Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2022 VIOLATING | FROM Page 5 to us will pay almost entirely for all our printing and distribution costs for the 7 weeks.” He then describes putting together “atomic bombs” about the mayor to be published every week beginning in August leading up to the Sept. 15 edition with an insert, writing a 3,000-5,000 word “Looking at Carlo DeMaria” written in “Resnek style.” “It will be a tell all,” writes Resnek. “One big blast seven days before the primary. He can’t and won’t answer it.” But the most disturbing evidence to appear during the deposition was an email thread between Resnek and his sculptor pal, Douglas Abdell. Resnek – who admitted to writing libelous stories in his Blue Suit columns falsely accusing the mayor of sexual assault – takes pleasure in describing his relationship with women harking back to Chelsea in 1980 in appalling detail. In an email dated Sat., April 17, 2021, Resnek replies to Abdell: “As to the story about that hot woman in Florence...and what might have been, l take you to 1980 Chelsea, where Arnie (Jarmak) and I are trying to f#@k every woman in the city as our ambition. This was when we owned the bar, the Beacon Cafe and turned it into the hottest spot in the decadent city. Arnie met a woman who repaired typewriters who he invited to the Chelsea Record to keep our typewriters in shape. Her name was Carol (last name redacted). In quick succession we both f#@ ked her. Arnie f@#ked her in his apartment on the lower end of Broadway. When she was finished she came down stairs and she f@#ked me. It was wonderful. She f@#ked like an animal. The moment she was penetrated she grunted and threw her head back. Then she’d rock back and forth on the bed until she erupted - and then she’d collapse into a shambles of a woman satiated for that moment. She’d put her clothes back on and that was it. This went on for quite some time. During this time, Arnie and I began f#@king her sister, Elaine, who stayed with friends in Winthrop in an oceanfront home. There were days when Amie and I f@#ked both of them and then partied at night, f@#king other women, and then we both had girlfriends. For a long while, we were f@#king three to four women a day - not every day, mind you - but a lot. My high point was four in one day, my girlfriend, the two sisters and a friend of the sisters who came in from Albany. Anyway...Carol the typewriter girl came up pregnant. She informed Amie and I of this. Of course we kept f@#king her almost daily until she had to do something as she didn’t want her boyfriend who she was living with to fi nd out. We all decided - Carol, Arnie and l to pay one third each, which is to say, Amie and I paid for 2/3 of her abortion. OK. I’ll leave you with that for now. The things Arnie and I did with women would all be considered sex crimes today or at the very least civil rights violations. We never ever f@#ked SERVICES | SEE Page 8 HIGHER RATES ARE HERE! 4.00% APY* 2-Year Certificate DON’T LET THEM PASS YOU BY! Only $500 Minimum IRA Certificates, Too! Visit us in Everett at 183 Main Street or stop by any branch. means helping ensure your fellow neighbor and community is living in a city that keeps them safe, healthy, and secure while they go about their daily lives. MENDES: To me public service is doing my absolute best to help solve any issues that arise or help answer any question for any constituent/contractor or agency that comes to this department may have. It is treating everyone that walks through this offi ce with respect, dignity, and the way you would like to be treated. What does the City of Revere mean to you? MENDES: The City of Revere massbaycu.org *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective 11/1/2022. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. is my home, I have been living here since I was a child, I have children in the Revere Public School System. I love and feel extremely honored to be part of this community. There is something special about working and serving the community you grew up in. REDDING: The City of Revere means the world to me still to this day. It is a city like no other as it gave me a place to grow and become who I am today. I was born and raised in Revere, graduated from Revere High School, and was married at St. Anthony’s Church. I raised my two successful sons who also graduated from Revere High School. My oldest graduata woman who didn’t want to copulate. EVER. Who’d believe us!” But Resnek’s morals couldn’t sink any lower when he attempted and failed to pass along a manuscript about the Wynn Casino land deal, writing fi ctitiously about the mayor and his wife. Resnek also met with billionaire developer Joseph O’Donnell, claiming to take meetings with the former Everett resident in an attempt to help him with his lawsuit he fi led on behalf of Suffolk Downs against Steve Wynn and the Mass. Gaming Commission over the awarding of the Class A license to Wynn Resorts. O’Donnell was part of the group backing Mohegan Sun at Suffolk Downs, which claimed irregularities over the sale of the Everett land to Wynn. Resnek, in a May 4, 2019 email to Pergament about his relationship with O’Donnell, states, “I owe him my life – and I do some work for him.” He states in the email that O’Donnell is his “billionaire buddy from Everett” who got his kid into Harvard and is helping him and a friend get their book sold. Resnek must have been a big help as the Gaming Commission sided with Wynn. Next week: Resnek twists in the wind. ed college and moved on to become an Engineer, and my youngest – also a college graduate – recently joined the City of Revere as a Police Offi cer. To say I am proud of the city where I live and work is an understatement! Revere is not just where I grew up or raised my sons, this community has become an extension of my family. What about our city makes you proud? ARGENZIO: I am proud to see our city grow, develop, and become a diverse community of individuals that makes our community culture so vibrant. What is your favorite aspect of working here? SANDOVAL: My favorite aspect of my job is the opportunity to work alongside my colleagues. They are always super motivated and inspire me daily. As well as having the opportunity of interacting with many residents of Revere it keeps things interesting, and I am always fi nding something new about our residents as well as the city. What is a typical day like for you all in the Inspectional Services Department? ARGENZIO: My typical day is extremely fast paced, processing many noncompliant issues that run through the department including enforcement actions such as ticketing, permitting, licenses, and processing of resident concerns.

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