veterans. In addition, Chevrolet has also donated 4,000 veterans’ wreaths for placement at Arlington National Cemetery to help honor our nation’s veterans. “Chevrolet and its dealers are proud to support the work of Wreaths Across America once again and share the mission to Remember, Honor and Teach. This annual tradition has become a cornerstone event for Chevrolet and its dealers here in the Northeast Region,” said Dan Adamcheck, Regional Director of Sales, Service and Marketing for Chevrolet. “To be able to give back to our communities, and the men and women who have given so much to our country is truly an honor for Chevrolet and its employees.” Participants for this year’s Escort to Arlington will include Gold Star Families – including the National President of American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., Sarah Whitehouse Taylor – Blue Star Families, volunteers, and veterans representing many eras and local Veteran Service Organizations such as the VFW, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, VFW Auxiliary, and the American Legion Auxiliary, and more. Members of the Patriot Guard Riders and Patriot Riders, and law enforcement from departments across Maine and other states along the route will provide escort to ensure safe transport for all participants throughout the week. The Escort to Arlington has grown to consist of twelve tractor-trailers representing Schneider National, Gully Transportation, Witte Bros. Exchange, Inc., Hartt Transportation Systems, Inc., Delhaize Transportation LLC (DBA Hannaford Supermarkets), American Trucking Associations – Workforce Heroes, Pottle’s Transportation, Cargo Transporters, Inc., Boyd Grain Inc., Hampton Roads Moving & Storage, Prime Inc., and Tyson Foods, Inc. These dedicated organizations and their professional drivers will haul a portion of the sponsored veterans’ wreaths heading to Arlington National Cemetery for placement on Saturday, Dec. 17. Additionally, Load One Carriers will once again serve as the ceremonial wreath transporter for the Escort. What began 30+ years ago as a pilgrimage by a Maine wreath maker in a single truck to deliver 5,000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery as a gesture of thanks has become a yearlong mission to Remember, Honor, Teach. National Wreaths Across America Day ceremonies are happening at more than 3,500 participating locations across the country on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2022. These events are free and open to all people. To find a participating location near you to support and/ or volunteer to place wreaths, click here. In total, nearly 257,000 sponsored wreaths are needed to reach the goal of placing a wreath on every eligible marker at Arlington National Cemetery. To sponsor a $15 veteran’s wreath for placement this year, please visit www.wreathsacrossamerica. org/ARLING*. You can learn more here: https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/pages/19520/ News/862/?relatedId=0 Revere, let us weatherize your home and wrap it in layers of savings. As part of National Grid’s Community First partnership, Revere homeowners, renters and landlords are eligible to get up to 100% off approved insulation and no-cost air sealing. 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