THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2022 Page 15 FISH | FROM Page 4 years to an estimate of as many as 780,000 fi sh in 2019. This is a huge success story: the single simple fish ladder at Mystic Lakes doubled — and even tripled — a significant wildlife population. For a sense of scale: 500,000 of these foot-long fi sh end-to-end would stretch 100 miles! NEXT STOP: HORN POND Volunteer fi sh counters also monitored fish entering the next big lake upstream in the Mystic River watershed: Horn Pond in Woburn. Currently the Scalley Dam at Horn Pond mainly blocks fi sh passage into the lake, although a small percentage of fi sh who arrive make it up a small cascading stream that goes around the dam when water levels are high enough. The estimated number of fi sh able to enter Horn Pond this year, based on volunteer counts, was approximately 20,000. Many more fi sh were seen at the base of the dam, most of which presumably turned back downstream. The good news is that money from two federal environmental damages settlements — including from famous Superfund cases in Woburn — will bring millions of dollars of investment in building a fi sh ladder at Horn Pond. The City of Woburn is also investing in this project, expected to be completed in the next few years. Fisheries scientists believe this will expand the population of river herring in the Mystic system even further. Horn Pond will also likely be a place where the general public will be able to view this migration directly. "Woburn has proposed expansive improvements to the park area to integrate the ladder and viewing opportunities for the public,” says DMF’s Ben Gahagan. “I think all parties see public engagement as integral to long term success." GET INVOLVED W ill the Mystic herring run reach a million fi sh? Will the Mystic continue to lead the state in herring populations? Stay tuned for more data from a remarkable urban wildlife migration. In the meantime, keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities to participate in our in-person and video counting programs. Registration to be a herring monitor for the 2023 season will open in February/March. And fi nally, this can never be said enough: all the data we have about the river herring population on the Mystic River we have because of volunteer community scientists. This is public knowledge generated by residents of the watershed. Thank you, all. SHORT TERM LADDERED U.S. TREASURIES 1. On Nov. 11, 1953, in CamW ith the Federal Reserve increasing the overnight federal funds rate once again by.75%, interest rates on US Treasuries have not been this good in many years. The interest rate on the 90 day US Treasury Bill as of Friday, November 5th, was 4.06%. Interest rates will continue to rise into the new year until the Feds are convinced that infl ation is under control and reflects consistent downward trends. At some point the Feds will begin lowering the federal funds rate and the rates on US Treasuries will fall. Once approach to investing in such Treasuries is by utilizing a laddered short-term Treasury Bill portfolio. For example, if you invested $50,000 in such a portfolio, you could have fi ve different maturing Treasury Bills, each with $10,000. There would be a 3 month Treasury Bill, a 6 month Treasury Bill, a 9 month Treasury Bill, a 12 month Treasury Bill and a 15 month Treasury Bill. As the 3 month Treasury Bill matures, interest is added to the $10,000 and that amount is then invested in a 15 month Treasury Bill. The original 15 month Treasury Bill now has only 12 months to mature, the 12 month Treasury bill now has only 9 months to mature, the 9 month Treasury Bill now has only 6 months to mature and the 6 month Treasury Bill now has only 3 months to mature. The process repeats itself. The laddered short-term Treasury bill portfolio offers very good liquidity and of course, tremendous safety. The Treasuries are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. As long as you hold on to each bond until maturity, you will not lose any money, even if interest rates continue to rise. There is an inverse relationship between interest rates and an existing bond price. When interest rates rise, the price of that bond will decrease. When interest rates fall, the price of that bond will increase. The benefi t of the short-term duration laddered Treasury portfolio is that every three months you are investing in a new Treasury. If interest rates rise, the new Treasury will refl ect the higher rate. Also, they are state income tax free. If you needed to access monies, you could decide not to roll over a 3 month Treasury Bill into a 15 month Treasury Bill upon maturity. You could simply cash in the 3 month Treasury Bill with the interest earnings added to the original bond purchase. This strategy could be on option for those that wish to invest safely while earning rates of returns that we have not seen in many years. This strategy could also complement a typical stock and bond portfolio designed for long-term results. Hard to believe that only one year ago the interest rate paid on a 3 month Treasury Bill was only.05%. Joseph D. Cataldo is an Estate Planning/Elder Law Attorney, Certifi ed Public Accountant, Certifi ed Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a Master’s Degree in Taxation. SCAMS | FROM Page 11 • Be wary of big money for small jobs. If an employer is promising outrageously good wages for what seems like simple tasks, such as reshipping packages, stuffing envelopes or answering phones, this is a red fl ag. These toogood-to-be-true offers are an attempt to steal your personal information from a fake job application and can cause problems for you for a long time. • Never work for a company before they hire you. A legitimate company will not ask potential applicants to complete complex projects before making an offi cial off er. Before beginning any work, request an off er letter or written confi rmation of what the job entails, including an offi - cial start date and compensation details. For more information Read more about employment scams and how to avoid them at https://www.bbb.org/ article/tips/12261-bbb-tip-employment-scams. For Advertising with Results, or Info@advocatenews.net call The Advocat call The Advocate Newspapers Newspapers at 781-286-8500 bridge, Mass., what virus was first identified and photographed? 2. In what locale is the animated series “Darkwing Duck” set: Duckburg, Cape Suzette or St. Canard? 3. On November 12 in what year did “Pudge” Heff elfi nger became the fi rst pro football player: 1892, 1915 or 1926? 4. According to Guinness World Records, in October 2022 a team of eight created the largest sushi roll ever (over seven feet) – in what New England city? 5. How are “The Republic,” “Lost Horizon” and “Walden Two” similar? 6. November 13 is World Kindness Day; in 1998 the day was created by a coalition of NGOs, which stands for what? 7. How are the Galloping Gobbler, Pudding Pie and Turkey Leg similar? 8. What author’s estate has registered “Queen of Crime” as a trademark? 9. On Nov. 14, 1732, the Library Company of Philadelphia signed off on hiring its first librarian; where did it get books? Answers 10. What is the stage name of singer/dancer Ernest Evans? 11. Which monarch ruled for the longest: King Louis XIV, Queen Elizabeth II or Tutankhamun? 12. The CBS eye symbol was inspired by what that its designer saw while driving in Pennsylvania Dutch country? 13. On Nov. 15, 1904, King Camp Gillette received a patent for his safety razor; thereafter, where did his company manufacture them? 14. Guinness World Records has spotlighted people paddling what unusual orange craft? 15. What comic strip’s original title was “Plain Clothes Tracy”? 16. On Nov. 16, David Livingstone (of “Doctor Livingstone, I presume?” fame) became the fi rst non-African to see what waterfall on the Zambezi River? 17. What does the Latin word “novem” mean? 18. What state has the nickname “Spud State”? 19. What is the November fl ower? 20. On Nov. 17, 1928, what sports venue opened in Boston near public transport? 1. Polio 2. St. Canard 3. 1892 4. Boston 5. They are fi ctional utopias (written by Plato, James Hilton and B. F. Skinner, respectively) 6. Non-Governmental Organizations 7. They are names of awards given by broadcasters to Thanksgiving Day football game players. 8. Agatha Christie’s 9. England 10. Chubby Checker 11. King Louis XIV 12. Hex symbols on barns 13. South Boston 14. Giant pumpkins 15. “Dick Tracy” 16. Victoria Falls (also called Mosioa-Tunya, meaning “Smoke that Thunders”) 17. Nine 18. Idaho 19. Chrysanthemum 20. The Boston Garden

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