Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2023 ~ OP-ED ~ Spoiler Alert: Local Elections and Your Voice Matter I t's no secret that voter turnout is a critical part of any democracy, and Revere is no exception. It is concerning to see that the voter turnout in local elections remains consistently low, especially compared to presidential elections. The statistics speak for themselves - nearly 70% of voters turn out during a presidential election. In comparison, only 20% of voters turned out in 2021 for the council race and 40% 2019 for the last mayoral election. However, these are not just numbers to be brushed aside. Municipal elections have a signifi cant impact on our daily lives, and local offi cials have a direct infl uence on issues such as education, public safety, and infrastructure. By participating in the November 7th election, you can help shape Revere’s future and drive initiatives that matter to you. I urge all Revere residents to make their voices heard by visiting City Hall during early voting or casting their ballot on Election Day on November 7th. It has been an honor and privilege serving as your City Councillor for the last two years, and I ask for one of your fi ve votes to continue my service to our city. The upcoming 2024-2026 term is critical as we face important decisions regarding the new high school and the future of Wonderland. I am committed to being a champion for our residents while also protecting your tax dollars and delivering highquality city services. In conclusion, your vote can make a real difference in our city's future. Thank you for your confi dence in me, and I encourage you to exercise your right to vote on November 7th. Sincerely, Marc Silvestri Councillor At-Large Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper ~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ Greater Boston Labor Council Endorses Rhalimi for Council At-Large I n mid-July, the Greater Boston Labor Council (GBLC) endorsed Alexander Rhalimi for Revere City Council at-Large. GBLC is a regional labor organization representing the interests of workers in the Greater Boston area, particularly in the labor unions and the broader labor movement. Labor councils like the GBLC often serve as umbrella organizations that bring together various labor unions and worker’s advocacy groups to coordinate eff orts and initiatives aimed at protecting worker’s rights, promoting fair labor practices, and advocating for labor-related policies. “I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Greater Boston Labor Council for the invaluable endorsement of my candidacy for Revere Council at-Large. This endorsement is not only a vote of confi dence in our shared goals and vision for workers’ rights and social justice but also a testament to the strength and unity of the labor movement in Revere. I am deeply honored to have the backing of an organization as respected and infl uential as the GBLC,” Rhalimi said. Rhalimi holds a Master degree of Criminal Justice from Boston University. His educational background would be indispensable when interpreting and crafting local ordinances, policies, and regulations as a member of the Revere city council. His knowledge can inform discussions and decisions related to public safety initiatives, law enforcement practices, and community policing. Currently the principal of Alliance Financial Group, Rhalimi’s experience in fi nancial services provides him with a solid foundation in fiscal management and economic matters, valuable assets when it comes to the role of Councillor at-Large. Throughout his life, Rhalimi has actively engaged with the Revere community. He has volunteered with local and national non-profi t organizations and has cultivated a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to residents. “I am pleased to inform you that the Greater Boston Labor Council has endorsed your candidacy for Revere City Council atLarge, thank you for engaging in our endorsement process and for pledging to fi ght together for our communities,” said Darlene Lombos, Executive Secretary-Treasurer. Rhalimi is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community. His campaign platform is centered around key policies that address the diverse needs of Revere’s residents. Rhalimi is committed to enhancing community engagement and transparency, ensuring public safety through community policing, and promoting sustainable economic development to create job opportunities. He is a strong advocate for aff ordable housing solutions and equitable housing policies to provide stable and aff ordable living options for our seniors and GBLC | SEE Page 15
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