THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2023 Page 7 School Committee member John Kingston holds sign standout with supporters Revere High School history teacher Michael DiMarino said he is happy to be out here supporting a candidate that has students’ interests at heart. By Tara Vocino S chool Committee member John Kingston, who is up for reelection, held his fi rst offi cial sign holding along Broadway on Wednesday night. Revere High School graduate Mark Stuart said the School Committee is lucky to have Kingston, who is also an RHS grad. Supporter Heather Roberts waved to drivers. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Supporters held signs outside Companions Restaurant. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) School Committee member John Kingston waved to his supporters along Broadway on Wednesday. Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. Shown from left to right: School Committee member up for reelection John Kingston, with supporters Connor Tiernan, Taryn Roberts, Maddie Roberts and Beachmont STEM teacher Heather Roberts said Kingston consistently supports the schools and students of Revere, adding that he truly cares about education. Shown from left to right: daughter-in-law Haley Donahay, daughter/A.C. Whelan ESL teacher Jenn Kingston, brother/Revere High civics teacher Chris Kingston, friend Gene Giacobbe and son Jeff Kingston said Kingston is dedicated to the city and its students.

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