THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2023 Page 19       1. On Oct. 13, 1675, the Mass. Council ordered that all Christian Indians be removed to what island (now a peninsula in Boston) during King Philip’s War? 2. The creator of the Mars candy bar was inspired by what candy bar created by his father? 3. What is Africa’s largest lake? 4. On Oct. 14, 2002, 14 Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus elephants were walked across what local bridge to test it? 5. What song is based on the 1893 Kentucky schoolteachers’ song “Good Morning to All”? 6. In what decade was instant ramen created: 1920s, 1930s or 1950s? 7. On Oct. 15, 1972, who attended a World Series game including a 25th anniversary commemoration of his breaking the baseball “color line”? 8. According to Guinness World Records, in August 2023, a father-daughter pair traveled in France to create the world’s largest GPS drawing of a heart by what transport method? 9. What activity that starts with a B will be a new sport Answers at the 2024 Olympics in Paris? 10. On Oct. 16, 1847, what author (with the pseudonym Currer Bell and a real name that includes a double dot) published “Jane Eyre”? 11. What “king” bird breed at the Edinburgh Zoo was named Major General Sir Nils Olav III? 12. Exeter Cathedral in England has a 16th-century door hole thought to be for what? 13. On Oct. 17, 1979, what Roman Catholic female was awarded the Nobel Prize? 14. How are “The Sorcerer,” “The Mikado” and “The Yeomen of the Guard” similar? 15. Where is the UN’s international court of justice? 16. What is known as REM sleep? 17. On Oct. 18, 1926, what American who had hits with “Maybellene,” “Roll Over Beethoven” and “Johhny B. Goode” was born? 18. What does the “octo” in octothorpe (the name of the hashtag symbol [#]) refer to? 19. What 1968 Beatles album has the song “Birthday”? 20. On Oct. 19, 1987, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had its largest one-day percentage drop – what percent: 11, 23 or 30? Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 185 of the Acts of                                                              1. Amend Schedule IV of Title 10 of the revised City Ordinance of the City of Revere by adding Stop Signs as follows:                                                                                           25 mph to 20 mph. DOT would need to be contacted if approved.         3. Yeaman Street Look into swapping the Handicapped Spot outside of Revere City Hall on Broadway, with the spot located at the corner of Broadway and Pleasant Street which is currently Police Parking Only. This HP Spot should have an inlet and ramp allowing access onto the sidewalk e.g. Park Avenue spot outside of Harry Dello Russo Stadium. Going forward, change the process of installing HP signs from 1 sign to 2 (one at the beginning of the parking spot and one at the end so the vehicles park in between) signs with metal poles installed in the ground for each sign that is approved. 4. Amend Schedule XI of Title 10 Handicapped Person Parking by adding: 51 Endicott Avenue 512 Park Avenue 115 Hichborn Street                  adding the following:               side heading North along the Commercial Building.           DPCD will be implementing a road diet at the base of Page and Broadway to reduce the crossing width of the crosswalk from 96’ to 55’.                       space                space.                  space to be relocated to Broadway. This project is part of the Broadway Improvement Planning initiative that includes improvements to the public realm and pedestrian safety. The project will be funded       4. Amend Schedule IV of Title 10 – Isolated Stop Signs and RRO Section 10.16.080 – Stop Signs by:           2. Add a Stop Sign on Campbell Avenue Eastbound at Nahant Avenue             4. Add a Stop Sign on Campbell Court Northbound at Campbell Avenue           October 13, 2023 1. Deer Island 2. Milky Way 3. Victoria 4. Zakim Bridge 5. “Happy Birthday to You” 6. 1950s (1958) 7. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson 8. Bicycle (1,343 miles) 9. Breakdancing 10. Charlotte Brontë 11. King penguin 12. Cats 13. Mother Teresa 14. They are Gilbert & Sullivan operas 15. The Hague in the Netherlands 16. Rapid Eye Movement (more brain activity) 17. Chuck Berry 18. The eight points of the lines in the symbol. 19. “The Beatles” 20. 23

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