Have a Safe & Happy Veteran’s Day! Vol. 31, No.45 -FREEwww.advocatenews.net Mayor proposes MassDOT Route 1A Corridor resolution Revere City Council approves resolution to establish a truck/haul road and green space running parallel to Route 1A A t the Revere City Council meeting on October 24, Mayor Brian Arrigo introduced a resolution to repurpose surplus Commonwealth property that runs parallel to Route 1A. The Commonwealth, through its Department of Transportation (MassDOT), owns vacant property located along 1A that could be used to reduce pollution and traffi c, improve public safety and mitigate community impacts given the Revere’s proximity to Logan International Airport. The resolution calls on the Governor and the Secretary of Transportation of the Commonwealth to request the following: that the vacant land be repurposed, that a haul road extension from the current end of the Coughlin Bypass be constructed to the vicinity of Bell Circle, that a pedestrian walkway and bike path along the waterfront to be created to allow the public to have increased access to the Chelsea Creek waterfront and that barriers and sea walls be constructed to protect Revere against rising sea levels. “I am confi dent that this project will improve the quality of life for the residents of Revere and for those passing through,” said Mayor Arrigo. “The airport being so close to Revere means that our residents are disproFree Every Friday 781-286-8500 Friday, November 11, 2022 Revere votes Healey for Governor, ‘yes’ on 3 of 4 ballot questions By Victoria DeVita T his year the city of Revere saw over 11,143 of the 30,564 registered voters cast their votes in the statewide election on Tuesday. The City of Revere has posted the unoffi cial election results on its website, which do not include any mail-in ballots. According to the unoffi cial results, Maura Healey and Kim Driscoll have won the vote for governor and lieutenant governor, respectively, with an unoffi cial tally of 6,564, approximately 59% of the votes cast, to Republican candidate Jeff rey Diehl’s 4,216 votes. Healey will become the fi rst elected female governor of Massachusetts and the fi rst openly lesbian governor. Andrea Campbell won the Revere vote for BRIAN ARRIGO Mayor portionately impacted by traffi c, noise, and congestion. Having a haul road will reduce the ROAD | SEE Page 10 Attorney General over opponent James McMahon with 57% of the votes, 6,392 to 4,244. Longtime Secretary of State William Galvin will continue his role with 6,821 votes to Republican challenger Rayla Campbell’s 3,434 votes. Deborah Goldberg earned 62% of the vote for State Treasurer, 6,923, to Libertarian candidate Cristina Crawford’s 2,331 votes. In the State Auditor’s race, Diana DiZoglio received 48% of the vote in Revere, 5,361, to Republican Anthony Amore’s 4,229 votes. U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark won with 58%, earning 6,486 votes over Republican Caroline Colarusso’s 4,119 votes. Ty Smith voted for all women candidates, because, she said, women can make history. Smith was right as the voters elected the fi rst woman governor, Maura Healey on Tuesday. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) VOTES | SEE Page 16 Ambrose Park rededicated to Revere veteran Frank Erricolo PARK | SEE Page 16 $5.39 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 Mayor Brian Arrigo and State Representatives Jessica Giannino and Jeff Turco cut the ribbon together during Monday’s ribbon-cutting ceremony at Erricolo “Ambrose” Park along Ambrose Street.

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