Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE ā€“ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Memorial pole dedicated to World War II POW A By Tara Vocino memorial pole was dedicated in memory of World War II POW Cpl. John (Jack) Griffi n at the corner of Essex and Mountain Avenues on Saturday, October 23. A sign was dedicated in memory of World War II POW Cpl. John Griffi n at the corner of Essex and Mountain Avenues. Shown, from left to right, are brother-in-law John Martinello, event organizer/Veterans Service Offi cer Marc Silvestri, grandson Michael, son-in-law Tony DiMarco, Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito, daughter Donna, Ward 3 Councillor candidate Al Terminiello, Mayor Brian Arrigo, City Council Vice President/Councillor-at-Large Gerry Visconti, City Council President/Councillor-at-Large Anthony Zambuto and State Representative Jessica Giannino. The Griffi n Family: Shown from left to right are Andrea and Autumn, great-granddaughter Nery Orne, greatgranddaughter Mila DeMarco, grandson Michael, son-in-law Tony, daughter Donna, brother-in-law John Martinello, granddaughter Meghan Orne and Nathaniel Neary-Orne. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Jack Griffi nā€™s grandson Michael said he taught everyone strength and patience. Halloween rainbow over Revere Beach Gene Dorgan of Revere Beach Boulevard captured this brilliant rainbow arching over Revere Beach during the late afternoon of October 31. (Photo Courtesy of Gene Dorgan)

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